@DeighAnnImpressive dredging of the archives, if I may say so. I think it is mainly a figurative saying. If you sold your soul to the devil for love, you are eventually going to lose that loved one to death. I think it boils down to that. It's when you act on those thoughts that you are selling out. Fortunately for me thecase had engaged my deep interest as I did a lot of sales contract work atthetime, and I had prepared for hours sensing I was about to get thegrilling of the semester from this professor. I can do this long distance, just send me a pm, but be sure you have your credit card handy. How much money do you get for selling your soul? One day, I checked my mail. But, we are not "in sin" but rather, "under grace". You will become immoral after signing this deal. Yes. (Picture this - I hope you have been taught. Please, feel free to leave your comment below! All I wanted was for my mom to lose her job and spend more time with me. Yes,you certainly can end up selling your soul for temporary pleasure and for gain on this earth. Most who willfully sell their souls to Satan get absolutely nothing from him and simply end up being destroyed and sent to hell. You thought you separated yourself and killed God This world only exists in your Holographic Divine Mind . Its gonna be ok, we are awakening together. Forums; Clubs; Activity . and doubt ah yes doubt is it really the strength of the enemy? This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Cannabis as well as most "drugs" have been used for ulterior motives to facilitate and maintain control and slavery of our minds by the very people who should be looking out for us. The thing that the devil does is he will deceive you into believing that its been sold in running writing. 1 tachibanakanade 4 mo. The war on drugs was and is a giant failure and only the continued atrocity of slavery trying to hang on. In the world of music such claims are not unknown. Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. The soul-snatching was made possible through what Switched calls the "immortal soul clause" buried in the site's terms and conditions. /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. The clause, as published by GameStation, reads, Just stick with it, and try. Of more concern are video games that promoteevil things--devils, killing and the dark side. Marvel & DCs War on God: Doctor Strange, Aleister Crowley and the Multiverse of Satanism, Marvel & DCs War on God: The Antichrist Agenda. DO GOOD AND YOU WILL BE OKAY, follow by nature and do not give him the power he desires. They snuck off and they did it. and also could he make you be with anyone u want? But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua24:14-15), This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. If you are wondering if you sold your soul, then no you did not sell your soul. 36 As it is written:“For your sake we face death all day long; 34 Who then is the one who condemns? When we give ourselves over to sinful behavour we are then in danger of losing our souls. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You would prospectively be selling your soul, and your literal corporal body, if you were selling yourself for sex. All Activity My Activity Streams Members I Follow Also the medical interventions by those who have studied the cause and the mangement of it actually do work. Hes better now, but there was a period of time which he recounts as being very dark. I get horrible anxiety when I just hear the thiefs name Mike or see one of those Kia Soul cars. Always remember God loves you, ask for His help and guidance in all things. You're not signing away your soul. Let us look at them more individually. The time is now children, Love is patient, love is kind. It is our sins that separate us from God, if you have any sin working in your life then put it away from you and be repentant and constant in prayer toward God for forgiveness, and He will forgive. Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die., There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife., What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? He is the author and perfector of our faith. The moment you realize that you desire to do evil things, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. You speak as if OCD is just oppression by the devil. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Some make solitary drunks, and some are mean drunks. I hate to ask but schizophrenia doesn't run in your family by chance does it? So me say a higher self or guardian angel. I have sealed my soul to Satan forever by committing the one and only unforgivable blasphemy sin. and our Going cold turkey on any intoxicant can cause changes to your appearance, and to how you're feeling physically and emotionally. However, faith has nothing to do with it. I'm quite sure you can't accidentally sell your soul to anyone. I would stop using all drugs. It depends on the gravity of what you desire. Sometimes we stumble into danger and hold our hand on a stove. 0/10 would not recommend. I think you should stop tracking out to biblical angels to get what you want. Good Fight Ministries uses cookies and other similar technologies. 21 Signs That Your Twin Flame is Communicating With You, 10 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You, How to Contact a Loved One who has Passed Away? Does he have helpers??? Good and evil and human concepts. See: https://law.justia.com/cases/california/supreme-court/2d/31/766.html. I accidentally said "I sell my soul to Satan" in my head but I didn't mean too. If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. --. But you should understand that the devil is more desperate for your soul than you are desperate for your desires. When one sells his soul, it is not a spontaneous thought, it is a conscious decision one makes to follow Satan and serve him. I did this once and the automatic doors at the corner store wouldnt open for me anymore. Selling your soul goes deeper then the devil as there universe is so vast and much more powerful then the devil. This has even been proven via brain scans of those who are afflicted with it. When you are here in this body you are self. As am I. Even Christians are fooled by this ridiculous concept of selling your soul. Whether one sells his soul or not, we must all still turn to Jesus to be saved, because we are all under Satans power until the moment we embrace Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We couldn't have really known stove is hot until we experience stove is hot. Psalm 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. When I was a kid, I had always thought that you will see the devil before signing a contract with him for your soul. We are all eternal beings , brothers and sisters all dreaming we separated from home . It is true that sin separates us from God. First offlet's keep one thing in mind. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. [deleted] Additional comment actions Thank you so much. I had to sit and wait for someone else and come in behind them. You cannot barter the soul away. Third and final thing, if you are living your life the same as you were before, maybe examine that. The point of that little digression is that yes you can sell your soul, but you also have a concept of law that states one must have reached an age of accountability to be held responsible, in both Rabbinical religious law tradition as well as in civil law of some nations, states and government entities. It is abnormal for you to love doing immoral things. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Scriptures tell us to focus on things that are good, and that our treasures should be in heaven. Perspective can be a terrifying thing. I really wanted to read this but man, use paragraphs and form full sentances next time. DO GOOD, FIGHT AGAINST THE DEVIL AND DO NOT LET HIM DECEIVE YOU!! http://thekingdomcollective.com/spurgeon/sermon/3111/, https://law.justia.com/cases/california/supreme-court/2d/31/766.html, Unbelievable Sodom Coming Against the Church, (2 Samuel 13:1-14) Amnon's Fellowship with Jonadab should be a warning for us Christians about Being careful when it comes to who is involved in Christian Fellowship. Gods Word makes it quite clear that one can sell himself to do evil: There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife. (1 Kings 21:25). I don't think it's possible to sell your soul. So who wants that ? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Finally in my own life I can say that OCD has grown me up in my faith and for that reason I can now, "glory in my affliction in order that the power of Christ may rest more fully upon me - for when I am weak I am strong." It was only made up by the church to gain more power. Not trying to accidentally sell my soul to the fucking devil. Some say a conscience. Joshua_Entangled, Sunday at 10:58 AM, Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. Jesus is a better choice if your smart chose life. To paraphrase what he says, though I do highly recommend you read it, the otherworld comes from Celtic mythology and its in a sense like a parallel universe. This is not to say, "go murder your neighbor it'll be fine," because in harming your neighbor you harm yourself. Answered! We may not be accountable forour sin as an infant, but we are sinful, and sin filled from even before our birthnone theless. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. Like even Marilyn Manson (who Ive prayed for for many years) say if had signed a contract IN BLOOD with Satan FACING him directly across the table? They become so obsessed with what they stand to gain and proceed to sell their soul. Jesus died to set us free from the power of Satan, sin and death: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of deaththat is, the deviland free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Hebrews2:14-15). The number of years you will spend is determined by the devil. Selling your soul to the devil will lead to depression. By using this website or our other online services, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To think you separated from Heaven is a thought of scarcity and loss. How long do you live after selling your soul to the devil? The number of years depends on the contract you sign. You see, if you are faced with the decision to sell your soul in a dream, try to figure out what the rest of the dream was about. Hebrews 12:25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. I am a 14 year old boy and im an Orthodox Christian. If you want to know God, set that Bible down and ask him to reveal himsef. After making this statement, you will have a dream about signing an agreement with the devil. I stood up, and was still standing answering his questions thewhole evening, while therest of the class relaxed. However, as I grew up and got more knowledge about this subject, I realized that it was not entirely true. Dont give the devil the credit for this illness. One has to wonder also how damaging some of the religuous nonsense has influenced our mental wellbeing for the worse. The fact that we are all one.yes it's a truth. Yes, we all sin even after being saved. Fame, fortune, and influence are some of the greedy things that make a person happy. Instead try reaching out to the universe and your guardians as they will give you what you need, they will help you through the times of hardship. Sadly, many choose to cling to worthless idols forfeit[ing] the grace that could be theirs (Jonah 2:8). First of all, I'm a 15 year old baptist girl. Popular topics. These tests are given to you to erase your moral conscience of good and bad since your soul now belongs to the devil. Everyone who has sold their soul to the devil will exhibit one of these 5 signs. It reminds me of a few years ago, where a friend and I made a deal, his soul would be given to me. Here's what happened to me. I also will pray for you. Therefore, it depends on how special your desires are. Don't do it. Most especially, if they are living under the same roof as you. He is the Good Shepherd that laid down his lifeforHis sheep. You may be suffering from psychosis, or possibly even triggered an underlying mental illness. Can you imagine "a being" (a nothing but evil one) walking up to a consuming FIRE. JavaScript is disabled. . And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. Think about it as judgement day, you will be judged when you die and it will be determined on where you go. It is, and I cannot stress this enough, NOT POSSIBLE to sell your soul, not to Satan, not to god, not to another person, not even to Disney Channel. What is a Soul ? The devil belongs to you and you will do whatever he wants from that moment onwards. This is one of the huge tragedies of recent times. I could share of that example, but since you say you actually fully read those agreements, I am going to simply leave you a link to a sermon on thesubject, one by the prince of pastors Charles Spurgeon titled Warning and Encouragement. Whenever you begin to hear voices telling you You are mine, etc. Even if you want to get out of the contract, it is impossible. I know that you are me. Therefore, if you sell your soul with the devil, I assure you that money and fame, or whatever you have traded your soul for will be given to you by the devil in a short while. The professor started the evening with - Who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros. case? It's like you're no longer part of the human race. The Holy Spirit is not tripping over your delusions of grandeur. Basically, anything you want. NOT possible as your soul does not belong to you, so you can not sell. It is a gift from God. In 3-5 weeks, you will receive everything you desire. Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord. There is such a thing as compulsive prayer and it is not good. Be strong in your faith, and remember doubt is the strength of the enemy. Yes it is true that you will have to commit an act of evil. I cant paraphrase the value I got from it, it just describes spiritual experience in a very enlightening and unobtrusive way. You can ask for success, wealth, power, and so much more. Some Christians may disagree, but I say they just don't know, they believe (which is not bad, I'm not judging here). Just to be clear, cannabis isnt a psychedelic, or is it? You have to understand that when it comes to the devil, he is a wise being who can do a lot of things in unpredictable ways through unpredictable methods. May the Lord grant you His peace -- the peace that passes all understanding -- so that you may find rest for your soul! Different people have different experiences with cannabis, and can include feelings of mellowness and happiness, or paranoia and depression, in the same way people have differing reactions to alcohol. Theres a part where he discusses something called the otherworld, which describes what you mentioned about feeling like you were in a different world full of love and heavenly senses. 9 Vertigo Spiritual Meanings: Random Dizziness, 9 Spiritual Meanings of Candles: Symbolism and Powers, 11 Biblical Meanings of Giving Birth in a Dream: Girl, Boy, Twins, 11 Scarab Beetle Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism. You have to understand that the devil is more desperate for your soul than you are desperate for your desire. You will lose your peace at the end of it all. Additional comment actions Its not your soul to sell, so no you didn't sell it. I suggest you enlist the aid of a physician who specializes in addictions. If you have any more questions, there are a great many solid believers on the forums! 2. No your fine. It's also true that we experience life from a central point of view which is self. Like parable of pearl, Jesus is the one buying. The amount of money you will get depends on how much you desire to have. You do not own your soul, so you have no right or ability to give it away. To answer your overall question, I dont really think you can sell your soul. Maybe you can't believe me but in my own experience of reality I experienced something similar. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. We have a voice inside. The misrepresentation of Cannabis and the many nefarious reasons why it was associated with suppression of African Americans, Hispanics and Hippies is selling out to the Devil. It has no basis in reality. Can You Really 'Sell Your Soul'? There's a point to all this. All content found on Angelical Balance is for informational purposes only.Made with lots of love, hard work, and energy! Nothing in the bible states we have the ability to do it either, or that Satan does. Age of accountability is not precisely defined in the Bible- BUT thefact that each of us are born of sin and in sin is established. Amen. No person can know the depths of sin like I do. The devils contract has 7 major consequences that come with it. Those things are called End-User License Agreements (EULA), and these long blocks of unnecessary legal jargon and definitions can contain valuable information on how companies treat us as customers, as well as our data.. Sent from my iPhone. Try mediating and connecting it is a life changer. Should have seen how much I erased. This is where mental breakdowns happen to a lot of people. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD., This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Do you wish to Remember now ? Its as if you are telling her that because of her doubt she is giving the devil strength over her! I also dont care about money and wouldnt give my soul or relationship (if I still have one) with God for it nore would I even entertain the idea! Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?, I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died., Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of deaththat is, the deviland free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death., For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people., Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Again you obviously give the devil too much credit here. When you begin to have dreams of yourself sitting and discussing with the devil, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. God warns us to choose Him over the idols and demon gods that Satan uses to deceive the masses: Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. If you want to follow GOD, ask him for a Church home, read the Bible, and pray. If your interested in connecting with me email me at smallmouthbass1@hotmail.com. He offered him "all the kingdoms of the world" if he would bow down to him. After performing these atrocities, your conscience will become deadened and the only thing you will love to do is evil and immoral things. Plz understand that when he owns u when u go to hell he can very well force u to harm ppl u new & loved in life & u have no choice but to do it, Yes Lord Lucifer does take care of his own I also sold my soul now I feel empty I dont like being under people who have souls when I pass people they are normally afraid and know something is not right about me they are afraid to look into my eyes they see nutting life is pointless now n the things that once made me happy annoys meall hail Lucifer see you in my friend . When you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, you accepted Jesus as the price to God for your sins (soul?) Selling ones soul to the devil is a common term that a lot of people have become familiar with. Please don't be so hard on yourself and stand up without fear to these bullies that keep others down for want of control. and I came back happy and knowing things and in a different world and ended up over a few weeks starting to look unreal and everyone loved me and I was just in paradise everyday spreading love ang making people laugh and thought I was making my own reality ( I was in a different world where everything was so beautiful and I was so free and thought I was connected to nature and god and had no anxiety and felt 10/10 24/7 even sober) and could make anyone feel safe and like a kid and join my fantasy world and I ended up looking even different like an innocent kid I literally felt like a spirit with no body and I was so happy and funny and loved myself and I thought I was just blessed so is smoking weed selling ur soul or is transidental experience (ego death) selling ur soul but I also was getting treated for chronic pain and this acupuncture that gives witch vibes gave me tea when I was sick I think she put something in it and I came once with blood on my hand from a cut and I think she took the napkins and did something i think I dont know what to think but it kinda does seem like I sold it because I didnt even feel human I felt like a spirit and felt powerful and I think an entity was in me because I also had a powerful energy to dance aand have a blast by myself and everyone would just stare at me and people would come up to me that also seemed to have no soul when I thought we were just people who knew the truth i was able to make anyone fall in love and I didnt even get to talk to the girl I like and now I cant but thats what it says u can do if u sell ur soul Ive read and It seems that was too good to be true and once I quit smoking weed for molar surgury my face changed over night and I look different and soulless like Im dying and feel different and a few days after you could see the evil entity in my eyes and now its gone but I feel regret did I get the mark of the beast its insane can I be forgiven I didnt even know I just felt like a kid Having fun 24/7 was just paradise and thought I escaped the matrix (whys fluoride in the water ) Im so dumb for this I hope I can be forgiven and have a relationship with God and Jesus (if you say its not possible to sell ur soul can u explain how please like how do u explain certain famous people) Im 18 I felt like 10 different people and that anything was possible I would literally basically play music in my head and would just laugh at everything even sober theres a lot more I probably left out but I think Im dying I dont want to live anymore Im just going to be alone and dont want family to see me like this or anyone I went from being as healthy as possible to looking like a crack head plus molar surgury ruined my face and smile. You were selling your soul, but in the process, you have given him access to your family and those close to you as well. I'll give you the same advice the universe gave me Survive.