at 71,413. 1 " Specifically, the plaintiff class, which consists of all present and future Brown University women students and . This prong surely requires statistical balancing. Subjects. In addition, the concept of preference does not have the same meaning, or raise the same equality concerns, as it does in the employment and admissions contexts. Cohen III, 879 F.Supp. Being substantially related to an important government objective, therefore, is considered a necessary but not sufficient condition. at 706; Wygant, 476 U.S. at 276, 106 S.Ct. 1764, 36 L.Ed.2d 583, and Croson, 488 U.S. 469, 109 S.Ct. See 34 C.F.R. Thus, there exists the danger that, rather than providing a true measure of women's interest in sports, statistical evidence purporting to reflect women's interest instead provides only a measure of the very discrimination that is and has been the basis for women's lack of opportunity to participate in sports. 1992). at 725-28, because [s]ocietal discrimination, without more, is too amorphous a basis for imposing a racially classified remedy, Wygant, 476 U.S. at 276, 106 S.Ct. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. 44 Fed.Reg. Id. Order of August 17, 1995 at 11. 2282, 2293, 60 L.Ed.2d 870 (1979); Kirchberg v. Feenstra, 450 U.S. 455, 461, 101 S.Ct. The test applied by the court was based on (1) the movant's probability of victory on the merits; (2) the potential for irreparable harm if the injunction is refused; (3) the balance of interests as between the parties and (4) the public interest. Id. at 188 n. 4. Here, gender-conscious relief was ordered by an Article III court, constitutionally compelled to have before it litigants with standing to raise the cause of action alleged; for the purpose of providing relief upon a duly adjudicated determination that specific defendants had discriminated against a certified class of women in violation of a federal anti-discrimination statute; based upon findings of fact that were subject to the Federal Rules of Evidence. Whatever may be the merits of adopting strict scrutiny as the standard to be applied to gender-based classifications, it is inappropriate to suggest, as Brown does, that Frontiero compels its application here.Brown's assertion that Adarand obligates this court to apply Croson to its equal protection claim is also incorrect. 595, 598-99 (1987) (footnotes omitted), and has been said to lie half way between stare decisis and res judicata, 1B Moore at 0.404[1] n. 3 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). The relevant facts, legal principles, and procedural history of this case have been set forth in exhaustive detail in the previous opinions issued in this case. (emphasis added). at 2113. Brown and the attorneys representing the plaintiff class in the Cohen v. Brown case have reached a proposed settlement on plaintiffs' June 29 court challenge to Brown's restructuring of its athletics program. at 993. Two schools declined to include Brown in future varsity schedules when women's volleyball was demoted to donor-funded status. Brown first contends that the court erred in barring cross-examination of plaintiffs' expert Dr. Sabor on the issue of why girls drop out of sports before reaching college. ("Title IX"). Here, Brown argues that its challenge is to the decision of the district court. While the Virginia Court made liberal use of the phrase exceedingly persuasive justification, and sparse use of the formulation substantially related to an important governmental objective, the Court nevertheless struck down the gender-based admissions policy at issue in that case under intermediate scrutiny, 518 U.S. at ----, ----, 116 S.Ct. 15. Despite these statements, however, the majority in its opinion today, and the district court before it, have failed to give Brown University freedom to craft its own athletic program and to choose the priorities of that program. It is well settled that, where, as here, Congress has expressly delegated to an agency the power to elucidate a specific provision of a statute by regulation, the resulting regulations should be accorded controlling weight unless they are arbitrary, capricious, or manifestly contrary to the statute. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 844, 104 S.Ct. The majority is unsympathetic to Brown's claim that the disparity between athletic opportunities for men and women reflect a gender-based difference in interest levels. See Hogan, 458 U.S. at 728, 102 S.Ct. In addition, a majority of the Court in Guardians Ass'n v. Civil Serv. At the time of Cohen v. Brown University, 991 F.2d 888 (1st Cir.1993) (Cohen II ), the standard intermediate scrutiny . What stimulated this remarkable change in the quality of women's athletic competition was not a sudden, anomalous upsurge in women's interest in sports, but the enforcement of Title IX's mandate of gender equity in sports. 3221, 77 L.Ed.2d 866 (1983), agreed that injunctive relief and other equitable remedies are appropriate for violations of Title VI. 706, 102 L.Ed.2d 854, the Court applied strict scrutiny in striking down a municipal minority set-aside program for city construction contracts. Accordingly, we have held that only a few exceptional circumstances can overcome the interests served by adherence to the doctrine and these exceptions are narrowly circumscribed. See McDonough Power Equip., Inc. v. Greenwood, 464 U.S. 548, 553, 104 S.Ct. Accordingly, the district court found that Brown maintained a 13.01% disparity between female participation in intercollegiate athletics and female student enrollment, id. Additionally, section 1681(a), a provision enacted by Congress as part of Title IX itself, casts doubt on the district court's reading of prong three. As recently set forth in Virginia, [p]arties who seek to defend gender-based government action must demonstrate an exceedingly persuasive justification for that action. Virginia, 518 U.S. at ----, 116 S.Ct. 7. 1910, 1914, 100 L.Ed.2d 465 (1988), the Supreme Court applied a more searching skeptical scrutiny of official action denying rights or opportunities based on sex, id., at ----, 116 S.Ct. Under intermediate scrutiny, the burden of demonstrating an exceedingly persuasive justification for a government-imposed, gender-conscious classification is met by showing that the classification serves important governmental objectives, and that the means employed are substantially related to the achievement of those objectives. The Bond InjunctionSchooner Lost. of Educ., 402 U.S. 1, 25, 91 S.Ct. This difficulty was recognized in Cohen II, which stated that the mere fact that there are some female students interested in a sport does not ipso facto require the school to provide a varsity team in order to comply with the third benchmark. Cohen II 991 F.2d at 898. Id. Under the doctrine of the law of the case, a decision on an issue of law made by the court at one stage of a case becomes a binding precedent to be followed in successive stages of the same litigation except in unusual circumstances. Brown's rehashed statutory challenge is foreclosed by the law of the case doctrine and we are therefore bound by the prior panel's interpretation of the statute, the regulation, and the relevant agency pronouncements. We hold that the district court did not err in the degree of deference it accorded the regulation and the relevant agency pronouncements. According to the district court, Brown's athletics program violates prong three because members of the proportionately underrepresented sex have demonstrated interest sufficient for a university-funded varsity team that is not in fact being funded. 21. No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another person or otherwise be discriminated against in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, club or intramural athletics offered by a recipient, and no recipient shall provide any such athletics separately on such basis. Applying that test, it is clear that the district court's remedial order passes constitutional muster. I conclude, therefore, that Adarand and Virginia are irreconcilable with the analysis in Cohen II and, accordingly, we must follow the guidance of the Supreme Court in this appeal. By including in its accounting a contact sport that requires very large numbers of participants, e.g., football, the district court skews the number of athletic participants-making it impossible for the university to provide both men's and women's teams in other sports. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. In that case, Congress specifically found that more frequent and lower age limits were being applied to women than to men in the labor market. at 992 (Brown is cutting off varsity opportunities where there is great interest and talent, and where Brown still has an imbalance between men and women varsity athletes in relation to their undergraduate enrollments.). Further, as the district court noted in its opinion after the trial on the merits, [n]othing in the record before me, now fully developed, undermines the considered legal framework established by the First Circuit at the preliminary injunction stage. Cohen III, 879 F.Supp. Second, Califano, unlike the instant case, contained an exceedingly persuasive justification for its gender-conscious state action. at 981. 71,413, 71,414. Thus, the legislative history strongly suggests that the underscored language defines what is proscribed (in the contexts of admissions and hiring) in terms of a geographical area, beyond the institution, and does not refer to an imbalance within the university, with respect to the representation of each gender in intercollegiate athletics, as compared to the gender makeup of the student body. 1681(a) (West 1990). Contact us. Appellee's Br. Horner, 43 F.3d at 273 n. 6 (citing Cohen v. Brown Univ., 991 F.2d 888, 896 n. 10 (1st Cir.1993)). See Miller v. Johnson, 515 U.S. 900, ----, 115 S.Ct. See Horner v. Kentucky High Sch. 1681-1688 (1988) ("Title IX"). benign race-conscious measures mandated by Congress are constitutionally permissible to the extent that they serve important governmental objectives within the power of Congress and are substantially related to achievement of those objectives. From a constitutional standpoint, the case before us is altogether different. However, in Kelley, the Seventh Circuit, unlike the district court, did not use the three-prong test as a definitive test for liability. at 1848. 1053, 94 L.Ed.2d 203 (1987) (upholding a one-black-for-one-white promotion requirement ordered by a district court as an interim measure in response to proven discrimination by a state employer); Local 28 ofSheet Metal Workers v. EEOC, 478 U.S. 421, 106 S.Ct. Title IX is an anti-discrimination statute, modeled after Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Reviewing the district court's evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion, see Sinai v. New England Tel. In short, Brown treats the three-part test for compliance as a one-part test for strict liability. Co., 41 F.3d at 770 (citing 1B Moore at 0.404[10]). . The Metro Broadcasting Court applied intermediate scrutiny, notwithstanding that the previous year, in Croson, 488 U.S. 469, 109 S.Ct. at 204, 97 S.Ct. Idk. In Cohen I, 991 F.2d 888, the "watershed" case involving Title IX and university athletics, Brown University appealed from the district court's issuance of a preliminary injunction ordering Brown to reinstate its women's gymnastics and volleyball programs, pending the resolution of the plaintiffs' claim that the proposed cutbacks violated Title IX. 106.41(b) (1995) ([A] recipient may operate or sponsor separate teams for members of each sex where selection for such teams is based upon competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport.) (emphasis added). 978, 1001 (D.R.I.1992) ("Cohen I "). at 1949 n. 2 (observing with respect to the relevance of the University of Chicago's statistical evidence regarding the small number of female applicants to its medical school, in comparison to male applicants, that the dampening impact of a discriminatory rule may undermine the relevance of figures relating to actual applicants). Even assuming that membership numbers in varsity sports is a reasonable proxy for participation opportunities-a view with which I do not concur-contact sports should be eliminated from the calculus. While it is difficult to point to one particular case and hold it up as the definitive . 12. 106.41(c)(1), the first of the non-exhaustive list of ten factors to be considered in determining whether equal athletics opportunities are available to both genders. at 210 n. 51; see 1990 Investigator's Manual at 27 (explaining that a survey or assessment of interests and abilities is not required by the Title IX regulation or the Policy Interpretation but may be required as part of a remedy when OCR has concluded that an institution's current program does not equally effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of students). at 15, because the urged interpretation is illogical, conflicts with the Constitution, the Statute, the Regulation, other Agency materials and practices, existing analogous caselaw and, in addition, is bad policy, id. The Court in Adarand singled out Metro Broadcasting as a significant departure from much of the Equal Protection jurisprudence that had come before it, in part because it suggested that benign government race-conscious classifications should be treated less skeptically than others. Bernier v. Boston Edison Co.: bad driver lady crashed into bad . Under the district court's interpretation, a school facing budgetary constraints must, in order to comply with prong two, increase the opportunities available to the underrepresented gender, even if it cannot afford to do so. at 71,418, in which case the compliance inquiry ends without reaching prong three. Our guests were Ted Shaw of the University of North Carolina Law School and Michael Klarman of Harvard Law School. 26. The district court found that Brown predetermines the approximate number of varsity positions available to men and women, and, thus, that the concept of any measure of unfilled but available athletic slots does not comport with reality. Cohen III, 879 F.Supp. 1364, 1370-71, 113 L.Ed.2d 411 (1991)). of the Commonwealth Sys. at 189. 106.41(c)(1) (1995), regardless of its performance with respect to other Title IX areas. 1287, 1288-89, 28 L.Ed.2d 582 (1971) (recognizing that measures required to remedy race discrimination will almost invariably require race-conscious classifications, and that [a]ny other approach would freeze the status quo that is the very target of all desegregation processes). Not all sports are the same and the university should be given the flexibility to determine which activities are most beneficial to its student body. at 3336; J.E.B. In other words, evidence of differential levels of interest is not to be credited because it may simply reflect the result of past discrimination. Brown, on the other hand, argues that prong three is satisfied when (1) the interests and abilities of members of the proportionately underrepresented gender (2) are accommodated to the same degree as the proportionately overrepresented gender. Brown argued at trial that there is no consistent measure of actual participation rates because team size varies throughout the athletic season, and that there is no consistent measure of actual participation rates because there are alternative definitions of participant that yield very different participation totals. Id. If the athletes competing in sports for which the university is permitted to field single-sex teams are excluded from the calculation of participation rates, the proportion of women participants would increase dramatically and prong one might be satisfied. While some gender-conscious relief may adversely impact one gender-a fact that has not been demonstrated in this case-that alone would not make the relief affirmative action or the consequence of that relief reverse discrimination. To the contrary, race- and gender-conscious remedies are both appropriate and constitutionally permissible under a federal anti-discrimination regime, although such remedial measures are still subject to equal protection review. The plaintiff . On October 27, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upheld the approval of the Amendment to the Joint Agreement. Cir.1994) (citing United States v. Rivera-Martinez, 931 F.2d 148 (1st Cir. Expanding women's athletic opportunities in areas where there is proven ability and interest is the very purpose of Title IX and the simplest, least disruptive, route to Title IX compliance at Brown. Although the statute itself provides for no remedies beyond the termination of federal funding, the Supreme Court has determined that Title IX is enforceable through an implied private right of action, Cannon, 441 U.S. at 703, 99 S.Ct. Cf. For the purposes of this appeal, we must review findings of fact under a clearly erroneous standard, Reich v. Newspapers of New England, Inc., 44 F.3d 1060, 1069 (1st Cir.1995) and findings of law de novo, Portsmouth v. Schlesinger, 57 F.3d 12, 14 (1st Cir.1995). 19 (2022), the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial . (3)Where the members of one sex are underrepresented among intercollegiate athletes, and the institution cannot show a continuing practice of program expansion such as that cited above, whether it can be demonstrated that the interests and abilities of the members of that sex have been fully and effectively accommodated by the present program. I believe that we face such a situation in the instant case. 1993) Rule: A district court, faced with a motion for preliminary injunction, must assess the request in four particular ways, evaluating: (1) the movant's probability of victory on the merits; (2) the potential for irreparable harm if the injunction is refused; (3) the balance of interests as between the parties, i.e . Thus, the district court held that. See Cohen II, 991 F.2d at 895; Cohen III, 879 F.Supp. Specifically, Brown argues that the district court's interpretation and application of the test is irreconcilable with the statute, the regulation, and the agency's interpretation of the law, and effectively renders Title IX an affirmative action statute that mandates preferential treatment for women by imposing quotas in excess of women's relative interests and abilities in athletics. First, as Brown points out, the Regulation that includes prong three provides that, in assessing compliance under the regulation, the governing principle in this area is that the athletic interests and abilities of male and female students be equally effectively accommodated. Policy Interpretation, 44 Fed.Reg. Thinx period underwear settles $4 million class action lawsuit after 'forever chemicals' that can cause fertility issues were found in high quantities near the CROTCH of its supposed 'organic and . That notwithstanding, where-as here-the resulting regulation is susceptible to more than one reasonable interpretation, we owe no such deference to the interpretation chosen where the choice is made not by the agency but by the district court. Among the evidence submitted by Brown are: (i) admissions data showing greater athletic interest among male applicants than female applicants; (ii) college board data showing greater athletic interest and prior participation rates by prospective male applicants than female applicants; (iii) data from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program at UCLA indicating greater athletic interest among men than women; (iv) an independent telephone survey of 500 randomly selected Brown undergraduates that reveals that Brown offers women participation opportunities in excess of their representation in the pool of interested, qualified students; (v) intramural and club participation rates that demonstrate higher participation rates among men than women; (vi) walk-on and try-out numbers that reflect a greater interest among men than women; (vii) high school participation rates that show a much lower rate of participation among females than among males; (viii) the NCAA Gender Equity Committee data showing that women across the country participate in athletics at a lower rate than men. As the Kelley Court pointed out (in the context of analyzing the deference due the relevant athletics regulation and the Policy Interpretation): Undoubtedly the agency responsible for enforcement of the statute could have required schools to sponsor a women's program for every men's program offered and vice versa It was not unreasonable, however, for the agency to reject this course of action. Brown, who previously served in the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice, brings to his role extensive experience leading complex litigation, particularly 106.41, deserves controlling weight, 991 F.2d at 895; that the Policy Interpretation warrants substantial deference, id. Brown simply ignores the fact that it is required to accommodate fully the interests and abilities of the underrepresented gender, not because the three-part test mandates preferential treatment for women ab initio, but because Brown has been found (under prong one) to have allocated its athletics participation opportunities so as to create a significant gender-based disparity with respect to these opportunities, and has failed (under prong two) to show a history and continuing practice of expansion of opportunities for the underrepresented gender. We conclude that the district court's application of the three-part test does not create a gender-based quota and is consistent with Title IX, 34 C.F.R. at 214. Cohen v. Brown University 101 F.3d 155 (1996) Vote: 9-0 Facts: By 1991, Brown University (defendant) had created 15 at ----, 115 S.Ct. 580, 126 L.Ed.2d 478 (1993). In Cohen II we stated that it is established beyond peradventure that, where no contrary legislative directive appears, the federal judiciary possesses the power to grant any appropriate relief on a cause of action appropriately brought pursuant to a federal statute. 991 F.2d at 901 (citing Franklin, 503 U.S. at 70-71, 112 S.Ct. As we have explained, Croson's factual concerns are not raised by a district court's determination-predicated upon duly adjudicated factual findings bearing multiple indicia of reliability and specificity-of gender discrimination in violation of a federal statute. at 8. As noted in Cohen, 879 F.Supp. It is women and not men who have historically and who continue to be underrepresented in sports, not only at Brown, but at universities nationwide. at 2726-27 (construing the prohibition against race discrimination contained in 703(a) and (d) of Title VII, and concluding that an interpretation of the sections that forbade all race-conscious affirmative action would bring about an end completely at variance with the purpose of the statute and must be rejected) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted); id. All rights reserved. Nevertheless, the University wishes to act in good faith with the order of the Court, notwithstanding issues of fact and law which are currently in dispute. Id. Section 1681(b) was patterned after 703(j) of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. Market-leading rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers for Product liability, mass tort and class action - defense: consumer products (including tobacco) in United States A group of states and local governments alleged that EPA has abdicated it responsibility to regulate the emission of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. According to the statute's senate sponsor, Title IX was intended to. See Adarand Constr. Id. Moreover, Webster, which Cohen II cited along with Metro Broadcasting, was not overruled or in any way rendered suspect by Adarand. Specifically, the Supreme Court announced that. at 1961, and that damages are available for an action brought under Title IX, Franklin v. Gwinnett County Pub. at 55. of Bethlehem, Pa., 998 F.2d 168, 175 (1993) (observing that, although Title IX and its regulations apply equally to boys and girls, it would require blinders to ignore that the motivation for promulgation of the regulation on athletics was the historic emphasis on boys' athletic programs to the exclusion of girls' athletic programs in high schools as well as colleges), cert. Amy Cohen (plaintiff), a member of the . at 2274. 25. To the extent that Brown assumes that Croson governs the issue of the sufficiency of the factual predicate required to uphold a federally mandated, benign race- or gender-based classification, that assumption is also unfounded. . at 1917-18 (directing that Title IX must be accorded a sweep as broad as its language). Cohen v. Brown Univ., 991 F.2d 888, 907 (1st Cir.1993) (Cohen II). We held that the district court erred in placing upon Brown the burden of proof under prong three of the three-part test used to determine whether an intercollegiate athletics program complies with Title IX, discussed infra. As explained previously, Title IX as it applies to athletics is distinct from other anti-discrimination regimes in that it is impossible to determine compliance or to devise a remedy without counting and comparing opportunities with gender explicitly in mind. The district court held that, because Brown maintains a 13.01% disparity between female participation in intercollegiate athletics and female student enrollment, it cannot gain the protection of prong one. Cohen III, 879 F.Supp. (We note that the text of the 1990 Investigator's Manual cited herein at page 25 was apparently at page 27 of the copy of the Manual before the district court.). 185 (D.R.I.1995) (Cohen III), to demonstrate the many ways in which a university might achieve compliance: It may eliminate its athletic program altogether, it may elevate or create the requisite number of women's positions, it may demote or eliminate the requisite number of men's positions, or it may implement a combination of these remedies. Situation in the degree of deference it accorded the regulation and the relevant agency pronouncements Law.... Guests were Ted Shaw of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C and damages... 70-71, 112 S.Ct altogether different damages are available for an action brought Title! Applying that test, it is clear that the previous year, in Croson 488... 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