Often when you become friends with your ex you are placing yourself in a position of weakness. Dr. Margaret Ann Dixon is a psychologist in private practice in the state of Nevada, USA. When one doesnt want to be in a relationship with you because of incompatibilities and disagreements, theres no way this person would feel the need for friendship with you. I didnt tell him he was one of other cause when he asked. We neutrally called to have a break but we wanted to remain friends and try again later on when were both ready. It can slow down your healing process as you are still dealing with several unresolved feelings. We have a circle of mutual friends. To you, its a huge demotion in status, which makes you look horrifically weak. Not tying up loose ends is another super common sign that your ex still loves you and probably still cares. I have been sensing that she may be letting a guy pursue her or being on dates. Do I have the write head space for this? Whatever the case, months later, he is now sending you messages and friend requests out of nowhere. Remember, if you re-enter your exs life, you will do so as friends. So I negotiated this, I would be fine starting as her friend but I would want 2-3 weeks of mutual exclusivity. People are appalled when I say what Im about to say but quite frankly I dont believe there is any other way to look at it. While he knows you are sad and still missing him you are not going to get a change in his attitude, Hi. Later he snapped me a video of himself goofing around with some friends later, which I responded to, and then after he snapped me again with a bland response, I just left him on opened. If she were a random person which offers you friendship, would you not accept it? Take your time when it comes to responding. For some people their family may be more trusted than their friends. "Chemistry doesn't always change.". This is why we . It definitely happens a lot more often after amicable, less heated breakups. You experiencing jealousy is one thing, but your ex might become possessive over you, and try to prevent you from seeing anyone other than him. Its my own insecurity I know but I needed something to make me feel like I negotiated something, that we would take it seriously and value each others feelings. 9. What would you advise me to do? Broke it off again a year later, didnt speak for 5 or so months, he called for some silly reason and the calls started back up daily. It is not a good idea to be friends with your ex just because they are afraid of change. There seems to be a very big misconception out there by how human beings operate. By purposefully putting yourself in the friend zone you will indirectly intimidate the new person your ex is with without actually doing anything wrong. She told me her reasons. And therein lies the rub (coz I also want him dead so I don't have to put up with his nastiness and manipulation of the kids!). When a narcissist wants to be your friend . I spoke to my best friend about it, he wasnt pleased but he just wishes me happiness. First of all, forgive yourself for wanting to move on. Being friends with your ex is not wrong, but knowing their objective behind reigniting the friendship is important. Your email address will not be published. After the 2-3 week mutually exclusive period is up Im gonna look inside myself and probably start interacting with people again (assuming we dont have a romance in the works). He asked me to be his friend because he wanted me in his life and missed seeing me and missed my company. She replied and offered friendship, which I rejected politely. Remember that she may not be actively looking for another relationship, but people who arent committed to any relationships get attracted to others. In the heat of the moment, we all say things that we dont mean or regret later. If you could establish a clear hierarchy itd probably look something like this. I was going to continue the no contact method thinking eventually Id get over these feelings on my own. She reached out after a week with an indirect direct approach. It may mean they are not over the relationship yet or regret the decision to break up with you. Security. Is it normal to be friends with your ex? | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. They want to see . Please, any advice will work. In this case, your ex will want to remain friends with you because they believe they can get you in bed. However, I think one thing we can universally agree on is that if you are in the friend zone you have some work to do before you can be trusted enough to have powerful conversations that are meaningful enough for your ex to consider you a lover again. How do you think I should go about this cause Im stuck. Why Would Your Ex Want To Be Friends With You For Physical Support? Lack of care and attention from the person you have feelings for is dreadful. At this point we might not know in what way they care for you, but in any case its a good sign! It is like nothing I did was enough. We made all these plans on things we were going to do together as far as visiting, trips, moving, etc. Id like to take a quick second and expand on each of these reasons for a moment. So I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half, 6 months into it I broke up with him because he didnt seem to care about me (he said he did but his actions did) eventually we got back together as he said hell change etc now a year later Im smarter and wiser and realised that all we have thats good is in the friendship box, no intimacy no partnership just good conversation. Even if you dated someone in high school or years ago it is still possible for you to start a new love story with that person if you set your mind to it. Some will try to bad-mouth you to your immediate friends and family. Maybe your ex was never in love with you. Why Your Ex Would Want To Be Friends With You For Emotional Support. Smearing is a complete power move- it's an attempt to knock you down while simultaneously boosting their ego. I never did. He reasoned that he wanted me to be happy. Well We still keep in contact as friends. We chit chat a little bit and I asked her out. I saw him once a few weeks ago when he picked up his stuff. It has to be your exs decision to become friends again, and it has to be your exs decision to be more than friends again. If you can bear all of it and do not mind being friend-zoned, then it is all good. And well over 20 million men and women have visited my websites and a good segment of them have asked me questions. She wasnt ready for this relationship thats one of the problems. But was going back and forth. She has over six years of experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, more. I asked her to be frank if she is seeing someone. Agreeing to be friends is worse than hell. She left very suddenly two years ago and hasn't seen our teenaged daughters until recently. Hi, my ex and I broke up 18 months ago. I sent him a heartfelt text and then left things be. He said talking to me helps him be a better person. "Holy! Image: Shutterstock. The breakup doesnt entail just the physical split, but rather a complete separation from each other. And sorry for the length. In the complaint filed at Manhattan . 3. Dear Linda, My Ex wants to be friends again. There Is One Case Where Purposefully Friend Zoning Yourself Is Recommended. This is great" you think to yourself. If your ex says they want to be friends, or that friendship is all they can offer you at the moment, DO NOT turn down the offer because you are scared that being friends will hurt your chances. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To be honest, this strange phenomenon does not occur very often. At some point he has to move on! This generous behavior is in reality just an act of mercy and pity. Then he slowly grew more distant after I left and I responded by being clingy and not responding well to him not reciprocating interest in me. There could be reasons ranging from regrets to a desire for intimacy. Any advice? Things such as sending invitations and messages in a demanding way which would surely put him or her off. Remove yourself from the equation, no wants wants the safety / 3rd string QB. She did not come for a Round 2 with that in mind. I discuss why at great length in my Audio Seminars on How To Get Back With An Ex If You Still Live Together and also in the Audio Product on Getting Back Together After A Short Term Relationship. Perhaps the relationship did not work out, or they did not want it to culminate in a marriage with no chemistry, but they still yearn for your friendship. Why does my 30F ex bf 31M want to be friends after breaking up with me? And after that either take my leave knowing that I gave it my best shot (not abandoned like last time) or Ive successfully won her. Because of all these things I got so vulnerable and ended up expressing what I had in my mind regarding our future and all of my feelings for her, which in turn just pushed her away, and she came up by saying that she wants to give all her time to creating her career and making the best of it. Here are 6 tips for staying friends after getting a divorce. It might be something emotional and romantic or it could be something as practical as sharing the fuel expenses or using that club membership card that you had; in any case, your ex misses the perks of being a part of your life. I dont know how I feel in general about this all. Sutton Stracke expressed that if she had . Rachael in Australia reached out to me eight months ago saying that her ex wanted to remain friends with her after their break up. Or in that case should I show her that Im here for her ? Then one day he tells me he never really loved me because he didnt really love himself. Which we both said from the start. Its possible he started seeing/talking to other people and got a huge raise to the ego. Well she broke up with me in good terms, even thought I still have feelings for her and want her back. Were going to explore this type of situation today. So, I let him back in. Hi, We did cut it. They realize the pros. And as it turns out, friendships can lead to a lot of negative outcomes for yourself too. My ex wants to stay friends! Lets be friends for now, and well see where we stand later. Cut him off, live your live and limit his exposure to your life. Here are 4 good reasons you should cut all ties. WTH!??? 5. and I want her in the same way. It has led to fear of change in every aspect of life work, daily chores, and even paying bills. This is the most obvious reason. However, if you break up on amicable terms, it is possible that your ex wants to be friends with you. He told me from the beginning he wanted to stay friends. 5. If you both have common friends, it may seem a worthwhile proposition for your ex to remain friends to decrease the awkwardness. We first started off as friends with benefits but that lasted a couple months before we fell for each other. Sometimes, a woman might break up with a guy, only to realize that she really misses him. "I believe that if you don't want to stay friends with an ex, then you shouldn't have to," Amy McManus, licensed marriage and family . The next day he made me upset by not acknowledging me (a problem we had often) but acknowledged my son (his stepson) which made me give him the silent treatment (another thing we did but never more than 2 days). There are all kinds of reasons why an ex wants to be friends, but one thing is for sure and that is that they still care about you. At this point he said he wasnt wanting anything serious and wasnt official with her but didnt want to date two people at once. Its all about them unloading how they feel onto you and you making them feel better. For some reason, hes trying to weasel his way back into your life. . I kept myself busy even though this was still painful. You Have This Feeling. Afterward we did continue snapchatting a little bit. Therefore, they try sweetening up things by stating that we can at least be friends.. Although you may like to explore friendship, you may be haunted by several questions, such as why do they want to re-enter your lives after all the unpleasant events? In these cases, reconciling could take a few days to a few years. This could help you avoid embarrassing silences when with your ex in a group of friends and might even reduce awkwardness for your friends. Presumably, she should be strong enough to handle the breakup aftereffects on her own. Youre either in a conflict with your ex and the breakup didnt lead to a calm after the storm, or youre lucky enough to be able to have a platonic and healthy relationship after a breakup that went well.. Do not meet up with him for a while now. Somewhere along the journey, you fell in love, but moved away for work or education, leading to a breakup. Things like well always be together and stay friends for life if we breakup are irrelevant. I realize now that I did ask too much of him overall and was sad often and he had issues communicating that he was feeling the toll of it so we never addressed it. He said that life needs to do its thing (whatever that means). She wanted to have a blank slate (I can agree with that), but she wanted to start as friends and if something serious naturally developed then she would accept it. Please don't cry!") This is the coward's way out, and usually makes the breakup hurt more in the long run because the . I continued to all I could do for us. My anxiety was crazy, she was liking my FB posts, so I decided to send her a text, apologizing for my mistakes. Your exe's friends and family try to convince you to talk to them. However, they dont want to appear like a frivolous flirt and would like to mend their image by ensuring there is harmony between the both of you with the offer of friendship. There is no middle ground when it comes to exes. Im talking about people that have children together and therefore need to communicate whos going to do what for the kids, or people that share real estate, pets etc. Sussman says. If your narcissist ex wants to remain your friend soon after a breakup or even contacts you to establish a friendship years down the road, save yourself the grief and just dont do it. She doesn't want to admit that she wants you back, so she pretends to just want to be friends. If youre on this site, youre looking for solutions in terms of getting back together; not being friends with an ex that left you (or the person that maybe you broke up with.) Notice how the conversation opens up with people who hold coveted places in your life. We then spoke on the phone and he mentioned that it was so nice to hear my voice, but if we pursue a friendship we cant go into it with expectations or our fingers crossed. You cant talk your way back into a relationship. It made my confidence and grew my anxiety and insecurities about the fate of our relationship and deep bond. The fact is youre hurt and you want to be together, and your exs proposition to remain close can feel like theyre twisting the knife in the wound. First of all if youre hoping to get back together and its looking impossible (probably because you havent had a coaching session yet) you should never think, At least I can be their friend; its better than nothing, or At least theyll be by my side.. Bonus: 3 advanced strategies that will turn you into a Human Relationships Expert and give you the tools to get back with the one you love for good! While this could seem like a tempting proposal, you must consider several factors before deciding on a positive answer. You will hear something like, Im sad for breaking your heart. He asked for us to be friends and try to make our way back up but I honestly feel like he is just giving me the low ball Incase his relationship doesnt work. Sure, every once in a while youll hear about a story a mother throwing herself in front of a bus to save her children but those kinds of people are in the minority. They still have feelings for you. After one fight he said he needed space . She was a little bit rude with me. They get curious or nostalgic, so they reach out via text, call, or social media. If you dont, shell go cold on you and tell you she started dating someone else. When it comes to needs, its a complete lack of balance between you and your ex. He said he didnt plan on dating for months or even years. I stupidly used the opportunity to express my emotions yelling at him with curses before hanging up which was something I would never do in front of my child as I hate him seeing me in pain. Looking for almost a friends with benefits situation where they dont get the commitment of a relationship. 13) Remember, that forgiveness is vital. Set boundaries if you consider being friends with them so that it would not affect your current or future relationships. Remember, its when he is ready to be friends, and not you! If not, at the very least I will keep my ex in my life. Our relationship is for about six months but we loved each other very much.But last month he wanted to breakup with me that he said he need his mental freedom.I never did bad things for him but when I was upset he upset more than me.Those times he told he need some days,and after few days he was with me with love.This time also same thing happen but he wants to end up.I want him back so I texted him not everyday just somedays.Now I want as a friend to give a chance for us again.Is that okey?Did he go away from me.Whay should I do? Friends with benefits shouldnt be that hard to grasp, should it? Melinda, 46, a journalist, confides: "I can't really completely heal from the breakup unless we stay in touch. You are not playing any games with this person. Then she would say if no phone then theres no relationship. It however messed with my head, she sounded sad talking to me. This is your best shot at seeing how they feel about you after the breakup. Unfortunately, its a black or white situation. I obviously want to be friends or at least civil and still hang out but I 100% want him back cause were happy together. For your ex maybe there is no ambiguity but for you its simply a way to get closer and to stay in contact. Shes reaching out just to appease guilt and see what youre up to. Whether it be property, a pet, social circle, or most definitively children, your ex may want to keep the peace and stay friendly for those reasons. My ex is someone who needs a lot of attention and presence and Im someone who shows his affection and care by actions, not words. It could also mean that they are still looking forward to a future where both of you can get back together. Being friends with an ex that wants to control you is pretty much the same as dating them. If you are feeling frustrated or confused, talk to a friend or someone you trust. When youre thinking, My ex wants to stay friends what should I do, youre actually not asking the right question. All you have to do is read the testimonies of hundreds of people that get back together with their significant other thanks to all the tools I recommend as well as my eBook on how to make your ex come back. She even organised my last birthday party. Hi Jo, so when he reached out and you replied = that is where he realised he still had power when you respond to him. For other their best friends may hold the top position. It has been a week and he has called again very early in the morning (6am) giving me the closure talk even though I never asked for it. Even if they press you to remain friends, remember that past behavior predicts future behavior and consider cutting of any relationship with them other than cordial greetings in public.. Take time to come to terms with your feelings after the breakup. In my head I had to have an internal debate. "If they're texting you that they want to hang out, that they miss you, that they've made a mistake . I tried to do no contact three weeks ago, and yesterday he reached out saying how proud he was of me for starting my business that I was planning. But now he keeps calling talking about a possible friendship. Sometimes. Id better stay out of this. I know that person is your ex, and you want to be more than just a puppet, and thats perfectly understandable. If not, at the very least I will keep my ex in my life. How can a person kill a relationship in their head by focusing on negative and creating future problems in the head?. We called and her friends wanted her to not contact me anymore cause it would give me hope. This could be so he doesnt feel resented for what hes done after somebody else has hurt him. Becoming friends with you can work as a stopgap or a quick fix to satiate their desire for attention until they find someone else. You will have to go above and beyond real friendship. Generally speaking the more you trust the person the more powerful the conversation can be. Bit and I asked her to be friends, it is all.... ; t always change. & quot ; you think I should go about all. Spoke to my best friend about it, he wasnt pleased but he just wishes me happiness it & x27... Enough to handle the breakup aftereffects on her own on dates and wasnt official with her but didnt to! He wasnt wanting anything serious and wasnt official with her after their up... On amicable terms, it is not a good segment of them have asked me questions want in! 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