Some nonlinear relations are reported in table 1 with their corresponding R2 and P-values which include: P (P, NOx-F) with mean slope (R2=0.624, P=0.001), P (P, PO43-F) with P-manure with (R2=0.624, P=0.001), T (T, NO2-F) with N-manure (R2=0.563, P=0.001), T (T, P-F) with P-fertilizer (R2=0.695, P=0.010) and T (T, P-F) with P-manure (R2=0.920, P=0.000). In the development process, the region must have unbalanced economic relations. The impacts of natural environment on water quality, e.g., climate and topography, have been less studied in comparison with land use and socio-economic factors. We will accelerate the development of Dunhuang as a famous international cultural and tourism city, support the transformation and development of Yumen as a resource-exhausted city, expand Wuwei Qingyuan Wine Town and Zhangye Nijiaying Seven-Color Danxia Town, build the Guazhou agglomeration center, highlight county characteristics, and promote the integrated development of the urban and rural economies. (2) The extroversion ability of the industrial functional connection network is weak, and the extroversion function of the manufacturing industry is prominent. Generally, topographic features regulate surface water quality variables. This type of Development can be defined as improving the welfare of a society through appropriate social, political, and economic conditions. Population density has a positive coefficient for P (P, NO3-F), which may be due to lawn fertilization in urban areas, which drains NO3-F to enrich surface waters [59, 79]. The impact of mean slope on water chemistry varies due to the physical characteristics of the sub-watershed, which includes surficial geology, land use, morphological variables and surficial debris [51, 52]. ; Shi, P.-J. The authors declare no conflict of interest., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. The response of DOC is site specific and complex to climatic drivers [67]. Ridges and mountains are barriers to the horizontal movement of air. We evaluated the developed models and found many useful relationship patterns between socio-economic factors, topographic factors and CEWQ parameters, including water temperature, turbidity, DO, DOC, P-parameters and N-parameters. Policy makers, and watershed and resource managers can take guidance from the developed empirical equations between the CEWQ and the above-mentioned factors for better water quality management of freshwater resources. Liu, X.-X. 41771130. ; Wang, L.-C.; Li, Q.-G.; Yan, C.-X. Primary concentrations of human population are limited to the regions of flat topography. Yang, L.-J. hydrological mobilization, solubility and decay. Figure 2 and figure 3 present a global pattern of CEWQ of the five main water quality parameters: water temperature, turbidity, DO, ammonia (filtered), and P (unfiltered). See further details. (3) The primary industrys industrial core backbone connection axis is mainly based on the closed triangular connection between Jiuquan, Zhangye, and Jinchang., Xie, Xiaoyi, and Peiji Shi. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures. The improvement of DO concentration in waterbodies may be attributed to tropical climate (A), where rainfall occurs all year long, and fresh surface runoff saturates waterbodies with oxygen [16, 69] due to the high sensitivity of streamflow to precipitation [27]. The greater the proximity to the center, the higher the proximity to other cities, and the less affected the city is by other nodes during the connection. Country level GDP data were assigned to their corresponding watershed. Epirus is isolated by mountains. More specifically speaking, topography aids in changing precipitation and temperature. There is a positive correlation between relief degree and elevation, and a much stronger correlation between relief degree and slope. The development of advanced shipbuilding techniques enabled the Greeks to travel. How was citizenship connected to the Greek polis? Air expands as it rises, and the fewer gas moleculesincluding nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxidehave fewer chances to bump into each other. Explanation: The increase in the elevation there will be decrease in the pressure. Klages-Mundt, A.; Minca, A. Optimal intervention in economic networks using influence maximization methods. One of the most important factors in development is geography, where the country is in the world, and climate. Elevation. The topography also helps in the generation of the high frequency mesoscale and subsynoptic disturbances over the region. These disturbances produce precipitation over the region and may also enhance precipitation systems over remote areas due to propagation of the disturbances. Latitude or distance from the equator Temperatures drop the further an area is from the equator due to the curvature of the earth. This can make B.A. The sensitivity of the streamflow to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27], which dilutes the concentration of diffused pollutants from croplands. It also caused the Greeks to look outside of its peninsula for colonies that possessed soil that could be farmed. Turbidity and P-F concentration in cold climate (D) waterbodies are favored by lower values of P(P, Q) due to snow storage [26]. However, the present study found the opposite result where slope acts as sink rather than the source of pollutants. Wu, K.; Fang, C.-L.; Zhao, M.-X. Volume 12, (3) The impact of topographical relief on population and economy was stronger than that of other topographical factors. The relief degree showed a good logarithmic fit relationship with population density (0.911) and economic density (0.874). Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). These factors are latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds. 1996-2023 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. The developed patterns can be implemented in unmonitored watersheds to predict the approximate influence of socio-economic and topographic factors on CEWQ parameters. Citation Afed U Khan et al 2017 Environ. Step wise multiple regression (SMLR) was conducted to develop models between CEWQ parameters and watershed characteristics [36, 37]. Evolution of economic relations pattern in Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone based on a social network analysis method. Topographical features like mountains affect the weather mostly in the way that they direct air currents. Elevation has positive sign for T (T, PO43-F), which may be due to several reasons: high air temperature fuels the consumption of water for domestic purposes; high elevation is concerned with an enhanced rate of erosion, which favors the entry of particulate matter into waterbodies [18, 19, 33], and mineralization of organic matter, which releases P from deeper sediments stimulated by elevated water temperatures and biological activities [54]. This, of course, affected economic development. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. Climatic Factors Affecting Farming. Areas near oceans and large lakes have smaller temperature ranges than landlocked, or continental, areas. A water pollution control plan should be designed based on both the primary and secondary factors that cause the instability of precipitation elasticity of water quality parameters. Yu, J.-K.; Ma, J.-Q. The results of the current study enable the identification of socio-economic and topographic factors, which pose a high risk of instability to CEWQ parameters. In comparison to temperature elasticity, precipitation elasticity forms many linear models with topographic and socio-economic factors, as demonstrated by table 1 and figure 4. GDP has a negative coefficient for P (P, NO2-F), which may be a consequence of precision farming in the locality, which decreases the amount of NO2-F swept to surface waterbodies in the vicinity [56]. Elevated water temperature enhances the release of P due to mineralization of organic matter [54, 65], which is transported to surface waters due to higher elevation accompanied by a steep slope [18] or it may be a consequence of increased human activity because the mean elevation is positively linked with the watershed area [66]. The CONCOR algorithm in the UCINET software was used to identify the more cohesive subgroups in the network. In order to detect the impact of topography on social factors, we selected the Saddles and gaps along a ridge will funnel the wind and increase its speed. A general rule of thumb in understanding weather is warm air rises and cold air sinks. The majority of them are also nutrients leading to eutrophication. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. Under the green goals of the carbon peak and carbon neutrality, understanding how to develop the economy with high quality is an important issue facing regional development. Mountain ranges are natural barriers to air movement. Previous studies, which used statistical approaches or process-based approaches, have discussed the river water quality relationship with, or response to, air temperature and precipitations. ; Li, M.-L. Study on Spatial Connection and Optimization of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Based on urban flow intensity and gravity model. The total heat content of a system is directly related to the amount of matter present, so it is cooler at higher elevations. The precipitation elasticity (P, WQ) and temperature elasticity (T, WQ) are given by equations (1) and (2), respectively. We discuss the socio-economic and topographic factors that cause instability of CEWQ parameters and conclude with some suggestions for watershed managers to bring sustainability in freshwater bodies. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Secondly, the sensitivity of streamflow to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27] where surface land runoff absorbs heat from the ground surface to elevate the water temperature. Water Quality Index Application to Evaluate the Ground Water Quality in Kalar City- Kurdistan Region- Iraq, The analysis of correlation between Regimes River coefficient and runoff coefficient (Case study in catchment areas of sidutan and reak), Analysis of long-term trends (19502009) in precipitation, runoff and runoff coefficient in major urban watersheds in the United States, On-line water quality inspection system: the role of the wireless sensory network, Comparative analysis of weighted arithmetic and CCME Water Quality Index estimation methods, accuracy and representation, Forested lands dominate drinking water supply in the conterminous United States, Imaging Geophysicist / Scientist - 2023 Graduate Programme, Senior Scientist as Specialist (f/m/d) for Computing in the Institute for Accelerator Physics, Positions in Clean Water, Biodiversity and Environment (I4WORLD), Copyright 2023 IOP The expected outcomes are quantitative and qualitative improvements in human capital (e.g. The industrial functional complementarity index of the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration is shown in. GDP data was obtained from the World Bank ( In addition, the relative location of land cover and other landscape variables within a watershed might be more important than the weighted average of those variables as nearby land use has shown more impacts than distance land use on water quality. ; Wu, K. Evolution of industrial investment network in the central core area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei under the background of functional decentralization. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Liu, W.; Cao, Y.; Wu, W.; Guo, J. Spatial impact analysis of trans-Yangtze highway fixed links: A case study of the Yangtze River Delta, China. How does topography affect soil formation? It measures average life expectancy, level of education and income for each country in the world. Many (but not all) of its ancient towns also had access to the Mediterranean Sea, because there are many island that make up Greece. Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. This led to the formation of city-states rather than a centralized "Greece". Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. Urban network pattern in the Yellow River Basin based on Tencent population migration data. Who prepares topographical maps of india? On the other hand, it is connected with the neighboring Jinchang City in terms of material exchange at the level of production and consumption, connecting the belt industrial connection path as a network. In india where badland topography is commonly found? latitude,temperature,precipitation,topography,and elevation. Fukushima et al. To find out more, see our, Browse more than 100 science journal titles, Read the very best research published in IOP journals, Read open access proceedings from science conferences worldwide, 2017 The Author(s). ; Yang, Y.-C.; Pan, J.-G. Spatial-temporal pattern and network structure evolution of western Chinese cities participation in the global and national competition. Learn More . Geography plays a substantial role in the development and success of an economy. Historically, economies near ports and travel routes grew rapidly and were sustained by constant commerce in the area. From the cities on the Silk Road to ports on the Mississippi River, geography helped bring money and goods to a local area. Climatic factors such as light, water and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming. As air cools, this water vapor is forced to condense, depositing rain or snow on windward slopes. This point, and the ecology and management implications are discussed at the end of the paper. The socio-economic data are derived from the Statistical Yearbook of the Cities of Hexi Corridor Urban Agglomeration in 2001, 2011, and 2021; the Gansu Development Yearbook; the China County Statistical Yearbook; the China City Statistical Yearbook, and the CSMAR Economic Geographic Database. Mountainous areas The concept of bivariate elasticity was introduced by Jiang et al (2014) in order to measure the response of water quality parameters to precipitation and temperature [28]. The Hexi Corridor should be considered through the city group of the LanzhouXinjiang Railway, LianHuo Expressway, 312 National Road, and other transportation corridors to enhance the development of the central axis, give full play to the advantages of Jiujia and the Wuwei Dry Port, and expand the northsouth multi-way open channel to enhance the level of interconnection of the city group [. Jinchang has a weak foundation for the development of the tertiary industry. prior to publication. This would explain the marked contrast between the city-states of Sparta and Athens. Streamflow sensitivity to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27], which sweeps fertilizers to waterbodies in the vicinity. Women in Sparta, for instance, maintained slightly more power than their contemporaries in Athens. The intensity of inter-county economic ties was calculated according to the modified gravity model, and the structure chart of the economic network in 2000, 2010, and 2020 was drawn (, In terms of the time evolution, the economic linkage strength of urban agglomerations has increased significantly, with the top 20 economic linkages increasing from 188.46 in 2000 to 1305.89 in 2020, increasing more than six times (, By applying SNA, we constructed an adjacency matrix with the economic connection strength of node towns to analyze the structure and overall characteristics of the economic spatial correlation network (, The network density reflects the overall development characteristics of the economic connection network [, In this study, we used the Arc GIS inverse distance weight interpolation method to visualize the spatial representation of the degree centrality (DC), betweenness centrality (BC), and closeness centrality (CC) in 2000, 2010, and 2020 (, We conducted a further comparison of the out-degree and in-degree centrality (, The development of urban agglomerations has roughly experienced four stages, namely resource concentration, driven development, cluster development, and mature development. Liu, S.; Wang, Y.; Yang, P.; Chevallier, J.; Xiao, Q. Spatial correlation effects of the economic value of green infrastructure (EVGI) on social network: Evidence from China. The Mycenaeans, for example, ruled over much of the Peloponnese, while other mainland groups had control over northern Greece. The delineated sub-watersheds were used for data extraction, which will be used as explanatory variables in regression models. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. Lett. Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. These water quality parameters are the most common and important, and are richly monitored on a global scale. Elevation. Spatial pattern evolution of economic links in Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration. ; funding acquisition, P.S. A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate. As air cools, this water vapor is forced to condense, depositing rain or snow on windward slopes. These have been caused by many natural factors, including changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, variations in Earth's orbit and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). (4) The economic core area presents a beaded shape, and the economic links form a network structure of one main and three sub-nodes, showing a strong spatial proximity effect; the polarization phenomenon is intensified, and the development of backward areas on the edge of the urban agglomeration is limited. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure. Moist air will cool as it rises, and then the clouds release the water, causing precipitation like rain or snow. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure. Topography is the relief of an area. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly This is your one-stop encyclopedia that has numerous frequently asked questions answered. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ; Liu, Y.-F.; Xu, S. Urban connection and function analysis of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle based on multi-dimensional urban factor flow. Temperature usually decreases by 1C for every 100 metres in altitude. Research on Cluster Development Mechanism of Industrial Parks in Hexi Corridor: Based on Grounded Theory analysis. The human body reacts to high altitudes. The abundant availability of P-F may be due to excessive water usage for human activities as a consequence of a rise in air temperature [17, 28]. UDel_AirT_Precip data were obtained from the website of NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA. The mean elevation of sub-watershed follows the literature while the mean slope gives opposite results. This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. Note: useful relationship patterns are marked as under the water quality parameter. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, Climate, transportation costs, diseases, and "Dynamic Evolution and Collaborative Development Model of Urban Agglomeration in Hexi Corridor from the Perspective of Economic Flow" Land 12, no. The results showed that socio-economic and topographic factors threaten the stability of CEWQ parameters and we should focus on alleviating the problem of instability by modulating nutrient runoff fueled by socio-economic and topographic variables to control eutrophication in surface waters. ; Zhang, X.-B. The runoff coefficient of sub-watershed is negatively linked with T (T, P-F) and T (T, DOC). ; Yang, H.-N.; Yang, Y.-C.; Wei, W.; Pan, J.-H. Spatial and temporal pattern evolution of eco-environmental quality in Hexi Corridor based on coupling coordination degree model. from Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway. Latest answer posted February 02, 2020 at 3:03:31 PM. Increase in the area is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas is... Or even year-to-year there will be used as explanatory variables in regression models K. evolution of economic pattern. Extraction, which will be decrease in the way that they direct air currents common and important and. Maintained slightly more power than their contemporaries in Athens and/or the editor ( s ), this water is! Education and income for each country in the generation of the National Natural Science Foundation China! For each country in the generation of the earth the high frequency mesoscale and subsynoptic over! 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