We can paddle over manatees, schools of snook or Jacks, alligators and mullet. While the odds of a gator attacking a kayaker are extremely low, paddling in places where alligators are native does come with an increased risk. Remember, he isnt trying to eat you; he is trying to fight you, almost as dangerous. A quality jacket with pockets gives you quick access to your phone, a whistle (a sound-making device is required by law in most states), and other essentials like sunscreen, chapstick, and a knife Types of Kayaking: Coastal kayaking, river kayaking, fishing kayaking, camping kayaking. Manatees can be seen congregate in the Florida springs from late November to March. Wearing a life jacket can help you stay afloat if you fall in the water or your kayak overturns. No problem! Copyright 2023 Just Go! Education and information are how you stay safe while kayaking with alligators in the state of Florida. Storage would be the biggest benefit, but they are also great on class I whitewater. You are more than welcome to get in touch if you have anything you would like to contribute to this page, have any questions, or would like to experience kayak with alligators with us. Doing it in one of Floridas 30,000 freshwater lakes is arguably the most authentic way as it is true wilderness. All in all its best to keep as much distance as you can from them when you can help it. Besides, there are numerous access points along the river, such as Bayport or Pine Island Beach. Seriously their are numerous places along the vast waterways to launch and sight see .My favorite being the Caspersen with ease of access and plentiful parking,You can follow the Intracoastal and if adventuresome makie your way to Casey Key fish house for a well deseved mid day break .Snook Haven is a . This is where we start to get into the scenarios when kayaking with alligators could be dangerous. When pregnant with my son, I couldnt help but get sucked into the vortexof social media articles chronicling the downward spiral of parenthood into a, From throwing pebbles in giant waterfall pools to floating on a lake of icebergs, Iceland is an amazing place to take toddlers. Besides, there are many access points along the river, such as Suwannee River State Park or Manatee Springs State Park. Though there's a certain level of risk involved with each outing, kayaking with alligators is safe if you remain alert. Kayaking With Alligators: How To Stay Safe. If we want to keep ourselves safe and maintain the natural balance of the ecosystems we love to paddle in, refraining from feeding wildlife is one of the best practices. However, there are some areas that see 100s of kayakers a day, like the Turner River in the Big Cypress Preserve. I been out a few times, definitely not Sullivan, Maine. So if youre planning a kayak trip to Florida, keep these points in mind to have a fun and safe time! The same thing can happen in gator territory. Well, you could easily say alligator out of water too, except an alligator can still breathe just fine. The chances of a kayaker being attacked by an alligator are very low, but paddling in places where there are native gators can increase the risk. You may have noticed I said if you kayak with alligators and they arent moving or making noise, you are safe. The park covers over 2,300 square miles and is home to thousands of alligators. We have all seen those crazy videos of wildebeest crossing the crocodile-infested rivers in Africa. The most popular mangrove tunnel tour is in Tampa Bay. That makes Florida the only ecosystem in the world where alligators and crocodiles peacefully coexist. The short answer is yes, the long answer is yes and no. The Blackwater River is located in the Florida Panhandle and flows through the Blackwater State Forest. If an alligator cant internally regulate their body temp then how do they do it? If you would prefer to do a kayaking tour in a saltwater environment, here are some great options: Florida springs are the real star of Florida kayaking. Kayaking in these locations will give you an amazing experience. The water is cold and refreshing, so you wont need to worry about alligators; stay away from colder waters. A mother alligator might quickly chase you out of that area. This means they are more apt to stay on the shore when you kayak by. Since alligators eat fish. Canoeing and kayaking in Florida is relatively safe and encounters between the creatures and boaters are uncommon. The Manatee River is a great place to go kayaking in Florida. At least until you know for sure it is not someones home. When people think of Florida, they tend to also think of alligators. Yeah, it could have meant he was establishing his territory. They make everything more difficult for you and us. Always pay attention to your surroundings. That dark bottom and tannic water make it very difficult to see the gators once they sink. The best advice I can give you is to point your kayak right at the alligator. I use a hard plastic kayak. Pingback: Explore the Best 10 Florida Springs Near Orlando! Following these safety tips can help you stay safe while kayaking in Florida waters and ensure an enjoyable experience out on the water. As you may know, Florida is home to around 1.5 million alligators. If an alligator does grab you this might be enough to keep you afloat. I have no illusions that this will protect me if attacked by an alligator, but it might make it harder for the gator to accomplish its goal. One of the coolest kayaking trips you can do is a bioluminescent tour in Florida. In areas like this, the gators are more comfortable with people. Following these suggestions, we will sometimes pass by a 10 footer within 10 yards, but. If you are driving a car that doesnt have a roof rack, you might want to consider the removable foam blocks. They dont want to share the beach with anyone, and the largest alligators will start to defend their small pond or sunny patch of beach. I loved it so much the first time that I bought my own the same week. Winter is the best time to go kayaking in Florida. If you encounter an alligator while kayaking and they are perfectly still, they arent making any weird movements or noises, and they seem comfortable this is what I tell my customers. Hooking and landing these big fish, I started to encounter a problem. I personally dont like inflatables in Florida, but I do see them a lot in Colorado. Two quick questions. Weeki Wachee Springs State Park is the perfect destination for kayakers. Alligators attacking kayaks isn't something we can say for certain, no matter how much we want it to. If you experience an alligator swimming uncomfortably close to your kayak, start making noise. Do Kayaks Need to Be Registered in Colorado? The next day we left so don't know if it returned. Spend A Day at Smyrna Dunes Park: The New Smyrna Dog Friendly Beach - Just Go! Alligators love their peace and quiet. This usually comes after people believe they can tame its creations, mainly animals, some of the most dangerous ones at that. "Kayaking with alligators in Florida" is a phrase most people never think they will hear themselves say.Yet, for some of us who live in Florida, kayaking with the alligators is an unfortunate and necessary reality.When you learn how to stay safe while kayaking through gator-infested waters, it can b. Additionally, these waters are safe to paddle in, as no alligators are present. If this starts to happen, then the answer is yes, alligators can be dangerous to kayakers. Please, trust us on this. If this happens, you should paddle away from the agitated gator. Lots of boats going in and out to and from the boat launch. We get this question all the time. Career guides from the area can be amazing, and at the same time, young first timer guides can be disappointing! When I was in NC I was located outside of Lumberton. A kayaker exploring a section of a North Carolina river found more than he expected when an alligator slammed into his boat. Rentals and tours are available from Crystal River Kayak Company. Kayak with a friend However, you still need to remember an Alligator does not see you as prey, but they can associate you with a meal. The first thing most people think of when considering kayaking in Florida is alligators. After doing some research I found out that canoeing and kayaking with alligators is common practice in the south. The first time, I passed by very close, not realizing it was an alligator until too late. The short answer to this question is yes, it's perfectly safe to kayak in waters with gators when you take the necessary precautions. They might be a bit heavier, but they are next to indestructible even from an Aligator Tooth! But you need to implement safety procedures to ensure your safety and prevent damages or injuries. To be honest, I dont think I would be able to look away, but I could maybe fake it. Its simple when a sandbar is warmer than the water, gators will exit and bask in the sun. You know water sports you know me! Swimming in a Florida lake is generally safe, but there definitely have been people attacked and killed by alligators in Florida. Just Go Family may earn a commission if these links are clicked. Here, you can paddle along the winding river and observe its diverse wildlife while exploring. Is it safe to kayak in Florida? He has communicated through his body language not to mess with him. If you hear baby alligators calling that means their mom can be nearby and that can be very dangerous. What does an agitated gator look or act like? But it doesn't take a large alligator to put a . The longest recorded alligator for the State of Florida was taken from Lake Monroe and measured in at 14 5/8". Keep an eye out for the following warning signs Observing these magnificent beasts from afar is enough as you admire them. Humans are not nearly as strong as they believe in a direct confrontation with an apex predator, let alone in its own territory. Unfortunately, this was the unavoidable fate of two enthusiastic kayakers who were on the Econlockhatchee River. When you witness these types of behaviors, you need to stay cautious and aware. An erratic or fast-moving paddle seems to freak gators out. 3) Snorkel & Explore Dry Tortugas National Park. If an alligator hisses or lunges at you, you're way too close. The largest alligator recorded in Florida was 17 1/2' long. I have experienced some charges in years past, but the gator will usually swim towards you, suddenly change direction, and dive, making a huge splash. Back to music, there are a few things that would concern me. Silver Springs is a great place to see manatees in the winter and is a family friendly kayaking destination, known also for its glass bottom boat tours and controversial rhesus monkey population. If you notice an alligator that approaches people or shows no wariness when people are nearby, you can report it to the FWC's Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 1-866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). In addition, there are no alligators in the area, so you can enjoy your time without worrying about dangerous wildlife. So, is it safe to kayak in Florida? Youre welcome. Provided that you keep your distance and behave respectfully, you can have a fun time indeed. Hi Heather, there shouldnt be a scenario where an alligator would consider you prey except for one, and Ill get to that in a sec. After all, they are capable of seriously injuring you or even killing you. We also understand that alligators, like people, can be moody. Trip times will vary and change on a daily basis based on wind/water conditions. Yes, it is. Kayaking is fun, so it is better to go only where you are safe and sound. Yes, I paddle a kayak in Florida but I take precautions. >> oh my goodness. You will find beautiful scenery and plenty of wildlife to observe while exploring. There are some risks to consider when Kayaking in Cape Coral Canals. We recommend sunscreen, bug spray, a good hat, and layers. This article isnt designed to convince you to kayak with alligators, although we would love to take you out. It's a fun and exciting way to explore alligator country, but there are some risks involved. Kayaking with a partner is always recommended as it can be beneficial if something goes wrong while on the water. Lastly, we provide guided kayak tours through the. Also, you need to think about whether that gator is close to a boat launch because fisherman are cleaning their catch. So, you should visit this place as you dont need to worry about alligators. Do Alligators attack Kayaks? If storage were an issue and I were paddling an area like the Colorado river near Glenwoods Springs I would choose an inflatable, but other than that Id suggest a hard boat. It is designed more to educate the general public if they plan to kayak with alligators. With that said, we all have a healthy respect for them. If you are looking for a great place to kayak in Florida, Alexander Springs Recreation Area is an excellent choice. There I lived with my black lab and got off of work every day at 3 pm. Sure enough the park I chose to kayak with a friend this past Saturday had a gator warning sign posted next to the launch. Lastly, the more experiences you have on the water, the better you get at identifying certain splashes. I mentioned earlier that alligators are lazy and often look like statues; however, there are times during the year when gators start to move. You will find many other kayakers here, so follow the local guidelines and regulations for a safe and enjoyable experience. Out of habit, I try not to kayak directly over the gators last location. The key here is to keep the fish as quiet as possible when reeling them in. Explore the Best 10 Florida Springs Near Orlando! Standard Alligator Behavior. As long as the kayakers keep an adequate distance from alligators, kayaking with alligators is completely safe. The most common instance in our area is a fisherman. If I do find myself in a confrontation with a alligator who has approached my kayak what can I do to alter it from thinking I am prey? The best way to avoid alligators is not to kayak in areas where they are present (such as the southern U.S.). Mount Rushmore Family Vacation: A Guide to the Perfect Trip! Also I paddle kinda loud and play my music, I thought it would make them aware of my presence before I actually saw them. This is also an amazing experience for families, who could easily kayak with toddlers or kayak with kids down this no stress crystal blue water overlooking the manatees below. For this reason, its best to stay away from this area while kayaking, as alligators are quite aggressive. Alligators have shorter and broader snouts than crocodiles. Save. If the water temps are warmer than the air temp, they will simply float in the water. Thank you Kyle! Know The Warning Signs Tips For Staying Safe: What To Do If You See An Alligator While Kayaking? Encountering two gators in fight mode is an exciting experience to witness but also potentially dangerous. The 25 Best Things to Do in Florida. The Great Calusa Blueway is a magnificent place for kayaking in Florida. Suwannee River Wilderness. Pingback: Spend A Day at Smyrna Dunes Park: The New Smyrna Dog Friendly Beach - Just Go! If the gator swims directly at you, you should line the kayak to point directly at him, then back paddle. My wife and I have kayaked Florida waters for the last ten years during the cooler months in our sit-in tandem kayak. I love to share my passion and knowledge with all of you. Two weeks before the 90-degree day, you might have seen 4 or 5 gators sharing a small beach or sandbar, but now things have changed. If you are in Florida, swim at a pool or a swimming area that is guaranteed to be alligator free. Chances of dying from lighting strike or hurricane are higher. How To Stay Safe If Kayaking Near Alligators 1. rubber There are no boat launch facilities on the Tampa Bypass Canal, but it is possible to hand-launch a canoe, kayak or other small boats from parks along the canal. Region: An island off of the eastern coast of Florida, east of Ft. Myers and just north of Cape Coral. What Safety Equipment is Required On a Kayak In Florida? Thank you for volunteering for cleanup! I would say if you paddled by them and they finally did go into the water you got to close. Puffing up and down you will notice the belly getting larger and the back will raise up out of the water, Sinking and reappearing while getting closer or not moving away from you, Bellowing the bellow is one of the coolest things Ive witnessed in nature, and you will hear and hopefully see it during matting season. Pingback: Cayo Costa Camping Tips for 2021 - Just Go! Luckily, kayakers are usually not perceived as a threat. Its helpful and reassuring to know how to respond should one occur. I wouldnt recommend music, I just personally believe there is no place for that in the wild, and it bothers other paddlers. 3) while conducting recreational activities (e.g., swimming, canoeing, fishing) in waterways with alligators. If I can figure out how to post a photo of us using it in this comment I will. However, you need to take the possible risks seriously and you should always paddle with a friend and file a float plan. I kayak in the cape fear river in wilmington, nc. I realized I had to start reeling in the fish slower. Do Alligators Attack Kayaks? You can choose between two- and four-mile loops. I just moved from Maine to Venice. Lets discuss those places in detail so you can be extra careful while planning your kayaking trip. Sometimes while launching or gearing up for your paddle, you will notice one, two, or three gators on the move. A Comprehensive Guide. Thanks for all the info Kyle. Most often, that gator is only inches below the surface. These safe spots are perfect for a peaceful paddle without having to worry about safety. We kayak very often right from our backyard and after the tropical storm the water was up the the top of our sea wall. The fact that they are apex predators in their ecosystem means that nobody hunts them, nobody but humans of course. In a few incidents, alligators have actually bitten canoes and kayaks, resulting in minor injuries to people and damage to their boats. Great article! By maintaining precautions, you can safely kayak with the alligators. This area is a part of the Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail Wildlife Management Area, where you can enjoy kayaking in the mangrove swamps, salt marshes, and tidal creeks. Dinoflagellates emit glowing light through a chemical reaction, and lead to an amazing night time kayaking experience. To stay safe kayaking in Florida, never confront or feed alligators, as they will change their behavior and approach kayaks more readily. This list of alligator fatalities between the 1970s and 2020s paints the picture clearly . Is it safe to kayak during alligator mating season? The lake in central Florida has an estimated 1.5 million to 2 million alligators. Alligators may look lazy and slow, but when they want to move, they can move fast! Is Destin Florida safe to visit? Yes, it is intimidating, but if you know how to react, you can stay safe. However, as with any outdoor . The point here is that in general alligators truly are more afraid of you than you are of them. As a rule, alligators are very shy and avoid human interaction as much as possible. The state has many beautiful kayaking spots and the weather is generally good for kayaking year-round. However, doing it on your own always poses dangers because not a lot of folk know what not do to. A Complete Guide to New Smyrna Beach - Just Go! Think two sheep ramming each other. Also again a huge thank you for taking the time to spread your wealth of information, greatly appreciated!! Kayaking with Kids: A Complete Guide - Just Go. With that said if you are launching from an area where people clean their catch pay close attention to whether or not the alligator is staying close by. It didnt move, so I figured it wasnt afraid of me and I should be wary. Tour guides here in Florida have been immersed within these waters for a long time and are very familiar with the territory. As population and development has increased in Florida, scientists say, so too have alligator attacks. The Myakka River State Park is another area to avoid due to the high population of alligators. This is why it is so important not to ever feed an alligator! In June I was solo kayaking through Lil Big Econ Forest from the Canoe Launch on County Rd 419 all the way to snow hill rd. The Turner River here is a good example of gators seeing 30-40 kayakers a day and ignoring them from only a few feet away. If people are feeding an alligator or if you are with a small dog, gators will associate you with food. Where am I going with this? If you find a lower price anytime before your trip, email us a screenshot of the price, and we will match it, GUARANTEED! Kayaking with alligators sure does not sound safe, but it actually can be provided that those doing it respect the animals whose homes they are invading.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'kayakpaddling_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-kayakpaddling_net-medrectangle-4-0'); Organized sessions that take out groups of kayakers at a time to see the alligators do exist and they are led by experienced paddlers and wildlife experts. Sometimes there is so little room in a creek or waterway that we will inevitably push the gator into the water. Eventually, it always prevails and reminds us both of its force and unpredictability. Gators on the other hand can sound like someone threw a gernade in the water, but can also be silent. Its always a good idea to keep a break-apart spare paddle. Is it Safe to Do. Imagine spotting an alligator the moment you're out on a kayak trip on the waterways of Florida. Are there alligators in Florida's coastal dune lakes? This is another potentially dangerous alligator scenario. The Ichetucknee Springs is a great place to go kayaking and enjoy natures tranquility and beauty. Kayaking in the winter months in Florida is the best time to go, and also increases the likelihood that alligators will leave you alone. If you see an alligator while kayaking, it is best to stay away and notify the authorities. Youre welcome, and welcome to NC. Are you looking for where to kayak in Florida without alligators? Unlike people, alligators are cold-blooded, meaning they are not able to regulate their own body temperature. photos by Lee Howard Guide for DIYers, 10 Best Downrigger Release 2023 Different Tension Settings. Slowly unzip your life jacket pocket, pull out your camera, and take a picture.. So grab your kayak and explore Florida's waterways today! Thanks for the information perhaps some day we shall paddle . Not only are these places safe, but also they are quite beautiful, and you must visit them. If they saw the opportunity, they would swim out and steal my fish. Using common sense and respecting the animals is the best prevention as well as the smallest, most basic rule of every wildlife adventure. So, if you see an alligator on a sandbar, try not to point directly at it and pass them with the broadside of your kayak facing them. Eastern North Carolina has some amazing history and a tour led by a long time local there would be awesome! If you are planning on kayaking in Florida, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers posed by alligators. That very easily could be an alligator fight. Startron Vs Stabil: Which Fuel Stabilizer Is Worth Getting? Unless threatened, they will care less about you and your party paddling in your fishing kayaks around them. This usually works for us and turns them away. If you're planning a trip where alligators may be present, make sure to research the area beforehand and take precautions such as wearing protective clothing and avoiding areas where gators are common. Its pretty crazy how many large creatures you can see by kayak in South West Florida. I would not advise it as the rubber would give the alligators indigestion once eaten . This also applies to alligator eggs. This is why they will often quickly enter the water when you approach them. Sometimes when I kayak in cape fear river I have no choice but to cross where I have seen a alligator go in the water, due to it being a narrow canal at certain areas. Definitely difficult to answer those questions. People are being reminded to be safe while kayaking . It is generally safe as long as you heed @cbusguy 's observation regarding areas where gators are "trained" to expect scraps and chum from boaters. With alligator-stocked waters, you might be surprised to know that paddling isn't particularly dangerous! Alligators attacking kayaks is certainly not something we can say for sure has never occurred, no matter how much we wish it were so. Following are some tips you should follow and keep yourself safe in the waters of Florida. Awesome article! While alligator attacks are relatively rare, they do occur and can be fatal. If we see this, we simple kayak on by. Many people canoe and kayak in Florida waters each year, and alligators can be present in any fresh or brackish water in the state. If the idea of alligators in the water with you is just too much to handle, there are plenty of salt water kayaking options in Florida. Also, never disturb alligator nests or baby alligators because their mom is always nearby ready to protect her . Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is a hidden central Florida secret, located north of the Kennedy Space Center. True nature enthusiasts and observers know that this is more than enough. I was releasing them as quickly as possible, making sure no alligators were hiding out below the surface of the water, ready to snatch my catch or my hand. I lived on a Carolina Bay outside of Lumberton when interning in College and also lived in Wilmington for a summer. What happens if you are kayaking and you see an alligator in the water? Cost of Entry: $10 per person at launch site - guided tours and rentals also available. Learn how safe it is to kayak with alligators and how to respond in the event of a threat. Hey there kayak lovers! In addition, this area has many access points, such as Palatka or Blue Spring State Park. You afloat risks involved a day at Smyrna Dunes Park: the New Smyrna Dog Friendly Beach Just... However, there are some risks involved swimming area that is guaranteed to be of!, kayakers are usually not perceived as a threat paddled by them and they finally Go! 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