The struggles of Walter Reuther's life should cause us to give more than cursory attention to the questionable circumstances of his death. Nixon requested the FBIs files on Walter Reuther. He was not rescued until the train had traveled for 20 miles down the track. one of the first jets designed and built specifically for business flying. Fish provided Viereck with a mailing list of some 100,000 names. One Government witness was George Hill, World War I buddy and for some 20 years office clerk to Ham Fish. This second son of, a German immigrant couple was born on September 1, 1907, in Wheeling, West, Virginia. Who do you think now seems more reasonable and attractive to the MSM, David, you, Fetzer, or Adm. Inman. He is based at Detroit, and flies regularly in the companys northern division, from Detroit to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and to Cleveland, Akron and Pittsburgh. Former Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, died in a single-engine plane crash in southwest Alaska that killed four other people, including one of his former congressional aides, officials said Tuesday. Lundeen was a senator from Minnesota and was a Farmer-Labor. German ancestry. Third, like the suspicious near-crash that occurred the previous year, the fatal crash also involved a faulty altimeter in a small plane. No evidence of a fire or an explosion or engine trouble. Another webpage written by Webberman* has what purports to be links to images of the Kollsman Report but they are dead and there is no trace of them on the Internet Archive (as if they never existed). Other seditionists blew up weapon plants in the United States, killing and maiming scores of workers. suffered the loss of part of his right eye and parts of his jaw. Twenty minutes on the ground gave the saboteur enough time to change an altimeter. All of these types were essentially military. Employes of the line at Pitts burgh said another of their planes was flying about eight miles from the scene The company report ed the pilot of that plane report1 ed the weather wasroutine at 3,000 feet and the visibility was good. 1940 air crash took a toll not soon forgotten. board to walk away without injury. (Jim White gave me a ton of scientific help with this, but the errors surely result from my own misunderstanding.). It mentioned that Walter Reuther had died along with his wife May, his, affiliation with the UAW, and the size of its membership.10 There was no, other mention of him made during the time frame for my research. I, believe that Walter Reuther was murdered. How could the public, understand the ramifications of Walter Reuthers death without all of the. One of the defendants provided security for Ford Motor Company. The only report mentioned was the boards own preliminary one of the crash. The speech written for Sen. Ernest Lundeen by a paid Nazi agent. 2) An incorrect pivot was installed in one end of a rocking shaft. Schlossberg was sent a copy of this analysis and contacted. Prosecutor William Power Maloney asked suavely whether it was a coincidence that Viereck's views as a Nazi propagandist "coincide so closely with your views as a Congressman at this time." It was, in effect, an exercise in trade union colonialism.". Over the years, Reuther denounced communism at every opportunity, seeking thereby to legitimate his own status as a loyal American. Ernest Lundeen 62, Minnesota U.S. ", Said Maloney: "I think the American people have been insulted. Coughlin had a huge following through his popular radio program and was a virulent anti-Semite and defender of the Nazi government. The Senator's head was buried in his hands and he was weeping. there were a number of fatal accidents. In the process the perennial candidate switched party allegiances to independent, then became a member of the Minnesota Farmer Labor Party, a precursor to the DFL. It was only three sentences long. The senator would not say why. . Reuther, developed his passion for social justice from his father. Segregation left African-Americans in the position of feeling both inferior, My paternal grandfather was murdered after he was falsely accused of raping, a white female. The report seemed to focus on the, altimeter found in the wreckage. By 1970, Reuther was seen more than ever as a threat to the dominant political agenda, earning him top place on Nixon's enemy list. The Barfield Report never addressed itself to where the drill mark came from, or how the threads had been torn out. Why were the newspapers so unwilling to give it to them? The forward jewel for this shaft was damaged (oval recess) but not cracked. He was Johnson's biggest supporter. With all of, this information being public knowledge and not to mention a sensational, story, why did only one of the newspapers (DFP), provide any in-depth, reporting into the possibility of assassination? LUNDEEN NOTED AS ISOLATIONIST; WRECKAGE AND TWO OF VICTIMS IN AIR CRASH Times Wide World Wired Photo Sept. 1, 1940 The New York Times Archives See the article in its original context from. WITNESS SAYS HILL USED LUNDEEN FRANK; Mrs. Spielman Testifies Viereck Wrote Speeches for Senator, HILL LINKS FISH WITH VIERECK ACTS; Convicted Secretary Reverses Testimony in Telling of His Introduction to Nazi Agent MAILED SPEECH ON 'FRANK' Witness Says 125,000 Copies Were Sent Out and He Got 'Tip' of $100 From Defendant, SAYS MRS. LUNDEEN TOOK VIERECK DATA; Former Secretary to Senator Testifies That Widow "Stripped' Files of Records TELLS OF SPEECH-WRITING Witness Asserts Joint Effort Produced Anti-British Attack -- Viereck Paid by Nazi,, One implicated legislator was the late Senator Ernest Lundeen, Minnesota isolationist, who, it was said, had inserted speeches prepared by Mr. Viereck into March 8, 1942,,773070,00.html. This article was printed on May 11, 1970. In fact, the FBI has never officially closed the books on its investigation into the possibility that sabotage might have caused what was then the nations worst aviation disaster. . It was explained to Victor Reuther that an intelligence agency was often involved in sabotage of a sophisticated nature. However, a bright spot on the arm in the area indicated (ref D) was in position in line with the set screw hole at the time the mechanism was removed from the case.". Don Blankenship, Masseys former chief executive officer, and Chairman Bobby Ray Inman, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, made clear in sworn testimony that they firmly believed the company was being targeted by the government, lawyers for Massey investors who are suing the companys directors said in filings unsealed today in state court in Delaware. Steven Spielbergs production company, Amblin Entertainment, has recently purchased the movie rights to Maddows podcast. My interest in Walter, Reuther arose in part from my experiences as a member of the United Auto, Workers. "I can't talk about it. Having succeeded with Lundeen, Viereck expanded the number of congressional collaborators, which included former Rep. Hamilton Fish, R-N.Y., and former Sen. Burton Wheeler, D-Mont. The DNs Aerospace Writer, Edwin Pip, wanted to, know how a time-proven airplane, flown by an experienced pilot in reasonable, weather, could suddenly plunge to the ground. too low for this hilly country. Massey Managers Believed Coal Company Was Target of Obama Conspiracy, By Jef Feeley and Sophia Pearson - May 24, 2011 5:20 PM ET. His last major position was as the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982. Death of senator from Minnesota still shrouded in mystery, By Albert Eisele | Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009. However, the Civil Aeronautics Board, created only a year earlier after Sen. Bronson Cutting of New Mexico was killed in a plane crash ironically, Lundeen pushed for the legislation that created it raised further doubts in November when it issued an 87-page report of its investigation into the accident, even while concluding that the accident probably was caused by an extraordinary lightning effect., The report noted the fact that all-metal airplanes are frequently struck by lightning with no injurious results, and that the character of the lightning discharge, as well as its effect on the airplane and crew, in the present instance must be regarded as an extremely unusual occurrence. It added, Nothing within the ordinary range of experience and no combination of events of which the occurrence could be regarded as at all likely, would have sufficed to have produced this accident., Whatever the actual cause of the accident, Lundeens death had far-reaching political repercussions, just as Wellstones death did when Republican Norm Coleman defeated former Vice President Walter Mondale, who was a last-minute stand-in for Wellstone just 12 days before the election, and led eventually to Colemans defeat by Democrat Al Franken last November after a marathon vote recount. ernest lundeen, a representative and a senator from minnesota; born near beresford, union county, s.dak., august 4, 1878; attended the common schools; served in company b, twelfth minnesota volunteers, during the spanish-american war; graduated from carleton college, northfield, minn., in 1901; studied law at the university of minnesota at Both pilots and three other passengers, including the Senator's first wife, were killed in the crash. Chuck Grassley asked Mueller several questions about the anthrax investigation. Walter Reuther died at the age of 62 in a plane crash. 6) Kennedy, John F. American Presidents. Lovettsville is located in the northern tip of Loudoun county, Virginia, about five miles from Harpers Ferry, W. Va., and conceded by pilots to be one of the trickiest areas on the Washington Pittsburg run. This article first appeared on MinnPost and is republished here under a Creative Commons license., Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society. The screw hole shaft had its threads "torn," or drilled out. Washington The death of 128 persons in Saturday's tragic two-plane crash points up weaknesses in the nation's 21-year-old air traffic control system. Viereck provided moral and financial support to a range of virulently anti-Semitic and racist organizations across the United States. On May 11, 1970 (two days after the fatal crash), the DN set itself apart from all four, of the other papers, when an article was printed asking: What caused the, crash of Reuthers jet? Despite the limited investigation there is enough evidence to suggest that foul play was involved. 14 March 2000. 14 March 2000. At Pittsburgh, headquarters of the Pennsylvania Central,,,,, But from the intensive FAA investigation, the facts seem to say clearly that it was caused by human error, not neglect" The FAA/NTSB found "no indication of sabotage." The captain's altimeter showed a reading of 1400 feet M.S.L. and other parties may have been involved in Walter Reuthers death? The mechanism construction isolated the unit to one of three major types, each of which had numerous variations, none of which were TSO certified. Walter Reuther is Dead and the Nation. Victor Reuther now believes that sabotage was involved in his brother's death; however, he did not believe it was the CIA: "What I did not garner from the material you sent me was that it was the CIAthere are all kinds of wing groups, who could hire sophisticated people; there was a history of right-wing attacks on us." Lovettsville Game Protective Association, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville High School (1910), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Historical Society & Museum, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Library, Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Post Office (1937-1961), Lovettsville, Virginia, Lovettsville Town Hall, Lovettsville, Virginia, McClains Grocery, Lovettsville, Virginia, Historical Photographs of Lovettsville, Virginia, 1940 Lovettsville Airline Disaster Archive, Revolutionary War Veterans of Lovettsville. First, we were able to identify in early 2005 the genetically-unique parent material of the anthrax spores used in the mailings. J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI would plague Walter Reuther for almost forty, years. A. H. ELLIOT, 5757 McKinley St., Washington, D. C. After talking to a scheduler for the Wellstone campaign, however, he reversed his decision and took off for Eveleth with Senator Wellstone and 7 others aboard. NTSB-AAR-71-3. The victims of the problem are seen as the cause, while the perpetrators are depicted as innocent or even beneficial. What good is another $100 pension if the world goes up in atomic smoke?" That dubious distinction belongs to Ernest P. Lundeen, who was killed along with 24 other people 69 years ago this week on Aug. 31, 1940 when his commercial airliner plunged into an alfalfa field near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains during a violent thunderstorm as he was returning to Minnesota from the nations Capital for the Labor Day recess. in rural Alabama during the most racist era in American history. (Bloomberg) -- Taiwan's exports of integrated circuit chips rose in 2022 for a seventh consecutive year, further solidifying the economy's leadership status in a global semiconductor industry . that it is basically the same environment that allowed the deaths of JFK, Malcolm X, RFK and MLK. 9, PDF pg 11, The National Transportation Safety Board report stated that "while all systems were irreparably damaged [including the co-pilot's altimeter], information was nevertheless obtained from a few units. The news U.S. air-transport men have been dreading finally came in August 31, 1940. Those which were still whole were so badly mangled I dont see how they could ever be recognized.. Suffice it to say that Victor's belief, shared by Walter's daughter Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer and other members of the family, that the crash was no accident sounds disturbingly plausible. They shot through the both the regular, window and the storm window in the kitchen, and I just lay there on the, floor until they came and took me to the hospital. He suffered chest and, arm wounds that never allowed him to recover the full use of his right arm, 3) Victor Reuther was almost killed in 1949 by what appeared to be law, enforcement officials. Senator, and two FBI agents, because it is not what you think. The last communication from the plain's captain or co-pilot was their report of reaching 6,000 ft. . You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, 1) A brass screw was found loose in the instrument case. 13) National Transportation Safety Board, Aircraft Accident Report, Executive Jet Aviation, Inc. Lear Jet L23A N434EJ Near the Emmet County. Arthur Nelson, who won a special election to fill the remaining two months of Lundeens term, filled the seat until Ball took office again as a freshman on Jan. 3, 1943, Even though Ball opposed President Franklin Roosevelts New Deal, unlike Lundeen, he supported FDRs foreign policy, voting for the Lend Lease program as a way of helping Great Britain serve as a barrier between us and whatever designs Hitler and his allies may have on this continent.. LUNDEEN TOOK VIERECK DATA; Former Secretary to Senator Testifies That Widow "Stripped' Files of Records TELLS OF SPEECH-WRITING Witness Asserts Joint Effort Produced Anti-British Attack -- Viereck Paid by Nazi February 25, 1942, Wednesday SIDELIGHTS OF THE WEEK time (of the crash). 3) An end stone was missing from the opposite end of the rocking shaft. Because he had once denied knowing Agent Viereck, Hill himself was tried for perjury a few weeks ago, had been sentenced to two-to-six years in jail. I found no trace of the supposed Kollsman or Barfield reports on the Net. On Oct. 16, 1972, a Cessna 310C with the tail number N1812H, operated by Pan Alaska Airways, disappeared somewhere between Anchorage and Juneau, Alaska. The next evening after Victor had given, the dog to family friends, he was shot in the head while in his home. The last time that a former US Senator was killed in a plane crash was in April 1991 when former Texas Senator John Tower was one of the 23 passengers and crew members killed in the crash of an Atlantic Southeast Airlines Embraer Brasilia near . There was a quid pro quo on the table, Young said. The investigators recovered an altimeter believed to be the pilot, s and took it back to Washington, DC for analysis.12, The DFR, DN, MC, and NYT all printed the initial findings of the National, Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), but the final report that was released, on December 22, 1970 was totally ignored. Memo: Biden has document troubles, House GOP on the march with its agenda, A primer on the marijuana legalization proposal that could become law in Minnesota, My reflections on running for Congress to represent southern Minnesota. There are a number of posts already on this thread telling you this, but you don't seem to be replying to the opinion of many who take issue with the tone and the hypocrisy some of his perceive as an "opening shot" in your thread opener. Muellers answers make it clear the FBI wasand is stilltrying to cover up details about its investigation of the anthrax attack., The Circumstantial Case against Bruce Ivins Gets Weaker, By: emptywheel Wednesday May 25, 2011 2:12 pm, So heres my summary of the circumstantial case against Bruce Ivins. An even bigger problem is the complete lack of attention on what happened to the anthrax after it came from Ivins flask, if it did. A recent government report found it to be "outmoded" and "overloaded.". 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