100 examples: If the client group undertakes due diligence, they may check references and 2 thanks to because of. The assurance you have to use a word or phrase well is how good your understanding of the word is. Thank you for all your kind words and blessings; Please accept my deepest thanks and love. You use the phrase when you investigate the assets and liabilities of an organization. If you are diligent, you should be able to find the lenses you are searching for! He recites how he had heard of the monarch's Christian profession, diligence in good works and piety, by manifold narrators and common report, but also more particularly from his (the pope's) physician and confidant (medicus et familiaris noster), Master Philip, who had received information from honourable persons of the monarch's kingdom, with whom he had intercourse in those (Eastern) parts. Poetry was to them a mechanical art that could be learned by diligent application, and the prizes they had to bestow were the rewards of ingenuity, not of genius or inspiration. As part of our due diligence as inspectors, we must examine. I love the whimsy of that last sentence about St. George, the dragon-slayer- both quintessentially British, and true. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Be diligent and check out who your kids are chatting with often. All Words. The love of right reason is the supreme virtue, whence flow the cardinal virtues, diligence, obedience, justice and humility. Since "due diligence" is a phrase rather than a word, we will look at the origin of the individual root words "due" and "diligence.". Thanks for being a key of this institution. Sadoleto was a diligent and devoted bishop and left his diocese with reluctance even after he was made cardinal (1536). 2023 LoveToKnow Media. DEAR Nick Shapiro, spokesman for Barack Obama:I thank you for your diligence, as a member of the lovable layer of people between me, as a journalist, and Barack Obama, as a newsmaker. Examples of using Thank you for your diligence in a sentence and their translations. Thank you all. The discussion turned mainly on the question of the measure of "due diligence.". Consumers must be diligent in their efforts to stay on top of the factors that impact the real cost of financing real estate transactions. Protecting yourself from this type of theft requires diligence on your part. The word diligence is a noun that can be used as a subject or object in many different sentences in the English language. In everyday life, the meaning of due diligence stands for an exercise in risk mitigation, ie there may be many bad outcomes to be avoided through the action taken, including acting unlawfully. In the meantime, thanks for your company. His diligent investigations into the efficiency of various illuminants in differing circumstances, and into the best conditions for developing their several maximum powers of brilliancy, while greatly improving the usefulness of the line of beacons along the extensive coast of the United States, effected at the same time a great economy of administration. Colleagues, I want to begin by thanking all Department of the Interior (Department) employees who are presently working at their duty stations, from home, and other locations to fulfill the important duties that conserve our public lands and resources, provide necessary information to the public, promote public health, and ensure public . 7. Without your dedication and hard work it would not have been possible. This isn't a thank-you card, it's a hug with a fold in it. This requires even less action on your part, but more diligence to keep your bank account fully funded. The dedication with which you work makes you the most deserving employees. Apart from its intrinsic merits as a learned and valuable addition to classification, this work is interesting in the history of ornithology because of the wholesale changes of nomenclature it introduced as the result of much diligence and zeal in the application of the strict rule of priority to the names of birds. 2. Diligent search was made for the oldest and most authentic texts with the support of the royal patrons. In this post, well cover both of these things, so you can use the phrase properly whenever you wish. In this emphatic declaration, that knowledge of the course of nature is merely probable, Butler is at one with Hume, who was a most diligent student of the bishop's works. jane, we in management. Now is the time to be diligent about coupon-clipping. You have to be diligent about monitoring him for accidents when he's free to roam the house, and you have to be just as diligent about taking him outside on a regular schedule. Thank you. Either option would make the phrase sound far more natural than "do due diligence" even if that isn't wrong. The Boston has already developed a bad habit, and will likely continue peeing in the house unless your children are very diligent about re-house training him in the new environment. I feel blessed to have you in my life; I love you so much! Our Diligence and courage can indeed save lives. Well done. Through the influence of Samuel Wilberforce, he was offered the post of sub-almoner to Queen Victoria, always recognized as a stepping-stone to the episcopal bench, and his refusal of it was honourably consonant with all else in his career as an Anglican dignitary, in which he united pastoral diligence with an asceticism that was then quite exceptional. thank you for your caution. The others have been re-edited with scrupulous care for the Oxford University Press by the pious diligence of that most enthusiastic of all Johnsonians, Dr Birkbeck Hill. Tausen found a diligent fellow-worker in Jurgen Viberg, better known as Sadolin, whose sister, Dorothea, he married, to the great scandal of the Catholics. It's a good deal for those who like to plan in advance and are diligent enough to keep track of shifting prices online. Many translated example sentences containing "thank you for your diligence" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. The duties of the post were not heavy, and allowed him leisure for a diligent study of Turkish, Arabic and Persian. ", This is the origin of the root words of the phrase "due diligence. . For the diligent gardener, using organic products reaps benefits of a safer environment so it is worth the extra effort. Diligent weeding in the first few years of the life of a garden will benefit you in later years. Try this, DEAR Nick Shapiro, spokesman for Barack Obama:I. Ludwig Desktop is seamlessly integrated with any writing and reading app: Word, Pages, Google Docs, Gmail Ludwig finds examples from newspapers, reliable and well written scientific journals, official documents and more! (Correct Plural Possessive). Thank you for your diligence, Detective Battle. Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. You can usually find some wonderful deals if you are diligent enough to click on enough links. Thank you for your invaluable partnership. An example is: The panel set up to ascertain the company deals are always ready to demonstrate due diligence to the organization's potential stakeholders. Many see a job well done but few come forward with a word of appreciation. Maybe one of these will work best for you: Thank you for understanding. Good job to everyone. Its matter of pride for us that you have opted for this difficult task. You refer to this meaning when you use the phrase "due diligence" in the legal sector. Glazer's adviser, the investment bank NM Rothschild, has been conducting due diligence on Man Utd over the past month. Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. Due diligence, however, cannot uncover every type of problem. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right Due On, Due By, Or Due For? You should find it very easy to use the phrase "due diligence" in a sentence with these examples provided. Well done. The United States contended that it must be a diligence commensurate with the emergency or with the magnitude of the results of negligence. Of course, this presupposes that you already have enough knowledge and experience about how the stock market works and the patience and diligence required to arrive at sound, logical decisions to make great profits. He managed diligence investigations at Federal sites. A Comprehensive List of Employee Appreciation and Anniversary Messages. Your due diligence would be to read the book and write the report. Thank you for your work. Nor was he (apart from his reception of legendary elements into his narrative) unworthy of the honour in which he was held; for he is really a great historian, in the form of his matter and in his conception of his subject - diligent, impartial, well-informed and interesting, if somewhat rhetorical in style and vague in chronology. Follow this with a date. The successive publication of Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases (1802), of The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities (1808), and The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances (1810), earned him a high reputation as a writer on life-contingencies; he amassed a fortune through diligence and integrity and retired from business in 1825, to devote himself wholly to astronomy. Over the years, there have been many changes in the use of the phrase "due diligence," it was first used in the legal and business sector but has now become a part of the general vocabulary. Because it is so easy to steal images and code from the internet, blog designers are very diligent in keeping tabs on what belongs to them. Thank you to all Department of the Interior Employees. If you did not read the book and just tried to write the report based off of internet searches or things you made up, you would not be doing your due diligence. Simply put, doing what is expected of you and taking precautions in any given situation is doing your due diligence. Here are a few examples: Technically, due diligence has a slightly more specific meaning in business. By failing to perform due diligence before making a purchase, you might end up regretting your choice. You may have heard the phrase due diligence thrown around from time to time, but what does it actually mean, and how is it really supposed to be used in a sentence? His convictions gained weight from the simplicity, uprightness and diligence of his character; but they need a more effective justification than he was able to give them. Diligence and research will help you find the best deal. Cancer patients must be diligent about getting the proper nourishment. It impels the church to diligence in its work of worship, care and prayer (13-18), and in the reclamation of the erring (19-20). I really hope that you would have liked the arrangements that we made for you. Unfortunately, furniture is not something that can be put away, so it will require more diligence on your part to correct the behavior and help your dog make that mental connection. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. About UsWe are on a mission to help you become better at English. He thus caught a preliminary glimpse of the " Fraunhofer lines," so called because ofer Joseph Fraunhofer brought them into prominent ofer notice by the diligence and insight of his labours upon them in 1814-1815. Appreciation is a gift. Sentence count:271+76 Only show simple sentences Posted: 2016-10-01 Updated: 2020-07-24. Nothing else is known of his doings 1 The translation, under the title Eight Books of the Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides the son of Olorus, interpreted with faith and diligence immediately out of the Greek by Thomas Hobbes, secretary to the late Earl of Devonshire, appeared in 1628 (or 1629), after the death of the earl, to whom touching reference is made in the dedication. Thanks! Dear [ insert candidate's name ], A thank you letter to the client is a very important letter to write when a person is dealing with his client. This can take a lot of diligence and attention. (4) I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Explore the various types of conditional sentences and review a few examples of each. Here are 15 situational "thank you for your help" examples: 1. Trick or treat! yella ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf. He was diligent in the cure of souls, labouring hard and successfully for the conversion of the numerous Gnostic communities and other heretical sects which still maintained a footing within the diocese. How To Use It, What Does "No Pain, No Gain" Mean? 50 Funny One-Liners: How to Say Thank You in a Funny Way "I would thank you for your cooperation on this matter". "We are all so proud to have you as part of our corporate family. Generally it may be said that throughout his long reign Francis Joseph remained the real ruler of his dominions; he not only kept in his hands the appointment and dismissal of his ministers, but himself directed their policy, and owing to the great knowledge of affairs, the unremitting diligence and clearness of apprehension, to which all who transacted business with him have borne testimony, lie was able to keep a very real control even of the details of government. Working to earn a Boy Scout uniform patch takes diligence, time, and dedication. It can even work as a sign-off with a comma at the end, particularly if you're including a closing line to this effect: I appreciate all your help ferreting out such an extensive list of species related to otters. 27. The Cambridge Dictionary is a little more specific on its definitions of due diligence. It defines the business definition as the detailed examination of a company and its financial records, done before becoming involved in a business arrangement with it.. An alternate meaning of the phrase "due diligence" is the duty charged with the shipowner or captain to protect the passengers and the goods on his ship. His tutor, Jens Vorde, who prepared him in his eleventh year for the university, praises his extraordinary gifts, his mastery of the classical languages and his almost disquieting diligence. He was also a diligent and skilful observer, and busied himself not only with astronomical subjects, such as the double stars, the satellites of Jupiter and the measurement of the polar and equatorial diameters of the sun, but also with biological studies of the circulation of the sap in plants, the fructification of plants, infusoria, &c. Moleschott (1822-1893) made a diligent use of the science of his day in his Kreislauf des Lebens (1852). You might be hard-pressed because most bicycle wholesaler only deal with businesses, but with diligent research, you should be able to find those willing to sell to individuals. He painted with unceasing diligence, treating none but sacred subjects; he never retouched or altered his work, probably with a religious feeling that such as divine providence allowed the thing to come, such it should remain He was wont to say that he who illustrates the acts of Christ should be with Christ. 9. "You bring high energy and a commitment to everything that you do. The diligent company weathered the quartz craze of the 1970s to emerge weakened but alive and even more committed to its principal mission of superior quality and affordability. Get to the point of your message quickly. Planning out an itinerary is due diligence. Thank you for always helping me out with all sorts of chores. Many pet owners did not know or comprehend the type of dog they were buying or were not diligent in training the animal. Within these parameters, you can still find plenty of well-made options that will last many years, particularly if you are diligent about keeping the rug clean and well maintained. You are the brain behind the company's most recent success. Keep it up. From his youth he was diligent in his studies and a great reader, and during his college life showed a marked talent for extemporaneous speaking. The new landlord succeeded because he conducted due diligence on the requirements of being a landlord before putting up his apartment for rent. The judgment obtained by PEOPLE . Also, we are very overwhelmed as well as very grateful to have you as our business partner. Responding with grace gives positive feedback to the person that their moment of vulnerability is acknowledged and rewa. If you are sending an email rather . Take Effort or Make Effort Which Is Correct? Thank you for your cooperation and your attention. Work hard and give it all youve got. 6. It is an issue in respect of which retailers must remain diligent. His philosophical opinions grew out of a diligent study of Descartes and Malebranche. And it is also derived from the Latin word "diligentia" (meaning carefulness and attentiveness), in-turn from the word "diligentem," the present participle adjective of "diligere. This system of execution was simplified by an act of 1837 (Personal Diligence Act), and execution is now usually by diligence (see Execution). 6. Examples of due diligence in a sentence, how to use it. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. By the way, her grades are very good(high B's and a few A's), however a little more diligence could raise them that extra little bit. With this success comes greater opportunities and challenges. I merely want to thank you for your diligence today. And finally another sentence can go here . You will soon be rewarded for this. Even the smallest of jobs well done will take you one step closer towards the success that you have always dreamed about. Continue to make us proud as you face new challenges and adventures. It required a diligent reader with critical understanding, unlike too many popular science books that obfuscate with over-simplification. Bonaventura (1221-1274) was a diligent student of the Victorines, and in his Itinerarium mentis ad Deum maps. Personally, the method that works for me is using a one word command and being very diligent about taking the puppy out frequently. Je vous remercie pour vos diligences dans cette affaire. Home; Words; diligence; diligence in A Sentence. "I appreciate your time and consideration." Both the prosecuting and defense attorneys need to perform due diligence before the case is tried in the courtroom. His nonchalance to the news of his mother's sickness made Dawn very angry with him. Your contribution and participation are much appreciated. Lots of writers use the phrase "due diligence" as an alternate way of writing "to think things through," "to shop around," "to compare process," or "to research a subject or topic.". thesaurus "Care and diligence bring luck" . 6. Framework: How Are These Words Connected? Thank you for your diligence in this matter. I truly appreciate you from from my head to my toes. It's important to be diligent about taking mini pills at the same time every day because the hormones don't stay in your system very long. Until Bishop Stubbs found it necessary to devote all his time to his episcopal duties, he pursued historical study with unremitting diligence. I'm eagerly looking forward to having future collaborations with you in the near future. Delicate health, by which he was more or less handicapped throughout his life, prevented his going to college, but he was naturally a diligent student. Really hope that you have to use the phrase `` due diligence. `` so! Landlord before putting up his apartment for rent being very diligent about getting the proper nourishment and bring! Owners did not know or comprehend the type of problem m eagerly forward... Been conducting due diligence, time, and allowed him leisure for a diligent of! 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