Giraffe hearts pump twice as hard as a cows heart in order to get blood to its brain. In order to protest the high tariffs enforced by a U.K. censorship board, a filmmaker sent in a 10-hour movie of white paint drying. Nobody else attended. As of December 2018, The Itchy & Scratchy Show that takes place within The Simpsonshas 107 episodes. Of the top 20 most-watched TV broadcasts in the United States, 19 were Super Bowls, and the other was the 1983 finale of M*A*S*H. English accounts for 50% of visited webpages, even though the amount of English users is only 26%. The law also says that police officers can offer up a firearm if the need arises. Now, we know you didnt read all 1000 interesting facts but if you did, let us know! Another term for your nieces or nephews would be niblings.. The goliath frog is the largest frog in the world and can grow up to 12.5inch (32cm) in length, and weigh up to 7.2 pounds (3.3kg). For nearly 60 years, Texas didnt have an official state flag between 1879 & 1933. During 1943, U.S. officials imposed a short-lived ban on sliced bread as a wartime conservation measure. For almost 15 years, Vermont was technically its own country before joining the United States in 1791. Any prime number higher than three, when squared and subtracted by one, will always turn out to be a multiple of 24. If it hangs in the air, it may have revealed a wire. He willingly donated his performance. Both U.S. and Soviet militaries have trained dolphins. Birds are the closest living relatives of crocodilians, as well as the descendants of extinct dinosaurs with feathers. After people found that it could reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour, tourists asked to ride on it for a few cents. Helen Keller was related to Robert E. Lee. Ziggy Marley, Bob Marleys son, wrote the theme song for the popular childrens cartoon Arthurwhen he was 26. When he was President, George H.W. Brick cement maxi R4.82 each/ R4,820 per 1000. January 10th is Peculiar People Day a day to celebrate those of us who are a little quirky, weird, or eccentric. Although there is currently no drug proven to make someone tell the truth, some countries like Russia, Canada, and India use truth serums. The most leaves ever found on a single clover is 56. They can sense a coming earthquake from 75 miles away, up to five days before it happens. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Farmer Lloyd Olsen meant to eat Mike for dinner with his wife, but the swing of his ax wasnt perfect. Mob boss Vincent Gigante used to wander around New York in his bathrobe to convince the police he was insane and avoid capture. The average life expectancy of a toucan is a very impressive 20 years. More than 90% of survivors of the 9/11 terror attacks delayed evacuation to save their work, shut down computers, change shoes, or visit the bathroom. The collective group of lemurs is called a conspiracy. Although dingoes are about the same size as a Springer Spaniel, they are brave enough to target an adult kangaroo when hunting in packs. Together, the collective name for them is peafowl.. Because snow is composed of ice, it can be classified as a mineral. The name for a collective group of rhinoceroses is called a crash. The first spacecraft to visit Mars was Mariner 4 in 1965. All of the suits worn by Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother were tailored especially for the actor. Turkey vultures use defensive vomit to get rid of any disturbing animal. When Shakira was in second grade, she was rejected by the school choir because her vibrato was too strong. There are more Lego Minifigures than there are people on Earth. Even though Cleopatra swears he is Caesars son, Caesar never officially acknowledged him. He did this at such a scale that it actually significantly, "If you live to become the oldest person alive, the entire human population has been replaced in your lifetime. Only one of the developers had ever worked on a video game before. China is spending $3 billion dollars to build panda-shaped solar farms in order to get more young people interested in renewable energy. John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902. For example, it could be a cool fact on Monday, an interesting fact on Tuesday, a weird fact on Wednesday, an impressive fact on Thursday, and a fun fact on Friday. The name ASOS is an acronym for As Seen On Screen.. In Israel, it is illegal to bring bears to the beach. There is a Japanese village called Nagoro, which has 35 inhabitants, but over 350 scarecrows! When the historic Plaza Hotel in NYC opened in 1907, a room cost $2.50 per night, the same as $64.26 today. Feeding curry to a sheep reduces the amount of methane in its farts by up to 40%. A females heart is smaller than a males by about 25%. The largest living thing on earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman. So the Chinese took to binding womens feet together at a young age. A creepy fact about horned lizards is that their defense mechanism is squirting blood from their eyes. This creepy science fact might gross you out, but its completely harmless and normal. Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. In World War II, Germany tried to collapse the British economy by dropping millions of counterfeit bills over London. Rick Astley has his own brand of beer. The average human heart beats 3.6 million times a year. A bolt of lightning can reach 53,540 degrees Fahrenheit. There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. Todays technology continues to advance, but the deep levels of the ocean still make it difficult to explore further. 4 5. It is akin to our vision at dusk. The commonly known phrase to a T means something that fits just right. There is a Guinness world record for the longest amount of time needed to create an official government it is held by Belgium. Disney has since decided to start a streaming service and has tried asking for the rights back, but Turner refuses every time. In the early 20th century, doctors manually stimulated the genitals of women until they orgasmed. The Japanese giant hornet or Asian giant is the largest hornet in the world. They dont age and will never die unless they are killed. Theres a bar in Yukon that serves a Sourtoe cocktail. It consists of a shot of whisky with a human toe floating in the glass. While some may find it creepy, it is simply tradition for Zoroastrians. Theres no period in Dr. It was written as a farewell to her mentor of seven years. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13. Direct attacks are rare. In 1325, two Italian city states fought over a bucket, which resulted in 2,000 deaths. Gatorade was invented to help the Florida Gators Football Team stay hydrated. Accumulated, however, your shed skin will amount to almost half the average body weight. Animals yawn based on how large their brain is. This makes your bed an ideal home for them. 20 (via 1.1 billion of the 7.2 billion world population is a smoker. So weve spent months researching the biggest & best list of interesting, random facts, all for you for free! This horrifying ordeal didnt just happen once, but twice. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Mutter Museum showcases preserved internal organs, models, and equipment for biomedical research and education. The largest pumpkin pie ever baked was in 2005 and weighed 2,020 pounds or just over 916kg. Over 290 people have died climbing Mount Everest since 1922. March 3rd is known as What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.. Tom Hanks had an asteroid named after him which was called 12818 tomhanks.. For many communities, this is the biggest fundraising event of the year. The first world leader to create a YouTube channel was the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who made his account in 2007. Even without a head, Mike was alive, and he wobbled and crowed in his tour of fame. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. She has been in at least 8 car accidents, and none of them were with another car. This scary process is called excerebration. In 1780, John Aitken and James Jeffray invented the first chainsaw prototype called osteotome. The tablet has since been lost, but the text remains preserved. All of the other pyramids have just four sides. WPC Overview; About Secretary; Working Council On the other hand, vegetarian dinosaurs such as the Triceratops had eyes that looked out to the side so they could stay vigilant, watching for danger as they ate. Although the saltwater crocodile has the highest recorded bite force of any animal, the muscles to open its mouth are weak. Read also: 3 Essential Types of Insurance You Have To Know. The inventor of Vaseline, Robert Chesebrough, ate a spoonful of the stuff every single day. The cost for the marketing campaign was in the billions and it worked. The scientific term for brain freeze is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. Canadians say sorry so much that a law was passed in 2009 declaring that an apology cant be used as evidence of admission to guilt. It takes Uranus 84 years to orbit the Sun once. The descent took about an hour, and they both safely made it out. Losing Weight is the most common New Years resolution. 4 inches can support a group of people, single file. Jupiter itself is 317 times the mass of the Earth. A man with severe OCD and a phobia of germs attempted to commit suicide with a gun to his head. Paula Bronstein / Getty Images mpld Advertisement 2. A man named Ronald MacDonald robbed Wendys in 2005. Humans have been performing dentistry since 7000BC, which makes dentists one of the oldest professions. A woman faked her entire tragedy and the loss of her husband during the 9/11 attacks and became President of the Support Network in New York. To date, it was the biggest trial in the world. Aeroflot Flight 593 crashed because the pilot let his kids fly the plane who unknowingly disengaged the autopilot function. Polygyny is when a man is married to more than one woman, and Polyandry is when a woman is married to more than one husband. The voice actor of SpongeBob and the voice actor of Karen, Planktons computer wife, have been married since 1995. She sells seashells by the seashore was written about a female paleontologist from the 1800s. The Leaning Tower of Piza is tilted because of the soft soil that its built on which has also protected it from at least 4 powerful earthquakes. In Mississippi, it is considered a federal offense to Dine-n-Dash on a check that is over $25. Vanilla flavoring is sometimes made with the urine of beavers. People are actually attracted to people who look like family members or those with a similar personality type. The only window that opens on the presidential car is the drivers window to pay tolls. There have been many cases of domesticated dogs and cats eating their dead owners. There is a boss in Metal Gear Solid 3 that can be defeated by not playing the game for a week; or by changing the date. In English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable. One horrifying fact about death is that life doesnt leave a severed head right away. They would use berries and other fruits to give their faces some color. Both Motel 6 and Super 8 got their names from the original prices of the rooms. Swedish meatballs originated from a recipe King Charles XII brought back from Turkey in the early 1800s. The Lego Group is the worlds most powerful brand. Another creepy fact about them? Non-violent attempts to escape Mexican prisons are not punished because its human nature to want freedom.. Disney World is the second-largest purchaser of explosives in the United States, the first being the U.S. Department of Defense. It was brought to Britain in the mid-5th to 7th Centuries by German, Danish, and Dutch settlers. The famous line in Titanic from Leonardo DiCaprio, Im king of the world! was improvised. This title provides children with a mass of knowledge about science in over 1000 numbered facts. Fake teeth werent a thing yet in the 1800s, so dentists had to resort to making dentures out of real teeth. Water, however, does not fall under the same classification and is not a mineral. Nintendo trademarked the phrase Its on like Donkey Kong in 2010. In Greece, women are not legally allowed to wear high heels or tall hats in the Olympic Stadium. Download Over 1000 Fantastic Science Facts Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. In 2005, Connecticut was accidentally issued an Emergency Alert to evacuate the entire state. This amounts to 16 million storms each year. Times Square was originally called Longacre Square until it was renamed in 1904 after The New York Times moved its headquarters to the newly built Times Building. This might be because prosthetics in the 1960s werent as convincing as they are now. This makes them the only surviving dinosaurs. You then have to renew in person every five years. In America, it is a federal crime to use your roommate or friends Netflix account. From the weirdest animal quirks to the creepiest Disneyland trivia, here are 60 creepy facts to pour over if youre brave enough. Disneylands famous Pirates of the Caribbean ride used real skeletons. The engineers from Disney took one look at the fake skeletons that were initially brought in and thought that they werent creepy enough. The engineers from Disney took one look at the fake skeletons that were initially brought in and thought that they werent creepy enough. In the Netherlands version of Sesame Street, instead of Big Bird, they have a bluebird named Pino. The fine ranges from $10 to $100. It is estimated he brought in the network around $100 million. Humans specifically have eyes that face forward for the purpose of seeing in 3D. Nowadays, millionaires with just $1 million arent considered wealthy anymore by most Americans. Also, did you know that his glasses had no lenses? A 26-sided shape is known as a rhombicuboctahedron. It contains a full-page portrait of Satan. Out of the 400 species of parrots, there is only one that cant fly, called the Kakapo parrot. Eight of the ten largest statues in the world are of Buddhas. When cellophane was invented in 1908, it was originally intended to be used to protect tablecloths from wine spills. George Miller the person who created Mad Max is the same person who created Happy Feet. ", "People who freeze to death are sometimes found naked because, as they near dangerously low body heat, they get the, "Your belly button is just your old mouth. King Charles II was the uncle of William of Orange. It was created by Detroit pharmacist James Vernor in 1866. Triton, one of Neptunes moons, is gradually getting closer to the planet it orbits. The winning entry was: Welcome to Scotland.. Because of the Electoral College, a presidential candidate can win with only 23% of the popular vote. Octopuses and squids have beaks. The quietest room in the world in Minnesota is measured in negative decibels so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat and your bones moving. The Shawn Mendes EP reached Number 1 on iTunes in 37 minutes. Qantas Airways once powered an interstate flight on cooking oil. He wrote 27 books, including Of Mice and Men. Overall, Subway actually has more chains than the fast-food juggernaut, McDonalds. They say knowledge is power, but there are still so many things unknown. 75% of the worlds diet is produced from just 12 plants and five different animal species. The U.K population is over 65 million. The largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits. Each day, your mouth produces anywhere from 2 to 4 pints of saliva. Websters Dictionary accidentally had a word that didnt exist in it for five years Dord.. ", "Genghis Khan killed so many people in his wake that the farmlands they had used returned to being forest. Arizona drivers licenses dont expire until youre 65. The tallest mountain in our solar system, Olympus Mons, is 3 times taller than Mount Everest. In Alabama, it is illegal to participate in shooting, hunting, gaming, card playing, or racing on Sundays. Roughly 33% of cats are not affected by catnip. Mayor Stubbs drinks catnip-laden water from a wineglass every afternoon at a local restaurant. Here at The Fact Site, we have a team dedicated to checking our content for accuracy. The original Xbox contained edited snippets of actual transmissions from the Apollo missions. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. A study at Florida State University discovered that playing Portal 2 is better for your brain than brain-training games like Lumosity. High heels are nothing new to the world. In order to keep Nazis away, a Polish doctor faked a typhus outbreak. By mixing nonoplatelets from carrots and other root vegetables, concrete mixtures can be significantly strengthened, meaning less cement is needed to achieve the same effect. As a child, Jet Li performed with the Chinese National Wushu Team for President Nixon. The front paws of a cat are different from the back paws. William Hung, made famous for his appearance on American Idol singing She Bangs, is a 73rd generation descendant of Confucius. Out of these, the opossum is the only one with no thumbnail. The hand and footprints in front of the Chinese Theater tradition started accidentally when silent film actress Norma Talmadge stepped on wet cement. Called Project Habakkuk, it was shelved due to costs. Instead of having an army, Andorrans all must keep a rifle. He later referenced it in a song titled You Must Love Me.. 2. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome or SADS occurs when a person suddenly dies after a cardiac arrest with no discernible cause of death. Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death. The euphoric reaction commonly associated with catnip is hereditary. Before entering a room, they can squirt it inside. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. The first band to ever perform live on all seven continents was Metallica. It is similar to cutting down a protected tree species. A gamma ray blast could kill us at any moment. They began in 54 BC and ended in 628 AD. BuzzFeed sponsored content costs about $20,000 for five or six articles.. Native to Myanmar and Thailand, these bats are endangered. In 2006, a Coca-Cola employee offered to sell Coca-Cola secrets to Pepsi. In a few Appalachian forests, there are fireflies that glow blue for up to a minute instead of flashing yellow. It is called the TomTato. Thats more than the number of stars in the observable universe. The total weight of all air on Earth is 11 quintillion pounds. This is done to add some aspect of skill to the contest. Dogs have a total of 42 teeth when they are fully grown. Only 2% of the worlds population has green eyes. While Apple was building a huge data center in the middle of North Carolina, they wanted to occupy the area of a couple that had lived there for 34 years. They can clear 200 square meters in less than 35 minutes, which usually takes 2-3 days with a de-miner. They believed that in drinking the blood of fallen warriors, they too would absorb the warriors powers and skills. Sting itself to death plants and five different animal species highest recorded bite force of disturbing... Is called a crash leader to create an official government it is considered a federal to!, all for you for free choir because her vibrato was too strong john Aitken and Jeffray. 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