That day was to be the refuge for all souls, especially the poor sinners. 5 October. Her health slightly improved, Sister Faustina returned to agiewniki Convent. He directed her to his acquaintances, Aldona and Samuel Lipszyc, in Ostrwek in the district of Klembw, who needed a nanny for their children, with a note saying that he did not know the girl but hoped she would be useful. Mrs. Lipszyc tried to get her to marry. One day passing by the chapel she said to Sister Damiana Ziek, I heard that Jesus said that at the Last Judgement He would judge people only on their mercy, for God is Mercy, so by doing or failing to do merciful deeds you are casting a verdict on yourself. After the retreat, she returned to Warsaw full of gratitude and spiritual joy to prepare during her third probation, along with two other sisters, under the direction of Mother Magorzata Gimbutt, for the making of her perpetual vows. I couldnt paint, either, and I did not understand that she meant a new kind of picture, Sister Boenna recalled, so I suggested I would offer her a choice out of the many fine holy pictures I had. I stood next to the bedside cabinet on which there was a little altar set up and was overwhelmed with terror, but a moment later she came round and said, 'Ah, Sister, youve come, Im glad, do come in'. He wanted that message to radiate out from agiewniki to the whole of Poland and the entire world, and Jesus promise to be fulfilled that a spark which would prepare the world for Jesus final coming would issue from this place (cf. Father Sopoko had preached a sermon on the Divine Mercy, during which Sister Faustina saw Jesus in the painting assume a living form, and His rays penetrate into the hearts of the people gathered for the ceremony, making them happy. The background to and instrument whereby God effected this in Sister Faustinas soul was the work for the implementation of the concept of a new congregation. But as she left the confessional Jesus explained, My image is in your soul. According to Roman Catholic tradition, the chaplet may be said at any time, but it is said especially on Divine Mercy Sunday and Fridays at 3:00 PM. Sister Faustina decided to leave and straightaway write to the Holy Father to dispense her from her vows. Informed of this, Mother Superior Irena Krzyanowska forbade her to speak about it, and this is how Sister Faustinas extraordinary spiritual life was kept secret. One such moment was the ceremony for her first vows, which was celebrated on 30 April 1928 by Bishop Stanisaw Rospond. In June 1937 she made a record in her diary of the final shape of the work which was one but had three hues. I do not fear death, my soul abound in great peace. [2]. Many churches dedicated to the Divine Mercy, the Merciful Jesus, or St. Faustina are being founded in Poland and throughout the world. Where, if not in Divine Mercy, will the world find rescue and the light of hope? This is the prayer for the appeasing of Gods wrath. The over eightmonth period of illness and two spells in Prdnik Hospital was a good time for writing, and a major part of her spiritual writings was done in Krakw. The achievement of this objective not only brought Sister Faustina the greatest amount of suffering, but also led her to full union with Jesus, to what is generally referred to as mystical betrothal and mystical marriage. He said, I protect souls that spread the worship of My Mercy throughout their lives, as a loving mother protects her baby; and at the hour of their death I shall not be a Judge unto them, but their merciful Saviour (Diary 1075). In a mystical experience after Holy Communion she received a blessing for the task from the Holy Trinity. The other nuns in the community became sceptical with respect to her. Words cannot describe how good she was. When I went indoors, and thought about what had happened at the gate I heard these words in my soul, My daughter, the blessings uttered by the poor as they leave your gate have reached My ears; they are thankful to Me, your mercy within the bounds of obedience pleased Me, so I descended from My throne to taste the fruit of your mercy. (Diary 1312). From henceforth Sister Faustina knew that she was supported in the carrying out of the mission not only by the Blessed Virgin but also St. Joseph. He would bless their words and endow them with such great power that even the most hardened of sinners would repent. St. Faustina is best known for her devotion to the Divine Mercy. The Chaplet to the Divine Mercy is recited even in obscure languages, and the prayer at the hour of Jesus death on the cross, the Hour of Mercy, is becoming more and more popular. Faustyna, popularly spelled "Faustina", had apparitions of Jesus Christ which inspired the Roman Catholic devotion to the . 29 in the Abramowskiego and needed a child-minder for her three children. I couldnt grasp the meaning of whatever I read; I couldnt meditate. This conduct was inspired by Helenkas fervent faith and concern to be like Jesus trusting in the Heavenly Father even when He was on the cross and Who was meek and humble throughout His life, loving all people with a patient, understanding, and indescribably self-sacrificing love. Many of the great saints suffer like St. Faustina, who died of tuberculosis at age 33, suffering greatly in her final years. Her mother noticed that she loved to pray and would even get up at night and kneel down. The Lord is with Thee. Then I saw her all different, changed, and levitating over the bed, gazing into the distance as if she were looking at something there. It has today become known as the most important place in the history of the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Only during a discussion with her spiritual director Father Sopoko did she disclose that God wants a congregation to preach Divine mercy to the world and to pray for Divine mercy for the world (Diary 436). Nevertheless, my confessor did not allow me to miss a single Holy Communion. Before He comes again as Judge, He wants souls to learn that He is the King of merc (Diary 378), Sister Faustina wrote in her diary. The pale ray stands for the water which justifies souls; and the red ray stands for the blood which is the life of souls Happy is he who shall live in their shadow, for the just hand of God shall not reach him (Diary 299). During these visits she spoke with Dr. Adam Zylber on Sister Faustinas condition. It is continuing and bringing forth wondrous fruit. Suddenly someone woke me up. It was yet another task which seemed to transcend her capabilities. But with Sister Faustina the girl changed and was never the same again. The suffering lasted a minute and then God again filled her soul with great comfort. St. Faustina offered her day in 1936 for Russia, as Jesus was in anguish over what was happening in the atheistic country. Finally, as he later disclosed, More out of curiosity rather than conviction as to the authenticity of Sister Faustinas visions, I decided to have the picture painted. The family was not well off, so like her older sisters she went into domestic service. Her kitchen help Sister Serafina Kukulska recalled was a girl with a very difficult character, a convert, whom no-one ever wanted to work with. She went to Aleksandrw dzki, a town where Kazimierz Bryszewski and his wife Leokadia had a bakery and shop at No. I woke Sister Amelia, put on my overall and bonnet and dashed to the infirmary. On the Feast of Pentecost she renewed her religious vows. I suddenly saw Jesus, Who said these words to me, Now I know that it is neither for the graces nor the gifts that you love Me, but because My will is dearer to you than life; that is why I am uniting with you more closely than with any other creature. At that moment, Jesus vanished. Join the "Apostle of Mercy" as you prepare for Christ's birth! From a very tender age she stood out because of her love of prayer, work, obedience and her sensitivity to the poor. When I recall she confessed that in a few days time I am to be made one with the Lord by my perpetual vows, my soul is inundated with such unimaginable joy that I just cant describe it at all (Diary 231).The ceremony for her perpetual vows was conducted by Bishop Stanisaw Rospond on 1 May 1933. But already in April she suffered a relapse. She continued to make entries in her diary almost to the end of June. One of them was Janek, who was said to be lapsed. These words stirred her deeply, and although she pretended not to have heard them she understood them but for the time being did not tell anyone of them. He promised special graces to priests who preached the truth of Gods merciful love for mankind. After that refusal I indulged in the vanity of life, not paying any attention to the voice of grace, although there was nothing in which my soul could find contentment. But there were still some doubts as to the inscription. Sister Faustina had achieved the fullness of union with God and sang a hymn in honour of His unfathomable Mercy. We were sitting on a bench and she came up from behind, put her arms around our shoulders and put her head between our heads. She was anxious to fulfil the mission Jesus had given her. Thats how Mother Magorzata Gimbutt described the candidate on a preliminary interview to Mother General, Mother Leonarda Cielecka, who was not very keen on admitting persons with such a background into the Congregation. He asked people to kindle that spark of Gods grace and to transmit the fire of mercy to the world. Macarius the Great was a disciple of Anthony. Sister Klemensa Buczek, who helped her take off her white dress and veil and put on the habit, thought it must have been due to the emotions associated with abandoning the world. A name with several distinguished namesakes: the wife of ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, a famous Italian opera singer, and two Catholic saintsmaking it both substantial and unusual. Sister Faustinas principal task was to pass on to the Church and world the Message of Mercy, a recapitulation of the Biblical truth of Gods Merciful Love for every human being, and a calling to each of us to entrust our lives to Him and to actively love our neighbour. I had seen him in the vision. Then I saw Our Lady who said, O, how God likes the soul that faithfully follows the inspiration of His grace. Her superiors directed her to priests, and the priests sent her back to her superiors. The Message is happy to share stories about the Divine Mercy devotion. This is why Vilnius has become known as the "City of Divine Mercy." It was where all of our Lord's demands of St. Faustina in His message of Divine Mercy were finally realised. I remember her wholesome, happy smile Aldona Lipszyc recalled after many years She used to sing a lot and I always think of her in connection with the hymn she sang most often and which I learned from her, 'I am to revere Jesus hidden in the Sacrament'. Mother Michaela Moraczewska, superior of the Warsaw house, who was present during the conversation, offered to speak to the candidate herself. . Sister Faustina was born on 25 August 1905 in Gogowiec, Poland to Marianna and Stanisaw Kowalski as the third of ten children. For it was in Divine Mercy that the world would find peace, and mankind happiness. In October 1928 the Congregation held its General Chapter, and the office of Mother General was entrusted to Mother Michaela Olga Moraczewska who was educated (a graduate of a music conservatory) and spoke several languages. The simple truths of the faith were becoming incomprehensible; my soul was undergoing torment, not finding contentment anywhere. However, impelled by the vision of the Suffering Christ, in July 1924 she left for Warsaw to find a place. Faustina was a remarkable child who knew from an early age that she was called to have a religious life. There were holy pictures on the walls, and a little altar stood in the middle of the bedroom, with a crucifix and two holy statues, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Youll see that the Congregation will be solaced by me. Soon after that mysterious event she returned to Gogowiec to ask her parents permission to enter a convent. The funeral took place on 7 October, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. She was very happy in Prdnik and never complained that she was suffering. Word went round in the Pock convent that Sister Faustina had had a vision. She concluded the letter with the words, Farewell, Dearest Mother, we shall each other at the feet of Gods throne. A sick man lived in a lumber room under the stairs in the house. Her given name was Helena. Sister Faustina experienced visions of Jesus and Mary, during one of which Our Lord revealed that she was to . Since that moment I have had a little cell in my heart, in which I have always dwelled with Jesus. Sister Amelia, who had a very sensitive conscience, asked her, 'Sister, how come, when you try so hard but over the week you still commit such a lot of sins. It happened one day during the octave of Corpus Christi she recorded the most important event of her time at Ostrwek in her diary God filled my soul with an inner light enabling me to come to know Him as the Supreme Good and Beauty. Jesus said to Sister Faustina that the sign would come with the graces dispensed through the picture. Helenka spent the last months of her postulancy in the novice house in Krakw, where she arrived on 23 January 1926. When once instead of praying she started reading a religious book, she heard an inner voice, You shall prepare the world for My final coming(Diary 429). The former is the foundation for the latter; thus, it is fitting that Faustina's revelations became widely known first; but, ultimately, God desires not . She woke up during the night and realised that a soul was asking her for prayer. She is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as a saint, and is known as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. Sister Faustina continued to keep her diary in Krakw, recording not only Jesus words and her extraordinary mystical experiences, but also deeply moving contemplation on the mystery of Divine Mercy. On her way to Walendw she stopped at Warsaw, where she had the opportunity to discuss the matter with Mother General Michaela Moraczewska, in whom she had always been able to confide. Right at that moment, I was transfixed by the Divine light, and I felt I belonged solely to God; and I experienced supreme spiritual freedom, such as I had never had any idea of before (Diary 1681). I am filled with an ever greater longing for God. He ate it. While she prayed there she heard the words, I admit you, you are in My heart (Diary 14). This message, Pope Benedict XVI has said, The message of Mercy as the Divine Power, as God putting a check on all the worlds evil, is indeed the chief message of our times. At the hospital she experienced a lot of extraordinary graces. I got in touch with Eugeniusz Kazimirowski, an artist who lived in the same house as I and undertook to paint the picture, and with Mother Superior, who allowed Sister Faustina to visit him twice a week to instruct him on the details of the painting., The painting of the first picture of the Merciful Jesus started very discreetly at the beginning of January 1934. When she returned to the convent chapel, she complained to Jesus, Whos going to paint You as beautiful as You are? (Diary 313). Born into an impoverished Polish family living in what was then the Russian Empire, Helena Kowalska heeded God's call to join the convent, where she was initiated in 1926 as Sister Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament. By her bedside were the chaplain, Father Teodor Czaputa and Mother Superior Irena Krzyanowska, while the rest of the Sisters stood in the corridor. Biography. It turned out to be a false alarm. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. The Sisters took turns in keeping a vigil by her bedside. At first, I was a bit anxious, but after a while peace entered my soul; but I noticed that Jesus heard my Confession in the same way as my confessors. One day she held a lottery, another time she put on her mothers old clothes and as a beggar went from house to house and the collected money gave to the parish priest for the poor. Under such direction her mind had no problems with comprehending all the mysteries of faith, and her heart burned with the living flame of love. Hail Mary, full of grace. He was strict with himself and his children and did not tolerate even the slightest misdemeanour. Mother Janina Olga Bartkiewicz, who was postulant mistress at the time, showed a big heart to young postulants preparing for the religious life, but at the same time made big demands of them and directed them firmly. Why is St Faustina important? She looked unremarkable, slightly delayed age-wise, rather feeble figure, a maidservant and cook by profession, no dowry, not even the most meagre of trousseaus. Eternal is His love for me. On arriving in Krakw she met with Father Andrasz, who advised her to keep praying and exercising acts of self-mortification until the Feast of the Sacred Heart, when he would give her an answer to this question. Helena Kowalska, known as Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament, was born on August 25, 1905, in Glogowiec, Leczyca County, north-west of Ldz, Poland, as the daughter of a farmer. This period, which Sister Faustina had foretold, contributed to the theological analysis of her writings and the making of the right foundations for the practise of the devotion. In the Vilnian period Jesus returned to the issue of the establishment of the Feast of Divine Mercy in the Church. It was a picture with a new content, he recalled, and that is why I could not display it in a church without permission from the Archbishop, whom I was embarrassed to ask or, even more, to explain its origins. But Sister Faustina, urged on by Jesus, demanded it be put up in church. There will be a Feast of Divine Mercy, I see it, all I want is to do Gods will, she told Mother Superior. She had a lot of work, as there were four rooms in the house, the shop, and the bakery. During her next confession she told her confessor about this incident. Souls that venerate the image of Divine Mercy will not perish In her diary, Saint Faustina recorded the words of Christ regarding the image. At three oclock, beg for My mercy, especially for sinners, and immerse yourself, even for a short moment, in [contemplation on] My Passion, particularly when I was left forsaken at the moment of death. As I was a senior novice I had to act as her guide (angel). The proper liturgical texts were released by the Holy See in Latin.English and Spanish translations must be approved by the USCCB and confirmed by the Holy See before they can be implemented in the . I went to bed at the usual time, Sister Eufemia recollected, and was soon asleep. Through her the Lord Jesus communicates to the world the great message of God's mercy and reveals the pattern of Christian perfection based on trust in God and on the attitude of mercy toward one's neighbors. An experienced confessor, Father Sopoko first tried to get to know his penitent, and not be misled by any delusions, hallucinations or fantasies deriving from human nature. During the 1930s, a Polish nun named Faustina Kowalska reportedly had . When we got there Sister Faustina as if opened her eyes and gave a faint smile, and then bowed her head and Sister Amelia said that probably she had just died. St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament was born in Poland as Helena Kowalska on Aug. 25, 1905. This task was of special importance, since Jesus attached such great promises to it. The sister who had come to wake up Sister Amelia had gone to the wrong cell and woken me instead. Roman Catholic Saint-Maria Faustina Kowalska, known as Saint Faustina, born Helena Kowalska was a Polish Nun who is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as a Saint. But did you know she loved the Blessed Mother and her rosary? Is a gift from God for our times, great mystic, mistress of spiritual life, prophet, who reminded the biblical truth about merciful love of God for every human being and calls to proclaim it to the world through the testimony of life, deed, word and prayer. You didnt have to tell her twice, as often happens with other novices. He promised the grace of a blessed and tranquil death not only to those who say the Chaplet, but also those at whose deathbed others will say the Chaplet. Sr. Faustina died October 5, 1938 and she rests at the Basilica of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland. The Bishop bestowed on her a ring with the name Jesus engraved on it as the sign of eternal nuptial. Sister Faustinas health was deteriorating all the time and the end of her life on earth was approaching. In His next apparition He gave the details for this type of worship. What is Maria Faustina Kowalska known for? 9 in the Kronieska, and worked for three ladies who were Tertiaries of St. Francis. As a little girl she was already distinguished from others by a sense of mercy. He promised her his special help and protection, but asked her every morning to say three Our Fathers and one prayer which the Congregation said in honour of St. Joseph. But yet again she was overwhelmed by such darkness that she returned to Mother Generals room to tell her of her tribulation and struggle. Theologians say the message revealed to Saint Faustina "is a powerful reminder of who God is and has been from the very beginning. From that moment her union with God was closer than ever before. After a while Jesus said to her, Make Me a picture of this image in the form that you see, with the inscription Jesus, I trust in You. As the devotion became more and more widely known the opinion of Sister Faustinas sainthood grew as well. the Diary, 1732). He said that he wanted the message of Gods merciful love preached here thanks to the mediation of Sister Faustina to reach all the earths inhabitants and fill their hearts with hope. She instructed Sister Faustina to say the exclamatory prayers instead of long prayers which required a considerable amount of concentration, and thereby accept the will of God. During confession, he assured her she was on the right road, and that her relationship with Jesus was neither hysteria, nor delusion, nor daydreaming. Sister Faustina is one of the Churchs most popular and widely known saints and the greatest mystics in the history of the Church. Sister Faustina was to contemplate His love for her and love of ones neighbour. But already after three weeks she observed that there was little time in the convent for prayer, and wanted to move to a stricter order. At night, when she prayed prostrating herself on the floor, she saw the tortured face of Jesus and asked, Who has hurt You so much, Jesus? Jesus replied, You will cause Me such pain if your leave this Order. Do not be afraid of anything, be faithful right unto the end. She said that she would soon die and that she had finished all she had had to write and pass on. I felt extremely happy, I thought I had entered life in paradise. One day I went to Prdnik to visit her Sister Kajetana Bartkowiak recollected I knocked on the door. The Apostolic Movement of Divine Mercy, the congregation based on Sister Faustinas mystical experience and charism which Jesus asked her to found, today comprises a variety of congregations, associations, confraternities, apostolates and individuals joining in the accomplishment of her mission. And now praised be the Divine Mercy in us and through us., It was at Prdnik Hospital that she spoke for the last time with her Vilnian spiritual director, Father Sopoko, who was in Krakw in early September 1938 and had the opportunity to visit his extraordinary penitent before she died and hear instructions directly from her relating to the work of Mercy which Jesus had initiated through her services. I knew at once it was an error. Was when I was seven, [it happened] during Vespers and Jesus was exposed in the monstrance. He advised her to be true to these graces, urging her not to stay away from them but to entreat God for a spiritual director who would help her in understanding and carrying out Jesus wishes. In the morning, during Meditation Sister Faustina recorded I was overwhelmed by the presence of God in a special way, seeing Gods immense greatness and, at the same time, His coming down to His creatures. Know that should you fail to have this picture painted and neglect all this work of mercy, on the Day of Judgement you shall be held to account for a great number of souls (Diary 154), He told her. At this time Sister Faustina often spoke of Gods mercy, Sister Szymona Nalewajk recollects, while I would challenge her and stress His justice. From the age of seven, she had felt the calling for religious vocation, but her parents would not give her permission to enter the convent. Firstly in Warsaw in the ytnia, in 1929 she went to Wilno to replace Sister Petronela Basiura, who was leaving for her third probation; then she returned to Warsaw and the house in the ytnia, only to be sent off to a new house on the Hetmaska in the Grochw district. Just as the astounding revelations on the Divine Mercy entrusted by Jesus to St. Faustina constitute God's final effort of salvation . My superiors tell me that sometimes there are illusions and all sorts of spectres. Greater sufferings from those which were caused by tuberculosis, she offered as a voluntary sacrifice for sinners and as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. But soon she had to leave for Krakw, where there were better medical facilities for the treatment of tuberculosis. that it is good for that person from the perspective of eternity. I thought she must be in her room and lying in bed, as she was ill, so I opened the door and went in. From that moment on I felt a greater intimacy with God, my Bridegroom. He was born on November 11, 1873. At the age of nine, she made her first Holy Communion. How marvellously her Divine Mercy service is making its way around the world and winning so many human hearts! Towards the end of my first year in the novitiate she recorded in her diary it began to grow dark in my soul. The Roman Catholic devotion and venerated image under this Christological title refers to what Faustina's diary describes as "God's loving mercy". One day Jesus came up to the gate in the guise of a poor young man. On the afternoon of 5 October 1938 Father Andrasz arrived at the agiewniki Convent and for the last time granted Sister Faustina absolution and administered the Sacrament of the Sick. Mankind shall not find peace and contentment until it turns with trust unto My mercy (Diary 300), He told Sister Faustina. She fetched her rosary, knelt by the dying persons bedside and started saying the Chaplet with all the powers of her spirit, asking Jesus to fulfil the promise He had made regarding the Chaplet. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept My mercy. Required fields are marked *. On her return from hospital (17 September 1938) Sister Faustina waited in the convents infirmary for the moment of her passage from this world to the Fathers House. Helenka looked after her employers children and also after those in need, of whom there was no shortage. Happy to share stories about the Divine Mercy message and devotion is best known for her three children also. Poland as Helena Kowalska on Aug. 25, 1905 Kowalska of the establishment of the were. A place but there were better medical facilities for the end of my first year in the monstrance it... Seven, [ it happened ] what is saint faustina known for Vespers and Jesus was in Divine devotion... 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Light of hope town where Kazimierz Bryszewski and His wife Leokadia had vision! Helenka looked after her employers children and also after those in need, of whom there was shortage! And devotion and never complained that she was suffering bless their words and them. On it as the devotion became more and more widely known the opinion of Sister Faustinas sainthood grew as.! Knew from an early age that she returned to the infirmary admit you you. Her devotion to the poor sinners name Jesus engraved on it as the Apostle of Mercy,. Most popular and widely known the opinion of Sister Faustinas sainthood grew as well around the world to fulfil mission.