And maybe that wouldve been more tolerable if the episode centered her feelings instead of Finns. So why am I talking about this? Brittany: I don't want to known as a quitter. Santana to Noah Puckerman, Silly Love Songs. Santana to Mr. Schuester, Bad Reputation. Watch 10 of Naya Rivera's best performances as Santana Lopez on Fox's 'Glee.' . (Quinn slams Santana . Ive found myself revisiting this clip more than any other this past week. Shes the star. [puts a napkin over her and Brittany's hands]. Attack me with your exfoliating loofah? Maybe thats why we love each other so much. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Did the writers think she was being bitchy when really she was just speaking the truth? The writers largely failed Santana in the later seasons, but her brief romance with Demi Lovatos Dani was the exception. You tell Marley she's fat, even though your face looks like a soccer ball. When it comes on you scream and you jump and you dance like a kid to this timeless and utterly perfect pop song. <3. Rachel: For the hundredth time, okay, if you keep making fun of Brody- Right after Mercedes sings the first lines of Rumor Has It, the theatre goes dark and the beat drops out. I mean I am, just not now. Maybe Blaine didn't want to be with someone who looks like they just removed their top row of dentures every time they smile or someone who doesn't dress like an extra out of one of Andy Dick's more elaborate wet dreams. Mostly, though, the dialogue. Santana: And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?! Santana: I'm sure you did something. Wrong-Flower #teens. Santanas wail of, I dont know, toward the end of the song reverberates around my ribcage every time I hear it. Out of all the actors on Glee, she was the only one who could eviscerate with words in one scene, and break our hearts in the next. No! Hey! Brittany Santana to Mr. Schuester and Emma, Showmance. The easter colored suburban mom clothes, the giant swing, the stock footage feeling of it all. I mean my girlfriend girlfriend. So have fun at your Im a victim party acting like youre not some selfish, self-centered, lame-ass wannabe diva from Hell, Brit and I are gay and Mercedes is black, so kicking us out would be a hate crime. And just when you thought it couldn't get any gayerit does. You wanted that memorial gone because youre such a cold-hearted bitch..A miserable, self-centered bitch, who has spent every waking minute of the past three years trying to make our lives miserable. I was the exact same age as Santana when Glee was airing and going through the most difficult part of my coming out process. You wanna play with me, Kurt? Why would I Why would I want that? Santana: I've kissed Finn, and can I just say not worth a buck. At a time when I mostly only felt dread when I thought about going through life as a lesbian, that performance made me feel hopeful that I would someday be able to openly love someone who openly loved me back. His hair's already starting to grow back. In my opinion she belongs in the gay icon pantheon with Liz Taylor and Judy Garland. In my mind, there is no question that the Rumor Has It/ Someone Like You mash up is the greatest performance in the shows history. We can be the bitch. Her quiet almost embarrassed because its so vulnerable and what will it all mean glances to Brittany from behind Hollys shoulders are all I see. Those romantic saps. You're going to stay in the closet, get married, get drunk to have relations with your wife, have a couple kids, maybe become a state senator, or a deacon, and then get caught in the men's room tapping your foot with some page. Maybe it's just that you are utterly, utterly intolerable. (Claps). I mean, just because I hate everybody doesnt mean they have to hate me too, she cries. After I came out in college, I eased my way into openly talking about my attraction to women by talking about how much I loved Naya. Santana calling Rachel a 'selfish, self-centered, lame-ass wannabe diva from hell' in the prom rant is perhaps the most accurate statement from the entire show. I just think its really sweet and romantic and Naya is so vulnerable and pretty and her voice is so lovely. Finn: What are you talking ab- Every time you open your humongous mouth to do an impression or moisten an enormous stamp for a lazy giant, you take one step closer to everyone seeing that you are actually a dork. dont wanna marry a sexless self-centered baton-twirler. Rachel and Santana, The Power of Madonna. Your bizarre, psychosexual obsession with that Glee Club was disturbing from the first moment you stalked a nude student in the showers. Showtime "The monologue when she tells Monica why she can't take Liam away is so amazing. Or maybe i, of the gay rights movement every time you so much as coo, cheese together or farted. They were never about the kind of love she feels for Brittany, or even how she felt about Dani. It was the beginning of a long journey to accepting my nerdiness, to embracing my inner geek, to being passionate about what I love, even if not everyone in my life will understand or even support it. was probably my favorite moment. The strive to create a safer, and more comfortable sex-toy shopping experience for the Queer community and more specifically gender non-conforming, trans and non-binary people. I meant, it's a Win-Win for me. Coming out isnt always rainbows and parades. Santana: No! All of this vicious, underhanded crap has got to stop. You're what we call a "late in life gay." Admit it! And not just because you can unlock your humongous jaw and swallow him whole like a python. Wherever your soul is, thank you. I'm thinking about joining Shelby's new show choir. Santana: You should be our nations president. And maybe if you used them, you wouldn't have more oil than the Middle East on your face. I came out to my mother about a month after Santana came out to her abuela. Brittany: Yeah, he's from Ireland. Santana: Sex is not dating. Santana: Youre a liar. He was rude, patronising, and racist. Santana was my favorite long before the jokes about her and Brittany sleeping together turned into the best friends in love storyline of my dreams. Santana: Please stick a sock in it or ship yourself back to Scotland. Santana: Shut your potato hole, I'm here to apologize. Rachel: (reading from phone) Santana Lopez- Nude, lez, boobies, sex tape, Mexican or Dominican, Question mark. It'll be great for my image and Coach Sylvester will totally promote me to Head Cheerleader. On the surface, the lyrics themselves arent really even specifically relevant to her situation, but in a way they are on a general level these are words that express a desire to control the uncontrollable, a concern that what you want could slip from your grasp so quickly. He didnt remember her favorite ice cream order or her little sisters name. You like her more than me. Santana: (laughs) Santana Lopez was a one dimensional cheerleader minion until Naya Rivera turned her into one of the greatest and most important tv characters of all time. As it is, I love 2 Cellos covers, but Nayas voice paired with Grant Gustins, the sharp outfits, the simple choreography. The first is horrible but predictable. Santana to Sam, about Quinn, Blame It on the Alcohol, Santana to Blaine or Rachel during "Don't You Want Me" (it was unclear), Blame It on the Alcohol. I've been keeping a notebook just in case this day ever came: Welcome back Lisa Rinna, I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth and skipped town. This song is so depressing. She's blond and awesome and so smart. Santana: Yes, we can. It's more of my speed. I wanna make a fake baby with you!". I mean, after all, that's why it didn't work out with you and Blaine, right? Below are each of our favorite Santana Lopez moments. Can't tell you how many times I wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle, but couldn't find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. Santana: Okay, New York may be disgusting, especially when it's covered in gray, nasty snow, and the people may be horrible and rude, and some smelly homeless man in pee stained tighty whities might have groped me on the subway and then asked me for a dollar. Santana: A star is a star, it doesn't matter where in the sky it shine. You told Coach Sylvester about my summer surgery! Okay, maybe Brittany and I are too young to get married. Finn: Look, I appreciate the offer, but I have feelings for someone else and I'm trying to work it out with them. I just want you. Lopez. I did. She was right, and she mattered, even if she was just a teenager. That Santana contained multitudes, and that not all of those multitudes were nice, changed everything about what positive representation really meant on TV. As soon as we get to New York Im bailing to live in a lesbian colony, she continues. Cookie Notice Santana: And where are the Hardy Boys? Bartender: Sorry ladies, can I see some IDs? Naya, girl, Im just so sorry. Sue: You lodged a complaint about my teaching tactics with Principal Figgins possibly derailing my bid for ten-year just as I'm trying to have a baby. What I realized What I realized is why I'm such a bitch all the time. Santana to Elliott about Kurt, A Katy or A Gaga. Non-threatening to the characters inside the show or outside in the audience. Tina: Five minutes ago, you said Mr Schue belonged in a 12 step program. Part of me. I'm getting that stinky panic sweat under my boobs. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and Brittany. You've been berating us for the better part of an hour. [to Finn] Rachel's right, I haven't been fair to you. Puck: We all know why we're here. Thank you so much. Maybe that has something to do with it. Santana: I'm 25. They were something to do. Just two cellos, two actors, and a bunch of chairs in an empty room. She was a professional and her memory was a steel trap. Did you know she tried to sell me once? By our I mean my friends and I but probably you and your friends too. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. But we did get this number and its just so beautiful. Its so hard to talk about Glee without talking about the rapidly changing world for gay rights that was also happening around it. Santana's entire monologue as she forms a dastardly scheme to get back Brittany. Brittany, maybe its just that you are utterly, utterly, intolerable. Mr. How could Brody give all that up? You trying to turn her into a damn rexy? Can't I think about it for like a day? Santana: Thanks. Theyre getting off work just as the sun is coming up, because this is a Beatles-themed episode and someone needed to sing Here Comes the Sun. And also because its really adorable and romantic. He's made of magic. One of my favourites is the group phone call in Season 1 where Santana says Sex is not dating and Brittany says If it was, Santana and I would be dating The fear in Nayas eyes it was those kind of small choices and background acting that led people to ship Brittana, and for Santana to become more than the bitchy cheerleader. Sebastian: And what did you think Sha-Queer-A? You know what happens in Lima Heights Adjacent? Santana: Now get out of my way please, afores I ends you. Rachel: I will totally slap you again. Santana: I wish you'd hold my hand. Santana: Hey Finnocence. I just wanna be famous, plain and simple. Im just too tired. Also Naya Rivera and Ricky Martins version of La Isla Bonita is one of my favourite Glee songs of all time. I wants on them froggy lips, and I wants on them now. Santana: Yea, but he's not hot. Santana to Rachel, Tina in the Sky with Diamonds. Rory: Whoa. obsession with old people that causes you to skulk around nursing homes You look a little Jewish, right Rachel? I mean, really, I'm sorry that the New Directions are gonna get crushed by the Troubletones. You told everyone I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show! I always thought Naya deserved the best actress award just for the scene alone. Not only am I giving you full visitation rights to the set of rambunctious twins that live on my rib cage, you get the chance to show that pastry bag Finn that he cant mess with Sam Evans. ". Santana: This food was unsatisfactory. Men. TINA: Sorry, Santana. But I gots to say I finally feel like I have found my people. Like a sad little panda. Admit you put something in that slushie, what was it, huh, glass, asphalt? I mean what was your big move then, a jumbotron that said, "Hey Terri! I want you to know me, who I really am. But medias idea of an underdog is skewed by 80s teen movies written by cis straight white men. I have awesome gay-dar. Santana: Yeah, I do. Its important because, before Santana Lopez, basically every character we considered positive lesbian representation was: a) white, and b) nice. And yes, we talk about Naya Riveras voice + magic a lot in the same sentence which is not our fault, because its simply the truth and we cannot be held accountable for that but specifically what I mean is this: In a single three-minute cover, Naya Rivera turned a nearly 40 year old song into an instant lesbian classic. It was just such a joyful, fun performance. He literally just said that. Im also incredibly appreciative of the care Naya expressed for her fans in interviews. Waitress: But you ate it all. Those are all the things I think about when I watch Santana strut down the theatres aisle singing (gasp!) Finn's cute too. Gentle. Youve seen hurricanes on the news, in movies, read about them in school. I have razor blades hidden in my hair. Tina: Pretty much. Its pure joy and when I think of Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez what I feel is joy. Santana: Come on, screw her. Im officially over it. I dont want to fight anymore. Santana: Why, cause that look was last season? Sweet. Brittany is my ex girlfriend and she just dumped me, which is why Im even here and why I have this job. Contents 1 Season One 1.1 Showmance 1.2 The Rhodes Not Taken 1.3 Vitamin D 1.4 Wheels 1.5 Hairography 1.6 Sectionals 1.7 Hell-O 1.8 The Power of Madonna Ill always remember Naya happy. Thank you Santana, and most of all, thank you Naya. Brittany: C'mon, we can't be mad at Rachel forever. Santana: Well that's good, cause I hear your professors are into that. I had such a crush on her, and the way she spoke made me feel okay about having a fun, silly crush like the ones my friends had on male celebrities. Theres a brief moment after Kurt is elected prom queen as a cruel joke that Santana rushes out of the room crying. Maybe Blaine didnt wanna be with someone who Finn: If [Rachel] found out she'd break up with me. I will never understand why these things happen. Rachel: Glad that you found your corner of the sky, Santana. Me and the color pink, have been in an argument for seventeen years, I can't believe I have to make nice with it now, Santana, Bridesmaids Scene, cut from On My Way. Those arent generic Latinx details. I will always be grateful to her for the major part she played in my coming out. I was accepting myself and coming out along with Santanas storyline. which means I have a killer health plan which pays for everything. I adore you. It was invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope. This is it. ), I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me). Its safe to say that she died too young, and too sad. We have to keep Finn wet before we roll him back to sea. Is that an aspect of why this moment feels so awful because this is the first time were learning how to mourn this particular sort of loss? It sucked. Thank you for your bravery, your fire, your swag, your humor, and your craft. The transcendent vulnerability, more than weve ever seen from Santana. The pride flags left at her memorial at Lake Piru that say Thank you Naya splintered my heart all over again. Santana: It's a nice break from all that scissoring. (Points at kid)bye. Santana and Sue Sylvester, The Spanish Teacher, You went from La Cucaracha to a bullfighting mariachi. Brittany: Mm hm. I assume you've been working as a baby polisher where young mothers place their infant's heads in your mouth to get back that new born shine. I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. Kurt I took what you said to heart, and I thought long and hard about it, and it occurred to me that you may have a point. But nothing is as eternally hilarious to me maybe on TV ever as Santanas Yeast-I-Stat commercial. Thank you, guys. Shes beautiful, shes innocent, shes everything thats good in this miserable, stinking world. I don't want to hear any of this "We can't do it without her," because guess what? One of my favourite Santana moments that isnt mentioned here is the whole The Spanish Teacher episode. Rachel: I don't know what you're talking about. I love you a-and I don't want to be with Sam or Finn or any of those other guys. Santana to Mr . Sophomore year, I used to sit in this back row and secretly watch you. I mean, you know what happened to Kurt at this school. Sam I am. Santana: And just so you know, I bought custom bibs for me and Mercedes cause weez be going Mercedes and Santana: To Breadstix! But it was always such a relief. While theres nothing Id love more than having two pretty ponies serenade me, I think wed get further staging a gel-ervention for Blaine than singing lady music, Santana to Kurt and Blaine, I Kissed a Girl, I love girls the way that Im supposed to feel about boys. We're like besties for life. Those scenes are not in this transcript. Go. Santana: Love stinks. But I'm afraid of the talks and the looks. Thank you Naya. Santana: I'm not! Rosario Cruz. [voiceover] How is this possible? middle of, or some sassy old Broadway standard made famous by dead Glee Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes [to Santana] Okay, I may be a genius, but how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart? We thought maybe youd like to join us. Didn't you have a sex tape that leaked online? Its really different, but seeing another Latina women stand up for herself and her culture was so validating to my lived experiences. Santana: Where he will be for the next hour scrubbing the drug shame off of his friction-less body. feminine Quinn Fabray. For your joy, for your talent, for teaching me how to be unapologetic about the things I love. It changed my life as it unfolded. (Will asks about Christmas tree) Will: And the ornaments? I was one of my favs at the time. Santana: I'm Rachel Berry, his loud, loud girlfriend. They're fooling around! But I won't join without you. Cosas malas! I mean, at some point I must have liked that you look like a taco addict who's had one too many back alley liposuctions. Santana: Yep. It's the best part of my day, okay? Maybe Blaine got tired of hearing your shrill, self-aggrandizing lecture about how you felt the two of you were at the very apex of the gay rights movement every time you so much as cooked macaroni and cheese together or farted. Because Sanatana will cut anyone down with her vicious, vicious words no matter how much she loves them, but someone outside her found family attacks one of hers? How is everyone welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevii twins? Kurt: Can we talk about the giant elephant in the room? Her off white blouse. Kurts coming out was a wish fulfillment fantasy for cis white gay men everywhere, but Santana is forced to suffer. Quinn: Do you want me to slap you again? And don't tell me it's 'cause the cafeteria food binds you up. With whose vagina? is a personal favorite. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyway. Where Im accepted?. Cant I just have one night where Im queen? Santana: First of all, anything you do became my business when you decided to toss that slushie up in my grill. [voiceover] I've always loved volunteering at the local hospital, and not just because of the sexy candy striper outfit. Santana: You can drill me any time. I'm a beautiful person. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM FOR THE VIDEOS THAT PEOPLE HAVE LINKED IN THE . Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another. Brittany: I have pepperoni in my bra. Its so fucking ridiculous. Santana: Those are your nipples. Brittany: Not really. Im kind of like the Incredible Hulk. Kurt: Oh, Gershwin song lines scavenger hunt! You finally got an okay haircut. You look exactly like a young Brittany S. Pierce, doesnt she? Of Santana. I love Brittana, but one of the best parts of Glee is that unlike a lot of other shows its queer characters queerness was not reliant on one other person. I cant hear this song without thinking of the dozens of slow-mo gif sets circulating on Tumblr of Brittany and Santana circling each other, and I also cant hear it without breaking out in chills all over my body, from my toes to my brain. Her wrath of words is called Snix Juice. Santana defending Blaine and Kurt from Dave, A Night of Neglect. Puck: You two show up at Breadstix tomorrow night around 7 and if we don't find hotter chicks to date, we might show up. I will never be able to listen to Glee songs again without thinking of you and feeling heartache. Quinn: You have surgery when you get your Appendix out. Gunther: I take this! When Santana and Brittany take her song and flip the pronouns and wear the slinky tube dresses and wrap their curled hair in big bows and it rains glitter and are surrounded by cheerleaders, one of whom has a very alternative lifestyle haircut, and they want to dance with each other? This is the first time were experiencing this. #monologues Just heard the news that trouty mouth is back in town. Maybe two seasons, if that. [points at Rachel] Finn: I said I thought you were great. Despite the fact that your mouth-to-face ratio is way off, you still somehow manage to be cute. Santana: Is that because you've been telling her to? I was 19 and just starting to allow myself to realize I was queer. I think she was a holiday hoarder. Santana: And Pablo Escobar? I'm pretty sure too. Who cares if he's terrified of banks? Enjoy it while you can, Weezy. I'll just marry an NFL player, they're super reliable. Some of them are shared by many of us, and probably by you too. Rachel: What did I do?? Is that how peoples lips look where you come from in the South? You can buy one at the Party Store. Some of it was mean-funny and her delivery there was always effortless. Maybe he grew weary of dating a breathier more The way she shoves that bagel in her mouth! It remains poignantly jarring in its specificity and its place in the great cannon of Television Coming Out Scenes. It fit. Santana: And you know what, Brit? We don't have a choice. Follow them on Twitter! We had Glee watching parties in my dorm, and I would stay up late replaying Brittana scenes from YouTube hoping my roommate wouldnt notice. So endlessly grateful to Naya. Santana leaves it all at Brittanys feet in that choir room, and so did Naya. The second could be anything. Thats when you knew this was going to the next level. Love to you, your family, your friends, and your sweet boy. Santana's history on the show begins with her being one prong of the infamous "Unholy Trinity." A desperate Quinn Fabray ( Dianna Agron) employs the help of two of her fellow Cheerios to audition. The scene that gave me the final push I needed to come out of the closet. I was thinking, we should go out, just you and me. Rachel: Okay, wait. Santana and Naya Rivera changed my life as a young brown queer and I will always be grateful. Rant to Rachel and Kurt after they kick her out, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ". Its layers upon layers of ridiculousness, but brilliantly so. all, thats why it didnt work out with you and Blaine, right? Just admit it! I'm looking forward to the day my grandmother loves me again. Santana to Rachel about her, Kurt and Blaine, Prom-asaurus, Imploding on one of the last nights we have to spend together because basically youre just not in the mood to dance is maybe the pettiest thing you have ever done. Why isnt Rachel talking? Yay. We used to be the Three Musketeers. Rachel, Santana, and Kurt were joined on the North Pole setting by four little. Thank you, Naya, for all of the knockout moments you gave us. She talked about him yesterday and practically sprayed the choir room. I'm Hispanic. I'm definitely going to watch compilations of her snark and monologues on YouTube. Unmatched sass and the best . The pain I had as I realized how many times I had repeated that same line to my closest friends, the ones I had always been in love with, the ones I would have been terrified to admit that were true if asked. She looked like Pippi Longstocking, but like, Israeli. Cause I can play. She always seemed like she took the work she was doing for lesbian representation so seriously (even when the writers didnt), and she embraced how beloved she was by the community. I've had mono so many times it turned into stereo. Sometimes you hear it on the loudspeakers at Home Goods and feel like complaining to the manager for inappropriate context, but when its on in your car or at a party or a club its exhilarating and obviously very topical. Santana: Hey Tubs! Of course they have fake IDs. The only straight I am is straight-up bitch. Did Dakota Johnson Come Out as Bisexual, or Just Hang Out With Cara Delevingne? In doing so, they revealed a rarely-discussed but entirely valid coming out narrative. No me gusta! In my opinion, this scene/song is one of the most underrated of the Glee canon. Santana to Finn about Blaine, Pot o' Gold, Heres the deal, pixie boy. Santana: I hate weddings and I Valentine's Day. You are not playing Yente the lesbian match maker. So youre gonna grant me a wish, Thats right, double-stuffed, fatty, gassy, mcgravy pants, we are just one big happy, happy family, I did not just leave one diva-driven glee club to join another, so let me write you a reality check, Richie Bitch. Striper outfit ] Finn: I wish you 'd hold my hand a teenager Longstocking, santana... To Scotland it remains poignantly jarring in its specificity and its just that you are,. N'T get any gayerit does for your bravery, your fire, your friends, not... Said Mr Schue belonged in a lesbian colony, she cries scrubbing the drug shame off of his body... Kurt, a jumbotron that said, `` Hey Terri was disturbing from the moment... Love each other so much your Appendix out changed my life as a cruel joke that santana rushes out the... For cis white gay men everywhere, but her brief romance with Demi Lovatos Dani the! Movement every time you so much as coo, cheese together or farted I Valentine 's.. 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A cruel joke that santana rushes out of my way Please, afores I ends you fantasy. Young, and I but probably you and the looks to do with me say that she too.: ( reading from phone ) santana Lopez- nude, lez, boobies, tape! This was going to watch compilations of her snark and monologues on YouTube in... He grew weary of dating a breathier more the way she shoves that bagel her! Watch santana strut down the theatres aisle singing ( gasp! the episode centered her feelings of. Welcome when this is clearly just a teenager to talk about Glee without talking about out she 'd break with. Feel like I have this job voice is so amazing down the theatres aisle singing gasp..., which is why I have this job to her abuela time I hear it so hard to talk Glee. The next hour scrubbing the drug shame off of his friction-less body, for all of this we! Make a fake baby with you and Blaine, right all know why we 're here great cannon Television. About them in school grandmother Loves me ) Rachel Berry, his loud, loud..