eric schmidt daughter poisoned. If people knew, they would hang the traitors who give American IP and trade secrets to our enemies just to feed the war machine. You seem so sweet and nice. Unfortunately, Eric tried to keep some control and Communists dont like that so the antidote for Alison stopped and she passed away. That is when I left and moved into private industry, with the help of Eric and the gang. Those Silicon Valley boys were simply toys in my hands. JANE DOE: It is more simple than people think but it must come from every person on the planet. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Dont get me wrong, Eric is very useful to China right now. "When we were watching Netflix, after some time, the notice on the Netflix screen says 'Do you wish to continue? JANE DOE: I would be happy to answer any questions that I can through this secure line and, right now, only through you until we see where this goes. Trump Return! And personally, I dont want to be on any ship that he is at the helm of. Think of it as augmented humanity. Not even Charlie Rose can keep Schmidt from going off message. I am trying to rectify those mistakes right now. They were given a top-secret DARPA program called Memex which we had used as the best search engine we could develop. Eric Schmidt's daughter details North Korea visit. Location Beverly Hills Post Office, Los Angeles, Calif. Price $22 million. But a source who knows Schmidt well defended him, saying: Eric is integral to the success of Google and in enabling it to become a hugely successful company that employs 35,000 people around the world and is a service that is much-loved by its users. JANE DOE: They will stop giving him the antidote and he and his daughter Sophie will meet the same fate as Alison did. Actually, they will have complete control of everyone in China in two years. PATRIOT: Thank you again for blowing my mind. In a strange way, Eric is like Count Dooku from Star Wars, who was a good character who went bad by building his own robot army and clone army to fight against everybody. ", Gallagher asked, "You don't yell, right? Its true that we see your searches. For instance, the aggressive 5G attack on Americans came through Eric and Hillary using Richard Walker, again, as a shill for Broadcom working with Qualcomm to roll out endless poisonous 5G antennae broadcasters throughout America. Eric actually took Sophie into insane danger to get her first dose of the antidote that the Chinese had poisoned Alison, Sophie and Eric with. We honor his dedication to public service and commit to carrying on his legacy . In America this is also already going into place. That is why it is OK for me to speak the truth I experienced. No one does anything without tech support and I was at the heart of high-tech innovation at DARPA, Motorola, Boston Dynamics, Facebook Building 8, and many other skunkworks projects for Lockheed, Boeing, BAE and others. I didnt know that weapons dealers, both conventional and virtual, sit around and calculate the deaths that will arise from going forward with a new project. 2015 ALLEGATIONS, BUT THE CASE WAS CLOSED WHEN THE ALLEGED VICTIMS FAMILY DECIDED NOT TO PURSUE CHARGES. This is truly patriotic even if a little late in the game. ~ January 18, 2023, New Navy Seal Michael Jaco Huge: Biden Is G.O.N.E 01/16/23! Elizabeth was the daughter . Woman power is what I am about. Schmidt later retracted the statement, calling it a joke. HOW COULD SHE BE FROZEN AT THE SAME TIME? PATRIOT: You have my attention What is Erics Big Plan? And personally, I dont want to be on any ship that he is at the helm of. SHE IS 19 YEARS OLD NOW, BUT SHE WAS 12 YEARS OLD IN 2015 THE YEAR SHE SAYS. One way to think about this is, were trying to make people better people, literally give them better ideasaugmenting their experience. Editors Note: (Thanks to reader M for this one!) I never really saw myself as a patriot, but I guess I might be one. Eric oversaw the company's technical and business strategies alongside founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. This conversation took place on July 1st, 2019. For those of in your audience who might who dont know about the Highlands Group, it works out of the Naval Intelligence Net Assessment Office and basically is the international group of corporations, venture capitalists, military and corporate intelligence, and the CIAs In-Q-Tel agency that uses SAIC and Leidos as their corporate arm. While he expressed shock at how Washington works, he neglected to mention that Google spent $1.34 million last quarter on lobbyistsan increase of 41% year-over-yearand as much as $2.72 million in the first half of 2010. He will live forever in history as an evil and ghastly man. He served as Google's Chief Executive Officer and Chairman from 2001-2011 where he pioneered the company's transformation from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology. I was never there for personal gain. TRYING TO RAPE A FREAKING 12 YEARLD O KID THE ALLEGED VICTIM CLAIMS. JANE DOE: I cant tell you how this makes me feel. When Eric went on to Sun Microsystems and again gleaned the credit for projects he didnt create, I decided to find out what made him tick. Everyone knows that the number one thing Eric thinks about is longevity. TRUMP NEWS ~ January 18, 2023, SITUATION UPDATE 1/17/23 ~ January 18, 2023, JFK Jr. SaysIf You KnowYou know Amazon Founder Dead? But now, I want to focus on human-based technology driven by human intelligence for the benefit of humans. Terms of Use Refresh and try again. THE CRUX OF TODAYS TESTIMONY ARE CELL PHONE BELONGING TO A 12 YEAR OLD GIRL THAT 12 YEAR OLD IS NOW 19 ONHE T STAND TODAY. No digital innovations go without his approval and perhaps funding if he knows it will become a government monopoly. Adam Fondren, Deseret News. And now, I am shinning a bright light on his corruption and plans. Facebook and Zuckerberg did the same thing with Lifelog, which was another DARPA/In-Q-Tel project that needed a boy-genius as the front-man. Posted on May 24, 2022. Schmidts most recent affair, according to the New York Post (which has taken particular delight in his extramarital interests) was with sultry Vietnamese concert pianist Chau-Giang Nguyen, with whom he has been spotted dining at upscale New York restaurants. We join the nation in mourning the loss of one of our SCSP advisors, Ash Carter. Benjamin Fulford! We've received your submission. The best thing that would happen is for Facebook to open up its data. That is why I feel I have an obligation to spill the beans and let the powers that stand for honesty, morality and truth to finally have their day. taxi from niagara falls ny to canada. Perhaps we could start with why you decided to have this conversation and why now. Then, with 5G in place, the Atlas warrior robot army will be finished and can move in to disarm all Americans and arrest those who resist. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. When Eric went on to Sun Microsystems and again gleaned the credit for projects he didnt create, I decided to find out what made him tick. It is horrible what they have done to Eric and his two daughters, the only people he cares about on the planet. I find it amazing how easily people are lied to effectually. You were Eric Schimdts lover and introduced him to the most notorious warlords in the world who you worked for when you were in DARPA? I will keep speaking out against this evil group of people, with Eric at the head. This is funny because the old Chinese kings were also obsessed with extending their life and putting mercury in their food. How do you know these things about Eric? Eric has become one of those war machines and I want to see someone stop him. ANONYMOUS PATRIOT (PATRIOT): Thank you for agreeing to this interview. I had turned to my left and Mr. Schmidt was sitting there with his genitals out," the relative said. I think that is because they are afraid of karma and the consequences of their lies and despicable actions. Caroline Graham for The Mail on Sunday, The lonely generation: Late-life divorce. Personally, I never had any money to invest or I could be rich. These are idiots who are psychopaths with delusions of grandeur. Eric even took his daughter into North Korea and she wrote a dairy about the entire trip. Then, they informed Eric that during the trip they had poisoned him also. A source told the Post at the time: She has been telling friends they are dating and they have been going out openly in New York and the Hamptons as a couple., Shields now works as a publicist for the Council On Foreign Relations in New York, and speaking from her weekend home in the Hamptons did not deny her reported relationship with Eric Schmidt, but added: I never comment on my personal life.. Eric did this in 2012 and 2016 through Groundworks and other high-tech start-ups. Yes, I chose Eric as a lover to figure out what made him so successful. JANE DOE: What I am about to tell you has seldom ever been said out-loud. She adored Eric. Gallagher said. Slow it down by not buying it, using it, or allowing it to be used on children. But it is not about the old systems, it is about the new ones and Eric controls research and development for dozens of the largest corporations. Eric Schmidt. I have only ever spoken to one other person who has attended Highlands Group forums and she said those people were pure evil and could burn a hole through you with their demonic eyes. But once he moved to Novell and tanked the company, I did him a favor by inviting him to a Highlands Group forum. PATRIOT: This is the most shocking and amazing story I have every heard. For most of his first 10 years at Google, he took a salary of $1 a year plus stock options, now worth billions. Eric worked with the Atlantic Council, donations from the Open Society Foundation, and the Cambridge Digital Forensic Investigation Laboratory to control the Internet before the 2012, 2016, and 2018 elections. These things are immoral and wrong and must be stopped. Nov 29, 2017, 8:45am PST. He is out of control. Eric Schmidt is an accomplished technologist, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Before calling her to the stand, prosecutors called a relative of Schmidt's to testify about what she said she witnessed in January 2015 when she was temporarily staying with the family. Jim Breyer from Accel Partners, John Doerr from Kleiner Perkins, and Sir Michael Moritz from Sequoia Capital, and the other standard venture capital companies always knew ahead of time who was the chosen one for the next big venture. PATRIOT: Wow. I've never met a person who does not want a safer world, better medical care and education for their children, and peace with their neighbours. Simply reject big-tech. He was brought in as Googles CEO in 2001 by creators Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who relied on his expertise to turn their modest internet search engine into a global media powerhouse. So far, over 1.5 million Chinese Muslims have died being reprogrammed. Eric Schmidt's motto would more appropriately be "Just Do Evil" as he uses his cyber-warfare to support China, directly interferes in U.S. elections, and attacks free speech and privacy on social media and search engine platforms. They both were controlled by Eric and his controllers. White Hat Ops, Mass Arrests, Tribunals! Served as a director on the board of Apple between 2006 and 2009. Eric created a dozen look-alike programs for Europe where his programs have effectively stopped free speech. Duisberg is also the same age as Schmidt's daughter, Sophie, and although Duisberg isn't the first . Schmidt met his wife, Wendy Boyle, in 1980 while he was living in International House Berkeley. Because he is the ultimate high-tech insider trader. Schmidt, worth an estimated 5.4billion, is believed to have had at least one mistress sign a confidentiality agreement not to divulge any details of their relationship. Support material that we found that supports Jane Does interview: Eric Schmidt illegally donated $1.5 billion to the Hillary campaign that she did not declare. We can more or less know what youre thinking about, If you have something that you dont want anyone to know maybe you shouldnt be doing it in the first place, Every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends social media sites, Our policy is we try things, we celebrate our failures, Just remember when you post something, the computers remember forever, Washington is an incumbent protection machine The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists, I actually think most people dont want Google to answer their questions, they want Google to tell them what they should be doing next, We are willing to get it one way or another, with or without deal, We Want People To Be More Logged Into Google, We Want People To Be More Logged Into Google Eric Schmidt, Computers will clearly handle the things we arent good at, and we will handle the things computers clearly arent good at, The Internet of things will augment your brain. Thanks for contacting us. "Yes," she said. Sign up for the In January 2013, Schmidt visited North Korea with his daughter Sophie, Jared Cohen, and former New Mexico governor Bill . No one does anything without tech support and I was at the heart of high-tech innovation at DARPA, Motorola, Boston Dynamics, Facebook Building 8, and many other skunkworks projects for Lockheed, Boeing, BAE and others. If 5G goes in, Erics robots and the Internet of Things will control America. JANE DOE: I dont know. China is basically the worst enemy we have ever had now that Eric, through Alphabet, Boston Dynamics, Motorola, and his 5G spy satellites built for the U. S. military are in the hands of Chinese totalitarians. Everyone can wake up. Even though I refuse to talk to Eric now because he is too far gone, like Jim Breyer and Uri Milner, I know his thoughts and his current dilemma. Cold-hearted, blood-thirsty warlords, plain and simple. If 5G goes in, Erics robots and the Internet of Things will control America. PATRIOT: Are you speaking about that well-reported trip of Eric and his daughter Sophie to North Korea? Schmidt maintains his innocence. Eric Emerson Schmidt (born April 27, 1955) is an American businessman and software engineer who was the CEO of Google from 2001 to 2011, executive chairman of Google from 2011 to 2015, executive chairman of Alphabet Inc. from 2015 to 2017, and Technical Advisor at Alphabet from 2017 to 2020.. As an intern at Bell Labs, Schmidt in 1975 was co-author of Lex, a software program to generate . That was completely faked. PATRIOT: I dont understand how Eric became so rich that he owns a piece of every digital pie at this point. Cancel anytime. Eric gave the N. Koreans the Google Android software and they immediately claimed they invented it themselves! It was all military and the dark web at first. He's been charged with rape in that case. Schmidt reportedly worth $22.1 billion was spotted in New Mexico over the weekend with his new love interest, Michelle Ritter, to witness Richard Branson launch himself into space on his . ~ January 16, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 16, 2023, Situation Update 01/15/23 ~ Trump Return - Q Post - White Hats Intel ~ Juan O Savin Decode. We will do what we can. Then, why did Eric lie about Dragonfly and Muslim extermination in China? It actually comes down to a handful of people who control the world. History wont know about the poisoning. The Central Committee will simply eat Eric alive and spit him out as they have done to countless people before him. JANE DOE: Well, the Chinese poisoned Alison and Sophie in America through food. When it comes to multibillionaire ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, apparently the real estate apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree. It was all military and the dark web at first. He talks like George Soros as a divinely anointed king of the world whose mission is for the sake of all of humanity when it is simply childish desires that evaporate at death. OK. We used it to sucker in the enemy unbeknownst to them and then subliminally brain-wash them attempting to create behavioral outcomes through digital dopamine reward systems and adrenalin excretions. Think back to his off-shore laboratories on huge ships where he was experimenting on things that are illegal in America. I have never had anything to do with China. Eric is one big fat lie. Sophie Schmidt, the founder and CEO . So, after they demanded that Eric come to North Korea for Sophies antidote, they not only blackmailed him into giving the Google android program, but they also made Eric agree to sneak into China and create a number of programs for them to gain global digital dominance. ""Yes," she said.Vieux asked, "Did he rub up your arm? By 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising 26 May 2022 usc marshall drop in advising Sophie even wrote an alleged diary of the entire experience to claim there was no business done between her dad and North Korea. She said she was alone with Schmidt watching Vampire Diaries when he suggested they watch the show downstairs. Trump stands in the way of Chinese domination. Forbes says the elder Schmidt is worth $20 billion, making him the world's 70th-richest human. She wrote of her pain at their parting, saying: Ive been sleeping with my Blackberry just in case Dr Strangelove might send an email.. Fighter Jets EVERYWHERE! Frankly, why should we believe your story? The boys were afraid of dying. Eric is going down and I hope, with honest people coming forward, he will take China with him. Yes, I chose Eric as a lover to figure out what made him so successful. SHE SAYS HE EXPOSED HIMSELF AND TOUCDHE APPROPRIATELY IN THE THEATER ROOM AFTER HIS DAUGHTER HER FRIEND FELL ASLEEP TNHE TOUCH YOUR HAND. If we listen to Eric, and I am never going to speak to him again personally, you would hear him tell America that we have two years before his Chinese plan to dominate America kicks in. So, Eric thought his connections to China and his buddies Jim and Uri would make him a trillionaire. Highlands Group was run by Andrew Marshall for decades and essentially this group assessed new patents, DARPA/In-Q-Tel projects, and military desires for new weapons. Heather Hayes, For the Deseret News. In her only comments on the subject, Wendy told the New York Times: Some couples are very much in each others space. Eric believes the Chinese will rule the world in 10 years, but he plans to rule the world in 20 years with his DARPA Atlas robot army! This is nonsense. The Startup Game: Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs. . The Chinese poisoned Alison - that's his daughter - over time to control Eric. I happen to know most of them. Dont get me wrong, Eric is very useful to China right now. Really, DARPA and the whole thing. Of course, I would like to reflect on this rather upsetting information and then write down a bunch of questions for you. By Deseret News. Facebook and Zuckerberg did the same thing with Lifelog, which was another DARPA/In-Q-Tel project that needed a boy-genius as the front-man. Let me make this clear. Just one word comes to mind megalomaniac. That is, except for the shared weaponized inventions of the Highlands Group. JANE DOE: Yes. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. They lie and say Alison died from a long-standing illness. But, there was a much more nefarious reason Eric aligned with China. Billed annually at $107.40. Biden Secret Docs Disaster! For those of in your audience who might who dont know about the Highlands Group, it works out of the Naval Intelligence Net Assessment Office and basically is the international group of corporations, venture capitalists, military and corporate intelligence, and the CIAs In-Q-Tel agency that uses SAIC and Leidos as their corporate arm. The ones I know dont sleep without sleeping pills due to being awake all night plotting their take over of the world. ITS HER REMARRIED MAN. Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 17, 2023, Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 18, 2023, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles - January 17, 2023, SG Anon SITUATION UPDATE JAN 15 "No Hold Barred! JANE DOE: At first, it was money. Those Silicon Valley boys were simply toys in my hands. In the past few years, the unlikely sex symbol with thinning hair and pockmarked skin has embarked on a string of affairs with younger women, including a vivacious TV presenter who dubbed him Dr Strangelove, a leggy blonde public relations executive and a sexy Vietnamese concert pianist. Eric thought he was MANipulating me, when in fact, I was manipulating him once I saw the light. No one else could possibly know those details about those super-secret groups So, let me get this straight. SHARE How Piano Guys' Jon Schmidt, wife cope with the tragic loss of their daughter. Of every digital pie at this point: it is OK for me to speak truth. Allowing it to be on any ship that he is at the time! Would like to reflect on this article you has seldom ever been said out-loud carrying... Longer accepting comments on this rather upsetting information and then write down bunch. Wrong, Eric is very useful to China and his controllers ASLEEP TNHE TOUCH your HAND might be.. 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