(66) He retreated into a world of fantasy. (698) At that time, more than retell articles, my mind side fantasy, side soliloquize situation thing is much. (658) Be careful not to fall in love with the fantasy you imagined instead of whats standing before you. "Let me tell you why I wished to buy a meerkat at Quin's Shanghai Circus." (172) Final Fantasy is a fantasy roleplaying video game. (691) It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy. (1) Purism was to be unsullied by ornament, To a greater or lesser extent, the manifestos of the major political parties have been exercises in, A lively rendering of The Nutcracker, a ballet, Along with a change in clientele, the food they once delivered now sounds like a junk food addicts, A Bread Factory also takes off in its second half, into the exotic territory of realistic satirical, For once, let's do that, and stop trying to give them some kind of, Combines a comically dismal social realism with a farcically bawdy, Thats one option. I was perfectly convinced that the curtain had been partially raised upon some fantasy in which Professor Deeping figured. (464) But I think my favorite genre is fantasy , with historical fiction at a close second. (1512) And what I like about it is it makes me happy and I think it makes a lot of people happy to go to the movies and to not think about the problems of the day or the problems of tomorrow or the yesterday and just go on for the ride and have the fun of losing oneself in a fantasy. (251) Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest. (1335) After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 3. (83) a healthy fantasy returns us to reality. "Despondent angel" is a great turn of phrase, which also happens to be the opposite of what you expect angels to be like. The Beekeeper and the Bees. (463) For her the book fair is just a free ticket to fantasy land - one they cannot ignore. (377) tell him what your fantasy is. (1443) He begins to learn about magic, and eventually discovers that the setting of his favorite series of fantasy novels, Fillory, is real, and that the magical world is darker and more problematic than he imagined. (740) For once, let's do that, and stop trying to give them some kind of fantasy that's never going to come true. Curiosity: engaged. (508) However, Blind Faith was short lived, leaving Clapton free to pursue his sideman fantasy. (511) 1It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (926) And I think if you think about life without play -- no humor, no flirtation, no movies, no games, no fantasy and, and, and. (1202) Learn the meaning of the Naturalize green card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free game video from our expert gamer and fantasy game authority. (334) This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype. (635) So, at best, the image is meant to float away into abstraction and multiple truths and fantasy. She'd been harboring this, I wanted the feel in these books to be like an epic, There are plenty of things in history that are best left in the shadows. (1107) The Sappho that Erica Jong offers up in her historical fantasy ' Sappho 's Leap' is as hooked on slaps and tickles as Cole Porter's archetypal male. (392) There's always room for a unicorn in my life.(i.e. (1371) When a reader like me enjoys reading fantasy books, the reason we read them is to get away from reality, escape our daily lives and enjoy books that are not written for pure entertainment. "The irreducible strangeness of the universe was first made manifest to Anthony Van Horne on his fiftieth birthday, when a despondent angel named Raphael, a being with luminous white wings and a halo that blinked on and off like a neon quoit, appeared and told him of the days to come." (795) They continue to argue for what no one else is prepared to offer and they are wholly isolated in a fantasy world. With that, we present to you this collection of wise and beautiful quotes from some of the greatest authors in the fantasy genre. A fantasy? This is the beginning and the end of spiritual practice. (1287) Why do I do anything?' (452) He began living out his rock n roll fantasy during his last year in law school. Just as I am improbable here, in Illinois, in a small town by a ' quiet lake. fantasies (plural noun) - the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable: - a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person dwells at length or repeatedly and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes: (742) Thats one option. (699) There is significant difference in solving problem, abreaction, fantasy and seeking help between grades. 'I'm educated enough to talk myself out of any plan. (1297) So fantasy was fine early on, and when I discovered science fiction, I was very happy with it, because my first interest in science fiction came with an interest in astronomy. (230) He lived in a fantasy world of his own, even as a small boy. (570) 1Jay would nod and reply, make coffee, light cigarettes and smile at her silk stocking fantasy. Christians ought not to be threatened by fantasy and imagination. (1028) 1Peking opera brings its audience endless aesthetic amusement with the aesthetic connotation of comprehensiveness, fantasy and stylization. I saw that what transpires in the mind is just as real as any flesh and blood occurrence. (88) Children often live in a world of fantasy. Peking opera brings its audience endless aesthetic amusement with the aesthetic connotation of comprehensiveness, However, before we start running away with some Gibson-esque dystopian nightmare, for the past week, you've made every kind of excuse not to touch me and now that the moment's come, you resort to some insane, Using the right hand to touch the string gently through the fingers,the trace of lubrication(MakeSentenceWith.com),with my flying, And then he proceeds to fill them with all kinds of fey things, and blends reality with. (683) It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy. (612) It is a glorious fantasy of silk brocade, velvet ribbons, chinchilla: lush, powerful, yet fragile. (1542) This is surely the most significant of the elements that Tolkien brought to fantasy. his arranged marriage between the Elder Edda and The Wind in the Willows--big Icelandic romance and small-scale, cozy English children's book. It always seemed to me they'd just been stuck on as an afterthought during my making. (1448) Since the 2008 release of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm Ltd. has immortalized Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala and their fantasy universe through the production of Star Wars Clone Wars toys. (1261) They either do not care about the debt or they are so deluded by wishful thinking and fantasy economics that they should not be running a gas station, let alone the country. This is more than one sentence, but it's too great not to include. Walkers fall head-over-heels for the Pyrenean vistas where huge vultures soar on the thermals, art fans love the futuristic, Learn the meaning of the Streambed Architects blue card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free card game video from our expert gamer and, Her escape from the doldrums of her life is the local bijou, where every week a new, Also, the genre has become so immured in an Anglo-American nostalgia for a European past that it's refreshing to find a non-Eurocentric example of an alternate-world, 1Basque Country. (1455) I dont mean that kids cant distinguish fantasy from reality the playground bully will clarify the matter gratis but fantasy offers a logic to which kids are receptive, and escapism for which kids are hungry. (1306) This 1950s, Father Knows Best soundstage fantasy doesnt stop with paternalistic and puritanical gender stereotypes, but also promotes simplistic notions about race and patriotism. (184) Are shrouded in dark magic and strange fantasy world. (1227) It is harrowing to accept a narrative of black survival as radical fantasy, though as Smith demonstrates, threats to black bodies on this earth are plentiful and real. (254) The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story. (1338) Her characters often find themselves at the end of systematic injustice, and her stories, a mix of cyberpunk, epic and urban fantasy, hard science fiction, and more, critique modern life. (1350) The air will soon be thick with those opining that it was always a fantasy to think that the White House could be won by a neophyte who came out of nowhere with the middle name of Hussein. Standard. There's something fantasy-like about an individual fighting the elements. (801) This strikes me as something more than optimism: a millenarian fantasy, perhaps, of Redemption after the Fall. A, 1Jay would nod and reply, make coffee, light cigarettes and smile at her silk stocking, 1That is why I am so dubious about all these, the san joaquin killer is a sad little person living in a, If you want to read a very badly written, unappealing, 2Jay would nod and reply, make coffee, light cigarettes and smile at her silk stocking, That is why I am so dubious about all these, Absorption is a personality trait associated with, Princess Ai is a great character because she feels like my alter ego , but in a, In fact, while they are labeled as such, they are not really, And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a, And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps, Mr. Murphy: Does not the so-called initiative for our valleys involve more, It is a nice touch, but the picture does not handle, In Tolkien 's mind, he wasn't just creating a, In Tolkien 's mind , he wasn't just creating a, In the absence of faith, our dreams will move from feasible aspirations to implausible, It's warm, sentimental , amusing yet serious, bringing, Im pretty worried that the critics are going to call you a male, Grand Theft Auto takes place in Liberty City, a, Chivalry, pure and passionless women, unearthly beauty: the high Southern, First and foremost, this is a good story for people who like to get lost in their, She was meant to be illustrating a new book for children, a, 1. The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed, The Rhysling Awards are a prize given each year for the best poem from science fiction. It only brings pain and detest with sole banality . (1393) The reason is that even in a fantasy there is nothing even remotely erotic about a toilet bowl. (879) His articles on mythology, folklore, fantasy , and science fiction have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals. (850) A highly sensitive child may immerse herself in the rich fantasy life of this phase, but then constantly scare herself. (347) A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy. (653) And this by the way, isn't some fantasy about how public life and public conversations could work. (382) At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy. (1312) As Sarkar says, the incitement to violence is suffused with anxiety about virility, and the treatment of women seems to enact a fantasy of sexual sadism far darker than mere revenge. (117) I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world. (308) The film is a nice fantasy romp but you have to keep an open mind. (671) A man's primary fantasy is access to a variety of attractive women without the fear of rejection. (412) Our life stories are at one and the same time reality, fallacy and fantasy (413) The idea that we can be exactly what the other desires is a powerful fantasy. (939) Moreover, her individual sense of fun and fantasy made her an enchanting companion, though a neurotic strain was also apparent. (503) She told herself sternly that she must shake off this tendency towards romantic fantasy. (1119) Most fantasy books fail at character development, but not this one for sure (aside from maybe Aredde and her relationship with the main character). (491) My writing may be classified as fantasy but this is the reality that lives in my head. (1101) Dragons, a game requiring several players who take on fantasy personas with various attributes that determine their success in assorted quests. (619) There is a rule for fantasy writers: The more truth you mix in with a lie, the stronger it gets. 0 The NCAA Tournament is not only the most popular college basketball event of the year, it is a great opportunity for online fantasy sports enthusiasts to expand their horizons. (748) You are my fantasy on a cold dark night, my muse during the light of day and the one wish my soul would make. (89) Many people dream about fantasy vacations. (846) Patients chosen for this group were all voracious readers and enjoyed reading either science fiction or fantasy novels. Rest is all thought - philosophy, fantasy or imagination. (510) You must always agree with your partner / lover that you are acting out a role or fantasy. (1124) To build a feel-good fantasy around a vain dictator-madman is off-putting , to say the least , not to mention inappropriate and wildly undeserved. Take the kids away, I don't know. (279) if makimurasan would visit you. (1322) Basque Country. It's a simpler time. Our records, if you have a dark sense of humor, were funny, but our records weren't about comedy. (1570) people in the city. Only in this moment can we discover that which is timeless. (1278) We do a hard fantasy as well as hard science fiction, and I think I probably single-handedly recreated military science fiction. (1158) If previous soul musicians reflected social unrest and the plight of the Afro-American, George Clinton's psychedelic glam-funk was in the realms of fantasy . ", "A tendril of the strange fragrance spiraled up from the great stone block. In the dark of the cinema, with the television in the corner of the room. The curiously odd phrasing is provocative as well as a bit poetic. (1117) The Hallmark Christmas fantasy, as seen on TV, follows a formula thats beyond socially problematic if you think about it too much, or truly at all. I can't believe I was ever among you. Nice use of alliteration, and the "moss man" sounds instantly fascinating. (667) In effect, the new rules will codify the Republican fantasy that tax cuts do not deepen the deficit. (1294) The Kyoto Protocol was derided by some in the United States as a fantasy, impractical to implement and unfair in that it did not enlist developing countries in this global effort. The thinkers do not look for power and strength from any of the dreams that constitute military art: tactics, strategies, fortifications, artillery and all that rubbish. And then there's the ominous, sparky "for all the good it did me." (552) Science fiction is an interesting genre that melds real-life science with fantasy elements. (1492) Foam Frenzy (a three-level unit featuring thousands of foam balls and an interactive environment in which to use them), Lazer Runner's laser tag, XD theater (with 3-D and motion simulation) and the MagiQuest fantasy game will occupy kids for hours. (1070) Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy. In this show of works from 2001, he could be seen moving in a few different directions, but one major tendency dominated: These projects share a desire to show African-American men with their emotional walls down, yearning or bruised, at risk from systems that see their bodies only as fuel or as, When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish. We make promises without thinking about the consequences. (1170) Jackie Cassada in The Library Journal said Marillier blends old legends with original storytelling to produce an epic fantasy that belongs in most libraries. (322) She would be satisfied with her fantasy man, Miguel the guitar player. (360) Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence. Okay, so this is two sentences. (829) It occurred to me that other sci-fi and fantasy movies also require terse synopses for the channel-surfing community. (512) 2It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (1318) In this show of works from 2001, he could be seen moving in a few different directions, but one major tendency dominated: fantasy now supersedes any interest in architectural reality. Without action, they have no consequence, so why are some considered nightmares, and others, But then there's the flip side of the countercultural dream: the individualistic, The air will soon be thick with those opining that it was always a, Artificial Intelligence leaves no doubt that it wants its audiences to enter a realm of pure, Inspired by his two-year relationship with salacious model Amber Rose, the song blurs the line between, He differs from them, moreover, in his passionate portrayal of dilemmas, choices, challenges and threats that occur in the cold light of everyday reality rather than the realms of. fantasy). (673) Grand Theft Auto takes place in Liberty City, a fantasy world of criminals, prostitutes and guns. (1000) But because we, and our leaders, retreated into a Manichean fantasy, we understood the new complexities of the real world even less. This isn't a paranormal fantasy or whatever the hell it is you read. (1347) A senior commission official accuses MEPs of living in a federalist fantasy, in which they are the parliament of a unitary state that is the equal of the 27 national governments of the EU. Everything else that happens there is a fantasy that goes on in the mind. Why are there married people who are lonely with an emptiness that marriage can't fill? (802) Like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit. (1431) Is there magic in this world? Lewis. (1558) Action is the only truth. (1279) 1. (1516) Maybe love was a myth anyhow, a brew of hormones and fantasy, evolution's way of getting men and women together long enough for them to procreate,back in the day when girls got pregnant at twelve, were pregnant or nursing for the next twenty years, and were dead of the plague by forty. Why are there married people who are lonely with an emptiness that marriage can't fill? (1426) Denial, displacement, intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression and sublimation were the defense mechanisms Freud identified. (1232) There have been many different artists that have been inspirational. (229) Enough of fantasy,[/awaited] the workaday world awaited him. (150) It is not merely about fantasy, but vicariousness. They know the way to put victory into an algebraic formula. (1332) Create or arouse such unbridled forces and you built carnal fantasies of enormous complexity. (1396) The film flip-flops between the real world and a fantasy dream world, in which the evil king pursues the girl he loves and her lover, a chimney sweep, only to be thwarted at every turn by lOiseau. I think they also need escape and adventure and fantasy. Accurate knowledge does not improve peoples lives. (687) Planned events include a fantasy role-playing war games day, an Easter egg hunt and motorcycle display. (1195) There's something terribly weird about the standard fantasy setting--not least of which the fact the phrase standard fantasy setting can be uttered without irony. It was great. . (782) World of Warcraft allows players to dive into a vast fantasy realm populated with players from around the world. (1461) This isn't a book. (606) 1. (1143) Created and played by playwright Kitty Burns, Mina guides visitors on a two-hour nighttime adventure that combines Nob Hill history with vampire fantasy. (915) Jonnie laughed, enjoying the possibility, yet denying herself the wish to melt into fantasy in a world where fantasies abound. (1234) There are times when you wish that the movie had worked a little harder to conceal its contrivances , but Brown Sugar turns out to be a sweet and enjoyable fantasy. (803) Affable if not timeless , Like Mike raises some worthwhile themes while delivering a wholesome fantasy for kids. (455) There will be more work to do, not less. (1005) This historical fantasy follows the journey of a hunchback and a pilgrim through medieval France and Italy to collect mystical treasures. Just don't. you asked, seizing an idea. (378) To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park! (1453) This fantasy of invulnerability was so complete that I even deceived myself, and as the first semester ended and the second began, there was no way that anyone could have predicted what was just about to happen. And then in a move that was becoming her 'thing', Alesha leaned back and pulled her sweater over her head and gave Reece a sexy smile. (1244) In fantasy football talk, standard deviation measures the discrepancies between what your players projected points are and what he actually puts on the board each week. (1539) All of Koons's best art - the encased vacuum cleaners, the stainless-steel Rabbit (the late-twentieth century's signature work of Simulationist sculpture), the amazing gleaming Balloon Dog, and the cast-iron re-creation of a Civil War mortar exhibited last month at the Armory - has simultaneously flaunted extreme realism, idealism, and fantasy. (1108) The Hallmark Christmas fantasy, as seen on TV, follows a formula thats beyond socially problematic if you think about it too much, or truly at all. (389) Undoubtedly, children be most likely be absorbed in study not in fantasy. One-seeking intelligence is the image of faith. The thought is about Director, Fantasy And Reality, Meet, Photographer, Reality and fantasy How disappointing when the fantasy is better than the reality. Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie. Especially in these days of online book excerpts and Amazon.com previews, the opening sentences of a book can cast a spell or cast readers out of the book, forever. (314) Read read, as if I am Gulliver together into a fantasy world of that. Dorothy seeks to return home while exploring a, He has composed for a variety of genres but science fiction, horror and. (1546) To be born means being compelled to choose an era, a place, a life. (177) She finds it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Fantasy Sentence Examples. (1273) If Bertie was a god (a favourite fantasy), she would be manufacturing things there was a shortage of - bees, tigers, dormice - not flip-flops and phone covers and toothpaste. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? (328) But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy. (847) The sports talk station gives you a succession of men whose absorption in a fantasy world is, to me, borderline insane. Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth. (593) Kids will love its fantasy and adventure , and grownups should appreciate its whimsical humor. (1285) Ridiculousness and grotesque makes people happy and confident with its beauty and fantasy. (812) And has the fantasy, the photism, the phonism, the aphasia, to lose recognizes, then becomes the senile dementia. (996) This fantasy allows us to pretend that where we are does not matter, and that what we do daily is a minor narrative that does not count. (85) She dismissed the idea as a wild fantasy. (958) You can wander through the fantasy worlds at your leisure, but you must examine your surroundings minutely and take copious notes. (543) 1. (376) All these fairytales came together - like a combination of fantasy and fear. (1548) In that breathless second I almost asked her. Reality does not necessarily extinguish fantasy. (454) In our fantasy life we court paranoia, lapping up 8 crime thrillers and spy novels. (920) A Song of Ice and Fire is an awardwinning series of fantasy books that were written by an American author George R R Martin. What could I ask her? (1510) I did an album a long time ago called 'Replicas,' which was entirely science-fiction driven, or science-fantasy. (712) I hate guns, replied the Doctor. (594) In Tolkien 's mind , he wasn't just creating a fantasy world, but ancient mythology for England. (1035) From hard-edge science fiction to high-flown fantasy , comic books to film noir, high culture to sub-culture we sink our teeth into it all! (381) But if you're into fantasy with some human elements, then here we have it. (882) So thats what I was trying to do tonight, was to create this fantasy of idyllic shopping, of a dream world of shopping. And you live in your dream America that youve custom-made from art and schmaltz and emotions just as much as you live in your real one. (672) She was meant to be illustrating a new book for children, a fantasy story by a well-known author. (173) He brought the surreal fantasy to the screen in 1972. (549) It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn't an erotic experience at all. (484) Flirting expands our fantasy life and, I would argue, makes our actual romances better. (466) I also applaud his efforts at realism for someone who's writing is based on fantasy. (1138) Amir Arsalan was also a popular mythical Persian story, which has influenced some modern works of fantasy fiction, such as The Heroic Legend of Arslan. There must have been pages upon pages of typewriter paper filled with romance, horror, The club will have a band playing your favourite tunes, mouth-watering food, and, When Laurel emerged from the bathroom, gargling with mouthwash, I didn't share that, Radically unfit to raise her daughter, or even cross the street, Yuen comes unhinged and retreats into a, And rightly have they named the experience Xanadu, the mythical land where the wildest, The ability to smack talk is a critical skill to being a successful, The movie tells the story of the drug wars, contrasting the realities of the violence with the pop culture, The speed and flexibility which strategy software offers can also take the user into an unreal world where reality merges into, He is also a difficult writer to define, ranging from, They show how unsophisticatedly children of this age understand history, how, Defined always by the nearness of Mexico to its borders, the town of Roswell participates in this fear and, Its range is wide indeed, from operatic aria to rock, Marc is infatuated by Uva who, when she reappears finally, no longer matches the. (1367) Kuangs debut novel The Poppy War is the promising opening salvo for an upcoming military fantasy trilogy inspired in part by the atrocities that occurred during the Second Sino-Japanese War. (1033) I wrote mainly magical realism and fantasy inspired by my love of Igbo and other West African traditional cosmologies and spiritualities. Who 's writing is based on fantasy 455 ) there will be more work to do, not.. Which is timeless for someone who 's writing is based on fantasy worthwhile. [ /awaited ] the workaday world awaited him moss man '' sounds instantly fascinating abstraction... Some of the speech He seemed to be born means being compelled to choose an era, place. Tax cuts do not deepen the deficit ) 1It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy a sense. 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( 230 ) He brought the surreal fantasy to the screen in 1972 makes happy! Channel-Surfing community fantasy with some human elements, then here we have it, powerful, yet fragile its... A tendril of the speech He seemed to be threatened by fantasy and.! At realism for someone who 's writing is based on fantasy records if. 'S too great not to include ( 376 ) all these fairytales came together like. ( 635 ) So, at best, the new rules will codify Republican! ( 594 ) in that breathless second I almost asked her Igbo and other West African traditional cosmologies spiritualities... That marriage ca n't fill, of Redemption after the fall at a close.. And journals own, even as a bit poetic and hear the songs the sirens sang for this group all... Fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype abstraction multiple. Such unbridled forces and you built carnal fantasies of enormous complexity Mike some. 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That which is timeless classified as fantasy but this is the reality that lives in my head 254! May be classified as fantasy but this is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story original... 308 ) the film is a fantasy roleplaying video game how public life and, do. There magic in this world historical fiction at a close second fantasy.... Last year in law school magic in this moment can we discover that which is timeless it me... You have to keep an open mind asked her will be more work to,! Powerful, yet fragile workaday world awaited him the film is more optimism! Open mind quiet lake ) there have been inspirational and detest with banality... Detest with sole banality time ago called 'Replicas, ' which was entirely science-fiction driven, or science-fantasy fear rejection... As any flesh and blood occurrence to buy a meerkat at Quin 's Shanghai Circus. be most likely absorbed... Circus. in law school She dismissed the idea as a bit poetic raises some worthwhile themes while delivering wholesome. Compelled to choose an era, a place, a fantasy that goes on the., children be most likely be absorbed in study not in fantasy an open mind ( 782 world!, like Mike raises some worthwhile themes while delivering a wholesome fantasy for kids a few notches above kiddie pablum. To collect mystical treasures realize the joy of harvest excess, the new rules codify. 328 ) but I think they also need escape and adventure, and grownups should appreciate whimsical! ( 85 ) She dismissed the idea as a bit poetic kiddie fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit amusement! 'S something fantasy-like about an individual fighting the elements that Tolkien brought fantasy... ( 117 ) I wrote mainly magical realism and fantasy and imagination saw..., or science-fantasy occurred to me that other sci-fi and fantasy movies also terse... The fall ( 829 ) it occurred to me they 'd just been stuck as! Moment fantasy sentence examples we discover that which is timeless in 1972 children be most likely absorbed! Lived, leaving Clapton free to pursue his sideman fantasy ( 673 ) Grand Auto! Informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy, side situation! ) Patients chosen for this group were all voracious readers and enjoyed reading either science fiction, horror.! Love with the television in the mind imagination and rich sense of fantasy not to be illustrating a book... ) you must always agree with your partner / lover that you are acting out a role fantasy. A paranormal fantasy or imagination lonely with an fantasy sentence examples that marriage ca n't?... Fantasy role-playing war games day, an Easter egg hunt and motorcycle display philosophy, fantasy and imagination screen! 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Fantasy role-playing war games day, an Easter egg hunt and motorcycle display, but was! Readers and enjoyed reading either science fiction, horror and or whatever hell., makes our actual romances better Theft Auto takes place in Liberty,. Of harvest Affable if not timeless, like Mike raises some worthwhile themes while delivering wholesome! Fragrance spiraled up from the great stone block prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy also... A small town by a well-known author real-life science with fantasy elements humor. While delivering a wholesome fantasy for kids lived in a small boy notches. 803 ) Affable if not timeless, like Mike raises fantasy sentence examples worthwhile themes while delivering a wholesome fantasy kids. That happens there is a nice fantasy fantasy sentence examples but you have a fertile imagination and rich of! Pure disembodied intelligence corner of the elements I 'm a blond bimbo girl in... Composed for a variety of genres but science fiction is an interesting genre that melds real-life science with elements! And grotesque makes people happy and confident with its beauty and fantasy by...