OCS 1) Officer Candidate School 6) Responsible Officer DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging (system) DA 1) Damage Assessment 2) Regional Field Office 2) Library of Congress Emergency Incident Rehab returns firefighters to duty, removes firefighters from duty or triages ill or injured firefighters to a medical facility. TMI Three Mile Island (Nuclear Power Plant) SLPA Sea Level Pressure Anomaly 2) Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (French satellite system) EAD 1) Employment Authorization Document WWW World Wide Web AOC 1) Aircraft Operating Center (NOAA) PBSIS Public Building Service Information System SPOE Seaport of Embarkation 2) Integrated Management Team DTE Disaster Temporary Employee(s) AUVSI Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve DID Direct Inward Dial VHA Veterans Health Administration EIRS Emergency Information Retrieval System BSC Building Security Committee VFD Volunteer Fire Department 3) National Security Cutter SOC 1) Statement of Concern IRP 1) Institutional Removal Program APA All Acronyms. 4) Community Assistance Contact 2) Essential Evaluation Elements PIR 1) Post Implementation Review 2) Physical Map Revision PSWN Public Safety Wireless Network CBR Chemical, Biological, and/or Radiological 2) Information Technology Coordinator COMM Communications NAC/AEGL National Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (for Chemical Substances) 2) State Emergency Response Team (DHS program, affiliated with EPR) WESTPAC Western Pacific PEO Public Education and Outreach CFIVSAC Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Advisory Committee ITV In-Transit Visibility I-Team 1) Incident Team OEM Office of Emergency Management FYI For Your Information IMO International Maritime Organization APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 2) Airborne Reconnaissance Low SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information ABMC American Battle Monuments Commission ESTED Estimated Safe Time before Evacuation Decisions EACC Eastern Area Coordination Center RSVP Retired Senior Volunteer Program 2) European Olympic Committee(s) CROP Common Relevant Operational Picture NICC National Interagency Coordination Center Works beyond normal working hours and on weekends and holidays when necessary. 3) Area of Operations FHAR Flood Hazard Analyses Report 3) International Standards Organization HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency TTC Technical Training Center OASH/OEP Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health / Office of Emergency Preparedness 2) Communications Officer JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff EMT 1) Emergency Management Team 2) Airborne Exposure Limit NIF 1) National Ignition Facility USSS United States Secret Service GWA Government Wide Accounting CMAS Circular Map Accuracy Standard SCO State Coordinating Officer ENSO El Nino / Southern Oscillation POV Personal/Privately Owned Vehicle WAE When Actually Employed 3) Protective Action Recommendation 305 ( 5148) Non-liability of Federal Government KVERT Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruptions Response Team CAMDS Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System Download our glossary. VDU 1) Visual Display Unit EPC Emergency Preparedness Canada JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force JMIP Joint Military Intelligence Program CPC Climate Prediction Center When performing triage a rescuer must focus on the type and integrity of the structure, the contents, and the likelihood of victim survival. CERC Coastal Engineering Research Center RAIC Resident Agent in Charge UASI Urban Area Security Initiative SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States OR&R Office of Regulations and Rulings EHP Environmental/Historic Preservation CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission DT&E Development Test and Evaluation Executive Order of the President 2) Personal Property SRSC Strategic Review Steering Committee 2) Civil Applications Committee R/h Roentgens per hour NDPO National Domestic Preparedness Office TECS Treasury Enforcement Communications System DCEMA District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency NBSAC National Boating Safety Advisory Council PDM Pre-Disaster Mitigation (including Grant Program) RC&D Resource Conservation and Development 2) Office of Aircraft Services PAH Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons MARSEC Maritime Security Medical, Technology, . MIFC Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center In health care facilities, each floor may assign one staff member to go help fight a fire. FEMAAR Federal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Regulation CFS 1) Certified Fraud Specialists, Association of HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9) AVIP Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program ETD 1) Estimated Time of Departure 313 ( 5156) Standards and Reviews TACLET Tactical Law Enforcement Team 2) Environmental Response Team PPB Plans, Programs and Budget BZPP Buffer Zone Protection Plan USBP United States. CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering OPERIOD Operational Period HOB Height of Burst BPM Basic Property Management i7Ki$@6TC.wJqrD@^9: dqBajMC!qD4@nEV7Jpd)n(0!Ahb(u >V@j*!J*`9 30#h Ahd0-)V1f(`(40{7B#eF 9sPDV/GtIb86HxcDl& DG/CS Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security 310 ( 5153) Priority for Public Housing 2) Point of Distribution CST 1) Central Standard Time (GMT-6) CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare CUSP Central United States Partnership IOR Initial Operating Report VISTA Volunteers In Service To America 2) Regional Airline Association FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element Please electronically forward your input or direct your questions to: AMB Air & Marine Branch 2) Commander 2) Judge Advocate General (DoD) RAP 1) Radiological Assistance Program EADRCC Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center MP 1) Management Profiler CDRDB Conventional Disaster Resource Database CWC Chemical Weapons Convention HSPCD Historic Shoreline Positional Change Database AMA American Medical Association BoO Base of Operations SAM Surface to Air Missile (affiliated with BTS/TSA) FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center PHS Public Health Service DUST OFF Medical Evacuation via Helicopter (slang) COC 1) Combat Operations Center ADRS Automated Disaster Reporting System CED Committee for Economic Development This list gives you the acronym and meaning about words and terms found throughout documents on this site. 2) Broad Area Announcement 2) Chief Administrative Officer DISA Defense Information Systems Agency COD Cash On Delivery VOLAG Voluntary Agency Z Zulu (UTC) HCO Human Capital Office 2) Alternate Command Staff PUCD Pueblo Chemical Depot DRU 1) Direct Reporting Unit NARSAP National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program DPW Department of Public Works ANSI American National Standards Institute ATS Automated Targeting System FHM Flood Hazard Mapping 2) Records Management GPLD Government Property Lost or Damaged 602 ( 5195a) Definitions NTF-NCR Joint Task Force - National Capital Region kV kilovolt NCSSA National Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy TROPAN Tropical Analysis Facsimile Network GAR Governor's Authorized Representative ITM Inspection Transfer Manager CTOTF Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility RECP Regional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner FBIIC Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee 2) Disaster Summary BPO Blanket Purchase Order FGCC Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee ISA Incident Staging Area PZ Precautionary Zone AVSEC Aviation Security AES 1) Aeromedical Evacuation System CTP Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative) IBS Integrated Baseline System BM Bench Mark MST 1) Management Support Team FCD Financial Crimes Division P&I Protection and Indemnity HURCON Hurricane Condition FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Rehab Abbreviations. IST Incident Support Team POLREP Pollution Report NIFC National Interagency Fire Center ICAP Incident Communications Action Plan 3) Civil Emergency Preparedness IIOM Install, Integrate, Operate, and Maintain NAWAS 1) National Alert and Warning System PIADC Plum Island Animal Disease Center TMT 1) Traffic Management Team APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee MDST Mountain Daylight Savings Time (see MDT) 5) Interagency Security Plan ITA 1) Information Technology Architecture Abbreviations.com. NOUE Notice of Unusual Event MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange IBHS Institute for Business and Home Safety JTF-CS Joint Task Force - Civil Support NEEP National Earthquake Education Program NIMS/NET National Incident Management System Network Rehabilitation and Inspection Program : HMA : Hazard Mitigation Assistance : NOAA : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : ROW : LOSSEST Loss Estimation ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System 3) American Chemistry Council WP 1) Warning Point GTS Global Telecommunications System MLOS Microwave Line-of-Sight NARS National Archives and Records Service ABF Automatic Broadcast Feed TSA 1) The Salvation Army CTC 1) Conference and Training Center 2) Forms Tracking System ACWG Air Cargo Working Group VMAS Vertical Map Accuracy Standard Cu Cubic NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force USMC United States Marine Corps 2) Simplified Acquisition Threshold PDF 1) Probability Density Function CPPS Certified Professional Property Specialist MWH megawatt hour CASU Centralized Administrative Services Unit 4) County Road SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International 2) Lump Sum Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. PLUMIS (See PIADC [Plum Island]) SN Serial Number AAER Average Annual Erosion Rate RAMCAP Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection BDO Battle Dress Overgarment EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone CTF Combined Task Force ft/min feet per minute Is involved in community/civic health matters/projects as appropriate. 3) Information Systems Plan NMI No Middle Initial Call Now: 866.812.8231. NIER National Industrial Equipment Reserve COPS Community Oriented Policing Service FMT Field Monitoring Team CAIRA Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance Rehab Abbreviations 2. WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System (obsolete; replaced by GCCS) MTMC Military Traffic Management Command NCS 1) National Communications System [ESF-2] 2) Forward Operations Center 3.Prioritize buildings by considering triage criteria. HAST 1) Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT - 10) AEI American Enterprise Institute FMAGP Fire Management Assistance Grants (or Grant Program) DPMU Disaster/Deployable Portable Morgue Unit NEMIS National Emergency Management Information System 2) Country of Citizenship LSC 1) Legal Services Corporation 502 ( 5192) Federal Emergency Assistance [ARCDallas] AA = Alcoholics Anonymous [Snelling Center]. XPA Extent of Play Agreement AT/FP Antiterrorism & Force Protection FED - TRT Federal Tactical Response Team NE 1) Northeast 2) Post Meridiem FME Federally Managed Exercise kB Kilobyte LOC 1) Letter of Credit TPC Tropical Prediction Center TIFF Tagged Image File Format CSTARC Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis, & Response Center DERIS Domestic Emergency Response Information Services GDIN Global Disaster Information Network MWA Metropolitan Washington Area USML United States Munitions List SAMP Special Area Management Plan FDSS Federal Drug Seizure System CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read-Only Memory 18 Jan. 2023. 2) Middle of Month PCCIP President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection FPEIS Federal Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement CINCLANT Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet OPS 1) Office of Pipeline Safety HERT Hospital Emergency Response Team Aspire Health Partners, Inc. (Aspire), is a non-profit 501 (c)3 behavioral healthcare organization. GNIS Geographic Names Information System FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar DEP 1) Department of Environmental Protection Suggest. 2) Explosives Trace Detector 2) National Security Council GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ITAAC Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria SUM Software User's Manual CATS Consequences Assessment Tool Set REO Regional Environmental Officer POR Point(s) of Review TDD Telecommunications or Teletype Device for the Deaf 304 ( 5147) Reimbursement COLISEUM Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers TRES Department of Treasury (Federal Government, affiliated with EPR) 2) Technical Surveillance Countermeasures MPS Mission Planning System CIPWG Critical Infrastructure Protection Working Group 2) National Agency Check 627 ( 5197f) Relation to Atomic Energy Act of 1954 NaI(Tl) Sodium Iodide Doped with Thallium (scintillator) 3) Disaster Response DOS 1) Department of State LHR Limited Home Repair MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War 2) Cost, Insurance, and Freight GTM Government Technical Monitor L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service 2) Information System(s) EOIR Executive Office for Immigration Review CINCSOC Commander-inChief, Special Operations Command FRC 1) Federal Records Center 2) Logistics Readiness Center SWP 1) State Warning Point ITED IFSAR Terrain Elevation Data CFR Code of Federal Regulations MACDIS Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances Each zone reflects the severity or type of potential flooding in the area. C3 1) Command, Control, and Communications ERMS Emergency Resource Management System ED 1) [Department of] Education NSD 1) Named Storm Day