These murder reports most interesting to come out of the sub. Who is Gakirah Barnes? The Chinese and Russians will fight valiantly but the tide of relying on Black (and also Hispanic) votes is simply too high. I know a Black problem when I see one. And from there, an obligation to strike back at the offending posters takes hold. It's a Black problem. Keef declined to make any direct comment to The Daily Beast. Keef, now 17 and sporting a watch said to cost $50,000, denied sending the mocking tweet. She died in the hospital. Who cleaned up Manhattan, too, and gave my parents a nice place to spend their golden years. There are some great guys on the job. The data presented raises serious questions about some of Charles Murrays conclusions on the relationship between welfare and social disfunction, at least among black Chicagoans. She is purported to have killed two rival gang members, one when she was just 14. Vernon is a well-known street on the Southside of Chicago, and Gakirah is identifying it as the boundary between her and any rival crew or clique. But when it comes to shootings, both fatal and not, Chicago stands out, suggesting a level of armed interaction that isnt happening in New York. Lesbians and single mothers by choice really, really hate it when you use the term that way: Lots of discussion about how its just another way for the white overclass to undercut black masculinity or some version of that. Sterilize all welfare recipients. Steve, For intelligent landlords renting higher end properties and being approached by black section 8ers, dependably hellacious credit reports are a feature, not a bug. His whole life story is crazy. "as Steve says, certainly a violation of civil rights (not that I care), but it clearly works. Well, if the Constitution is the living, breathing, morphing document that liberals say it is, maybe not, in some cases. In contrast, there are completely black neighborhoods in Chicago, like, The Unz Review An Alternative Media Selection. Even GOPers are on board with so-called reform of the justice system that would reduce the number of people incarcerated and return them to the streets. Sounds a lot like what the Obama Admin (and its predecessors) did to Rand Pauls Bowling Green KY, Dont like the looks of them means they strike up a conversation with the dude and realize they know his shithead brother or cousin, or hes wearing something that signifies a gang affiliation, or he subconsciously reaches for his stomach to check his piece. Perhaps the Old South had it right, after all civil rights are for white people, not blacks. Gakirah was shot on April 11, 2014, three blocks from her house. In the 10 years since the massacre, Ive made it my mission to help law enforcement cope with the trauma of repeated exposure to brutal killings. Steve, I'm curious, do you know what that was? Joseph Coleman was only 18 when he was killed after trash talking about rapper Chief Keef. They hope to next mine tweets Barnes exchanged with friends to see if they can develop a method for detecting underlying conversations. They all need to be shipped back to Africa. Meanwhile Chinese and Russian big money is not going to sit quietly while their investments erode away. The video went viral and with that came the question of who exactly was this Chief Keef. But after analyzing her social media communication, I noticed that Gakirah and other users in her network also used Twitter to collectively cope with losing friends to shootings. With over 100 years of history, brother is a market-leading manufacturer of innovative, stylish sewing and embroidery machine He decided on Interscope, reportedly signing a contract for $3 million plus a bio pic. If Im not mistaken the most she had was like 4-5. Kanye West did a remix of I Dont Like. A number of recording companies are said to have approached Keef, unperturbed by the gang-related lyrics and images at a time when the rising murder rate in Chicago was getting national attention. Videos of shootings have even made it on to social-media platforms. Two weeks after typing those words, Barnes was gunned down by a rival gang member. A pattern emerged in Gakirahs tweets. Chicago alone likely had around 300 Black offender homicides not attributed to a Black offender. Maybe this sub aint for you.its the STREETS these mfs is literally in gangs. . They talk a good game but faced with the prospect of a house stuffed with young urban achievers next door and going to the same school as their kids, a lot will find creative reasons for why its best for them to stay in their current communities, close to services, family and friends. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. Didnt have many of them, but I did enjoy dealing with them, despite the fact that their disposable income was somewhat limited. In this story, Kion and Rani meet in a different way. Those who own properties near the planned location for an east side housing project are understandably enraged, but for all practical purposes they are being told by the mayor and other city officials to F themselves, the project will be jammed down their throats regardless of how vehement their objections. She died in the hospital. It was very unrealistic, because in real life such a school would be Black as hell as in Detroit public school level Black. Left wing groups have been calling for a safe and effect male contraception for decades, Vasalgel is likely the best bet. As the fight rages on for Chicago city officials to put an end to the violent crime running rampant through the city, the gangs that inhabit them are busy escalating the murder rate to ALL time highs. Specifically: Unknown That being said, I think a lot of the violence can be attributed to Obama and his lackluster stance on negro crime. WebShort Summary on loosely read Gakirah Barnes Murder Report -There were 3 victims at the scene. Perhaps the uptick in violence is Chicago PDs revenge. Thus, even as gang bangers off each other, they bang out the next wave of gang bangers fifteen to twenty years down the road. Rather say that then to say she has bodies with 0 evidence, Scrapp did say MOB made O'Block even Rooga said niggas talk that shit they dont even know who made the O makes perfect sense tbh, She has bodies and attempts. Eddie Johnsons new administration. Online tuition for regular school students and home schooling children with clear options for high school completion certification from recognized boards is provided with quality content and coaching. They used an emotion dictionary to rate words by how pleasant, intense, or concrete they were. Chicago got stuck with much of the plantation underclass from the Deep South states, especially Mississippi. Liberals are always crying about firearms loopholes but here is a massive loophole that they studiously ignore. First you aim at the most lethal weapons and at people who couldnt pass character checks. No teeth to it. The slaughter continues over the last 24 hours. Steve Sailer and others on this blog get fixated on the possibility of testosterone suppressing treatments. Of course, nobody wants to live around people like Gakirah Barnes who can afford not to. the 10/12 Board The dynamic poses challenges to existing approaches to violence interruption, which treat shootings like a communicable disease that spreads through face-to-face interactions and can be prevented by steering one of the parties toward peaceful alternatives to armed response. In Chicago, gang disputes are clearly a big part of homicides, said John Hagedorn, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago who studies Chicago gangs. Gakirah Barnes for example was twelve months old when her biological father was killed in a gang shooting in 1997. Any strategy, be it Stop and Frisk or some other application of Broken Windows relies on a substantial increase in man power to make it effective. That is, prohibit all liberal wussboys with no skin in the game who make a living telling blacks they are uniquely victimized by a delusion called racism which justifies their pathology and renders them blameless. It just didnt work out that way. Steve, I think you are missing the great drama of our time. Imagine that: groups of 14- and 15-year-olds who behaved themselves in the absence, for all practical purposes, of any adult. Love. So A Clockwork Orange did not have to be Whitewashed. At least the radiation in the soil of Hiroshima has a half-life. No history (except ones fabricated by T. Genius Coates and Alex Haley). What starts out with a funny ha ha can quickly escalate online.. Any dirt that comes in contact with White feet turns into magic dirt. Also, campus and political unrest is the highest its been since the late 1960s. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Fact is Stop and Frisk is just a far left talking point. The footage shows an impossibly young looking JoJo and his buddies waving various firearms to the beat, including a Tech 9 and an AK 47. Long term, I dont think cities are compatible even a tiny bit with Diversity and such. The bad guys dont want a solution as the current dystopia is too useful for their anti-white narrative all the excess murder and rape that could be fixed is just collateral damage to them. In 2014, a rapper called AFFH. But mostly white. helped me to continue my class without quitting job. Chicagos murder rate increased after 2004 was caused caused by the illegal midnight destruction of Miegs field. I dunno if thats what youre getting at, but I like it. In case of failure to reverse chemical vasectomy, artificial insemination is still between $500 to $1000. The first graph shows a substantial increase in the LA murder rate from 1999 to 2002. The collision between BLM and the De Blasio Administration, committed to letting Shitavious and the like do their thing, unmolested by cops, making NYC into a remake of a Snake Plissken movie, and the massive amounts of Chinese and Russian Oligarch money that dumped assets into real estate to protect it from people like Putin and Xi back home. They examinedabout 400 tweets from Barnes account and more than 2,100 tweets from her followers in the weeks before and after her death on April 11, 2014. Gang members who use social media typically dont protect their accounts with privacy settings. The super voucher program is small and mostly given to friends and relatives of Chicago Housing Authority employees and politicians. After she was killed, one of Barnes followers threatened to retaliate against the Black Disciples, tweeting out: Imma kill you! Isnt it about time we start pointing out to the LOCAL people effecting these policies that when the predictable mayhem follows, WE WILL HOLD THEM PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE? In other words, legalizing drugs wouldnt do much to stop Chicago blacks from shooting each other so much.. The cultures of black immigrants isnt as far gone as USA Blacks,. Oddly, enough, Austin was basically crime free when it was all white. If our only options to keep these people at a low boil are routine constitutional abuses and chemical mind bending. Besides, they get to mess around all they want with no consequences. Those who once bowed their heads are now raising their voices to demand greater oversight and a new cemetery entrance to facilitate a more orderly arrival. Chicago housing ended the program and the most of voucher holders will have to move next year with the last leaving in 18. Generous readers sustain our work. #fbgduck #lildurk #tookaville #fbgwooski #bosstrell #t.roy #vroy #v.roy #otf #nbayoungboy #jmoney #wiicity #chiefkeef #odeeperry#chiraq #warinchiraq #djakademiks #nlmb #gherbo #nolimimuskegonboys #pocketowngds #terroriz#fbgcash stlebt #dthang #stlawrence #wiiicity #jarocity #southside #grandson #crazystory #tyquanworld #oblock600 #lildurk300 #liljojo #tymb #800 #lamron #bosstop #traplore #traploreross #trapmoreross #djvlad #akademiks#getbackgang #chicagoscene88 #vault #kingvon\u0026ki#gangs #gangviolence #chicagosuntimes #a\u0026e #secretlifeofaganggirl #thewire #feliciasnoop#richiejerk #zacktv1 #nolimitkyro #kyro #kts #ktsdre #ktsvon #kingliljay #liljay #fbgbutta #woodlawn But it doesnt say the deserters were black, though it adds the info that there were allegedly four of them. I need somewhere to duck and hide for cover, Fields says on the video before shots ring out. Flowers. If you let it fester long enough you get Shrimp Boy Chow and Leland Yee. While Latino gangs have remained more hierarchical, black gangs have splintered into small, disparate factions, whose disputes are less over territory and profits, and more over personal insults or shames, often fueled by social media, he said. Three years later, their children had been subjected to three felonies and the value of their two flat had fallen in half. This would give prevention workers further context. The people who intervene then know why the teenagers are upset or angry and how to defuse the situation, said McKeown. Whites are generally (of course not 100%) capable of carrying and handling weapons lawfully, while blacks are generally not. A Chicago-based nonprofit, Cure Violence, will take the lead on interpreting posts that are flagged and decide how to intervene. her social media communication, I noticed that Gakirah and other users in her network also used Twitter to collectively cope with losing friends to shootings. Chicago had 970 homicides in 1974 and 943 in92. They will demand more patrols and a crackdown on the layabouts. (Recklessness with the truth is of course frequently seen in UR in the comments of those who are so certain of their versions of reality that they cant be bothered with checking or updating). While many areas have few or no killings, the South and West Sides are on par with the worlds most dangerous countries, like Brazil and Venezuela, and have been for many years. The murder transpired in the Woodlawn Chicago neighborhood. Like the Derb says, it is Black black blackety-blackety-black. In "2AM", he rapped about popping someone's partner and making him use a cane possibly referring to Modell's cousin Miles being put in a wheelchair. When I had my retail business (not too many miles from the ghetto), older black folks were among the nicest and most respectful of all of my customers. can yall just stop talkin bout bodies in this bitch unless its yo opp or yo homie or u cuz u dont kno shit bout these ppl or what they did, 17 lmao they tryna make this bitch seem like Ed Gein or sum shit , Bro she prolly doesnt even have one , niggas just be startin rumors , u niggas be givin people body counts that dont even add up with the amount of opps dead shit be making no sense. People in her network posted messages about killing rival gangs and the police. a Chicago gang member who was rumored to have killed or shot up to 20 rival gang members, . For many of these young folks, he said, their online experiences translate into what happens to them offline.. in KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain. Why cant cops use portable metal detectors which give them probable cause for a search after walking close to suspected pedestrians? Admittedly, the intensity of the crack epidemic in areas like Cabrini-Green may mean that points west (such as Austin) had an easier time of it, but suffice it to say, Chicago did its fair share of representin during the golden age of thug life. But does the demographic we are talking about actually care about their paternity/legacy/etc.? After the Boomers came Generation X, a smaller generation. The rich will simply move out to places like the Hamptons, and telecommute or something. Microsoft is cutting 10,000 workers, almost 5% of its workforce, as it joins other tech companies in a scaling back of their pandemic-era expansions. recommend Perfect E Learn for any busy professional looking to So, the places where the Garkirah Barneses live are segregated, which gives the NYT something to blame the proliferation of Gakirah Barneses upon besides Garkirah Barnes and her parents, cousins, and friends. Sorry, but I just find the whole lot of them pathetic as well as being an evil damned nuisance. r/Chiraqology, a subreddit to discuss drill music and Chicago gang culture. A lot of you being turned out by music and dont even know it. As for the hormone blocker, I guess chemical castration is permitted in some states so this could be legalseems to have echoes of A Clockwork Orange that I am sure would get the SJWs wound up. He did sign a 3-year $3M contract before being injured for the season. He gave out good energy to whoever he was around I think thats the reason he was so lucky to get off of crazy shit. (Chicago Gangs)Subscribe to The Juggernaut Chicago here: Print Magazine: White murders tend to be domestic violence, and the clearance rate for those is very high. Every curb you stepped off of it seemed like there was a group of 3-5 burly guys in blue. There was even talk that Interscope might cancel his contract. If Trump does win I think we can expect a harsher environment on inner city blacks. Of course it doesnt have the American problem of slavery and its aftermath or the self-interested indulgence of Latino immigration from the Americas. Below it, she vows to never snitch. That is, were never going to see Jabari and Shaqueequee walk into a rental office with a section 8 voucher and a credit report over 600. They was talking like I was talking and I liked that.. That line in the context in which it was used has had me laughing for about twenty minutes. Much more. These included 3Hunna, with 300 being a reference to the Black Disciples. Im a kill you! somebody can be heard saying in reply and this was not just some rap lyric. Young black men continually getting harassed by cops is the downside of all of that. People who know both cities say there are some significant differences in policing, especially around the issue of guns. No free negro or mulatto shall be suffered to keep or carry any firelock of any kind, any military weapon, or any powder or lead; and any free negro or mulatto who shall so offend, shall, on conviction before a justice of the peace, forfeit all such arms and ammunition to the use of the informer; and shall moreover be punished with stripes, at the discretion of the justice, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes. Damn, I miss the early 60s before everything went to hell. Later that day, she was shot and killed near the address. New hires are top-heavy with affirmative types; homosexuals, useless women, low-competency blacks and so on. The New York Times says racial segregation causes murder, so does that mean there are a lot of murders in Boulder, Colorado where Whites live in a Whitopia bubble and are largely segregated from Blacks? Passing over legislation going back to 1584 I suggest you consider at least the Vagrancy Act 1824 and the Pistols Act 1903. You made exactly the points I was going to. The Barnes Firm said this week it is launching four new offices in New York, including in Manhattan, Buffalo, Long Island and Rochester. Gakirah would say things on social media like: Vernon Dats Da Gun line Lil Troy u cross it u End up on Da Headlines .