Espace 67, La Ronde, the Aquatic Complex and the Stewart Museum are all located there. Join the RunGuides newsletter. Race Roster account and registration confirmation. Under the highest inclined tower in the world, major sporting events and trade shows are held every year. A participant who is not able to maintain the minimum pace will be withdrawn from the race. Courses: Marathon and Half Marathon, ADM flour mill The organization designed the Marathon course in close collaboration with its partners in order to offer a new and attractive experience that will highlight many of the citys attractions. Courses: Marathon and Half Marathon FINAL PRICE. The Canada Half Marathon Calendar is a complete simplistic listing of Canada half marathons. may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. EN Change language. Therefore, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Double the fun and run 26.1 km during the Marathon Beneva de Montral weekend by participating in the 5 km on Saturday and the Half Marathon on Sunday. Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24 at the Expo-Marathon. Created as part of Expo 67 and a true emblem of innovative housing, Habitat 67 has marked the Montreal landscape for half a century. 21. More info: Tourisme Montral, Botanical Garden The operating conditions of the stations will respect the Public Health standards in effect at the time of the event. 2023 - 2024 Half marathons held in Canada | ahotu Calendar Half marathon North America Canada 2023 - 2024 Half marathons held in Canada 167 races 'First Half' Half Marathon First Half Marathon February 12, 2023 North America / Canada / British Columbia / Vancouver On Site Solo Road Timed Running 21.097 kilometers Site web : Solutions Numriques | Mtlrs, AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships, 2023 AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships. Notes On Saturday, the starting line is located on Sherbrooke Street, near the Olympic Stadium. 24 hour cancellation policy Discounts Over 4000 other races. The Olympic Parks Esplanade will be set up as a welcome and celebration area for runners. Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023 Time: 9:00 am ET Location: Ottawa City Hall 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, Ontario View the interactive map Current event pricing: $110.00 CAD + applicable fee + hst In-person, virtual and Green Bib options available The general public ranking is based on chip time. from misuse and keep it secure. View our 2023 National Park Half Marathon Calendar Races Listed by Date By City. Participants receive a a long-sleeve tech shirt. The Marathon will start from Espace 67, located on le Ste-Hlne. Click Here to go to, 18:32mile / 4 Hour Minimum course time limit=, Niagara Falls International Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k, The Canada Half Marathon Calendar is a complete simplistic listing of, BACK to Half Marathon Calendar Search by Month or Search by State, 2008 - 2023 Half Marathon Calendar USA a Fifty States Half Marathon Club LLC Company - 100% Veteran Owned -, Melfort Multi-K Half Marathon 21.1k, 10k, 5k. CanadaHalf Marathon Calendar event dates in greyare delinquent dates not updated by the race organizer yet. Should the pandemic lead to a cancellation. All rights reserved. Learn More About Us Upcoming Events This iconic race for Montral's vibrant running community is welcoming participants back to the scenic routes of Parc Jean-Drapeau in April 2022! Participants can choose between 1 km, 5 km, 10 km, half-marathon (21.1 km) and marathon (42.2 km) courses. We value the trust that you place in us by sharing your personal data with us. The start will be in waves and participants will be informed of their wave and start time a few days before the race. Social An adapted sport program, including an elite aspect, is available for people with a disability who wish to participate in the events. Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2022. . beyond Race Roster. 2022 marathon montreal wallpaper. Happy customers. Events that are built on the twin pillars of organization and innovation, to provide outstanding, unforgettable running experiences. Marathon Beneva de Montral. 21k de Montral - April 23-24, 2022 Home Montreal 21k 21K | 10K | 5K | Kids Run | Tour du chapeau (21K + 10K + 5K) Virtual Race: March 24 - April 24, 2022 In-Person Race: April 23, 2022: 10K | 5K | Course des enfants April 24, 2022: 21K 2023 Event Info to Come Soon! Every year, the Stade IGA is the scene of the National Bank Open featuring the best international tennis players. *The option to change races may be withdrawn prior to September 1st in the event that an event is sold out. Circling Jean-Drapeau Park, the circuit Gilles-Villeneuve is named after the famous Quebec driver who won the first Montreal Grand Prix in 1978. Half Marathon finish line The Olympic Park's Esplanade will be set up as a welcome and celebration area for runners. Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km, 5km & + - Marathon Beneva de Montral Our races Included in registration Group Registration policy Races on Sunday, September 24 Bib pick-up at the Expo-Marathon on Friday, September 22 or Saturday, September 23. Half Marathon are suggested to get off at King Edward station; Passenger drop-off is suggested near Main St & E 30th Ave; Gear Check is located at Ontario & 33rd Ave The 8KM Start Line is located inside Stanley Park. Difficulty ratings are based on a scale of 1-5 against all of the events within their own series. It also helps identify issues faced Learn more. VDOMDHTMLtml>. The Races Friday, September 23: Active Youth Day (Details to be announced) Saturday, September 24: 1 km (8:30), Sports Experts 5 km (8:45) and 10 km (9:30) Sunday September 25 - Start at 7:45 AM: Half Marathon and Marathon Events taking place on both days: Combos Click on the map to download it in a PDF format, with the elevation profile and the location of the aids station. Get ready for a colorful experience at the 30th edition of the Marathon Beneva de Montral. You gave it your all at the race. Event Cancellation: In case of a cancellation of the Marathon Beneva de Montral due to COVID-19, the registration fee, excluding the processing fee, will be refunded. LIMITED TIME OFFER. .OQ8Tzd,.nKphmK{overflow:hidden}.nKphmK{height:100%;position:relative;width:100%}.nKphmK:-webkit-full-screen{min-height:auto!important}.nKphmK:-ms-fullscreen{min-height:auto!important}.nKphmK:fullscreen{min-height:auto!important}.pvlz2w{visibility:hidden} This avenue borders Rivire des Prairies and bridges Basile-Routhier and Maurice-Richard parks. It is Montrals main commercial artery and one of North Americas longest and liveliest. Welcome To Race Roster, our online registration partner. The IAAF chose to host its own world championship event instead, a month and a half after the Olympics. The number of people per wave will respect the Public Health guidelines. The participant will receive a medal for each event they participate in and a surprise gift! The next edition of the Montreal marathon is scheduled for Sept, 2021. Timing mats will be installed at several points on the course to capture your intermediate times. There are actually 4 other races at the same time, a half marathon, 10K, 5K, & 1K. The preservation of the neon sign is the result of many efforts by local organizations who saw the heritage character of this neon sign in Montreal's rich industrial history. Just shy of 9 laps = Marathon. Marathon finish line The Olympic Park's Esplanade will be set up as a welcome and celebration area for runners. Participants will be informed of their start wave a few days before the race. You must make the transfer via the Race Roster platform. The COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto is an ongoing viral pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 a novel infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 SARS-CoV-2. Don't have access to the authentication code? We believe it is important to inform you about how we will One of the oldest green spaces in Montral, built on the site of an old farm, surrounded by beautiful Victorian homes, La Fontaine Park welcomes, from the first beautiful days of spring, the colourful crowd of Plateau-Mont-Royal residents. .uRmCGe{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;width:100%}.WL0EsN{transform:translateY(-100%);transition:.2s ease-in}.sidK5I{transition:.2s}.VvQjEF{opacity:0;transition:.2s ease-in}.VvQjEF.U7bXKO{z-index:-1!important}.LourDs{opacity:1;transition:.2s}.aVaKr8{height:auto}.aVaKr8,.duEYWW{position:relative;width:100%}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .Na9Voo,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .Na9Voo{margin-left:calc((100% - var(--site-width))/2);width:var(--site-width)}.fDPYmu[data-focuscycled=active]{outline:1px solid transparent}.fDPYmu[data-focuscycled=active]:not(:focus-within){outline:2px solid transparent;transition:outline .01s ease}.fDPYmu .hqwWPY{background-color:var(--screenwidth-corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));background-image:url();background-repeat:repeat-x;border-bottom:var(--brwb,0) solid var(--screenwidth-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));border-top:var(--brwt,0) solid var(--screenwidth-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));bottom:0;box-shadow:var(--shd,inset 0 1px 1px hsla(0,0%,100%,.6),inset 0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.6),0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.6));top:0}.fDPYmu .Na9Voo,.fDPYmu .hqwWPY{left:0;position:absolute;right:0}.fDPYmu .Na9Voo{bottom:var(--brwb,0);top:var(--brwt,0)}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .fDPYmu .Na9Voo,body.device-mobile-optimized .fDPYmu .Na9Voo{left:10px;right:10px} Inaugurated at the end of the 17th century, Place d'Armes is one of the most prestigious places in Montreal. Registration for the 2022 edition of the Marathon Beneva de Montral is now open. The number of people per wave will respect the Public Health guidelines. It will be possible to follow the progress of an athlete via the mobile application. Race Course Training From September 29 to October 1, 2023, runners and walkers will set off on a postcard route that will crisscross the most beautiful streets of Quebec. Find your event and make your race memories last a lifetime. : A 10% discount is available for groups of 10 people or more. you seeing adverts, just that they won't be tailored specifically to you. The 21K de Montral is Canada Running Series' flagship event in Qubec. Forty-two kilometers you will never forget. The participant will receive a medal for each event they participate in and a surprise gift! Once again we were lucky with the weather. Site web : Solutions Numriques | Mtlrs. The routes for Saturdays Montreal Marathon runs that will cause road closures. Best of all, the half marathon boasts an unbeatable atmosphere of enthusiastic spectators and volunteers. It was named by Samuel de Champlain in honor of his wife in 1611. Aid stations will be set up along the course to hydrate and energize you. The city will contribute $460,000 to the event, mostly in goods and services. .LHrbPP{background:#fff;border-radius:24px;color:#116dff;cursor:pointer;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,,meiryo, pro w3,hiragino kaku gothic pro,sans-serif;font-size:14px;height:0;left:50%;margin-left:-94px;opacity:0;padding:0 24px 0 24px;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:60px;width:0;z-index:9999}.LHrbPP:focus{border:2px solid;height:40px;opacity:1;pointer-events:auto;width:auto} Marathon - 42.2 km $ 110* Register More info Half Marathon - 21.1 km $ 90* Register More info Combos 2023 - 2024 Half marathons held in Quebec | ahotu Calendar Half marathon North America Canada Quebec 2023 - 2024 Half marathons held in Quebec 38 races Lvis Half Marathon Demi-Marathon May 07, 2023 North America / Canada / Quebec / Lvis On Site Solo Road Timed River Running 21.097 kilometers Marathon SSQ de Longueuil Demi-Marathon May 21, 2023 Vancouver Half Marathon June 25, 2023; Under Armour Eastside 10K September 24, 2023; Montreal. The Montreal Expos played their first home game there in 1969, at Jarry Stadium. All prices shown exclude taxes, processing fees and related taxes. More info: Tourisme Montral, Casino de Montral Jun 19. From west to east, Sainte-Catherine Street stretches 11 kilometres (9 miles) across the city. More info: Tourisme Montral, 2021 Marathon de Montral. Start (Saturday) : Near the Olympic Stadium, Start (Sunday) : Espace 67 - Parc Jean-Drapeau, Finish (All events) : Olympic Park Esplanade. Don't have access to your phone? More info: Tourisme Montral, Habitat 67 FanShield Insurance: During the registration process, you may purchase FanShield insurance. Double the fun and run 31.1 km during the Marathon Beneva de Montral weekend by participating in the 10 km on Saturday and the Half Marathon on Sunday. View the 2022 5K Results. A 24-year-old man died Sunday after he collapsed while running in the Montreal Marathon. Read More The insurance covers certain situations where the participant is unable to attend the event. 15%. Get info about the 2023 Marathon SSQ de Longueuil happening in Longueuil! The Marathon Beneva de Montreal is the showcase event of a two day festival of running, with races for all ambition, including a half marathon and 10K, 5K and 1K races. Photo credits : Sense Mdia et Rouge Marketing. A broom wagon will follow the last runner and may accompany the athletes to the finish line in the event of a withdrawal. Courses: Marathon It is strictly forbidden to run wearing a bib that is not your own under penalty of disqualification. Proud runners. Montreal Running Race Calendar - 2023 | Find runs and races near you with our Montreal running calendar. . However, the organization does offer the option of purchasing FanShield insurance which provides protection in this situation. Date. A bag check service will be available. Site web : Solutions Numriques | Mtlrs, Tracking of the athlete during the race via an application, Post race food and beverage (post race snack for the 1 km), Pace bunnies (subject to Public Health approval). Courses: Marathon and Half Marathon Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Friday October 28 2022. Courses: Marathon and Half Marathon, Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve The location of the stations is available on the PDF course map. 21k de Montreal (half marathon) Canada Half Marathons May 2023 Burnaby, British Columbia Kamloops, British Columbia Jasper, Alberta Mississauga, Ontario Montreal, Quebec Sun May 7, 2023 Sun May 7, 2023 Sun May 7, 2023 Sun May 28, 2023 Sun May 28, 2023 Sun May 28, 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon, Half Marathon, 8k Posted: Sep 23, 2022 7:22 PM ET . The ADM flour mill is a historic flour mill of public notoriety thanks to its neon sign Farine Five Roses that can be seen kilometers away from Montreal. This course weaves in and around the green space of Crystal Palace park. The Olympic Park Esplanade, an urban park made up of nine platforms, offers a breathtaking view of the Stadium and its Tower. Click on the map to download it in a PDF format, with the elevation profile and the location of the aids station. // @see To facilitate your travel during the event. If you have not received this communication, we invite you to contact us ( and we will be happy to help you. 21K de Montral 23 avril - 24 avril 2022 | Course Virtuelle We strive to have dates 1 year out for Canadahalf marathons, but have no control of when they set,announce or update their dates. You will be able to drop off your bag at the start (Espace 67 at Parc Jean-Drapeau) and pick it up at the finish (Esplanade of the Olympic Stadium). Race Roster takes When you register for one of the Marathon Beneva de Montral events, a Race Roster account is created in your name. Prize money is only available to athletes in the elite wave. Transfer of registration and race changes: Following your registration, you may change your event or transfer your registration to another person under certain conditions. The track hosts the Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix every year as well as thousands of cycling and in-line skating enthusiasts. 5k, 10k, half/full marathons, ultras, road/trail and everything in between. To log in to your Race Roster account, click here. We do everything in our power to verify and get them correct. You will be able to drop off your bag at the start (Espace 67 at Parc Jean-Drapeau) and pick it up at the finish (Esplanade of the Olympic Stadium). Photo credits : Sense Mdia et Rouge Marketing. , including an elite aspect, is available for people with a disability who wish to participate in the events. The total length of Sherbrooke Street is 31 kilometers. Its 400 stores have been attracting thousands of visitors every year for over 50 years. One of the most colorful neighborhoods in Montral, where the first Italian immigrants settled in the 19th century. The Plaza St-Hubert is one of the main commercial arteries of Montral. All details and conditions are available here. Bib pick-up at the Expo-Marathon on Friday, September 22. The insurance covers certain situations where the participant is unable to attend the event. The Half Marathon will start from Espace 67, located on le Ste-Hlne. Runners may utilize Gear Check services near the Finish Line in Downtown Vancouver, then catch a shuttle to the Start Line. 21K de Montral 23 avril - 24 avril 2022 | Course Virtuelle; franais Transfer of registration and race changes, : Following your registration, you may change your event or transfer your registration to another person under certain conditions. The partnership provides participants new refreshing celebration option December 7, 2022 (Ottawa) Run Ottawa is [] 2 days agoThe 1 5 and 10-km routes for the weekends Montreal Marathon. hazardous weather conditions), no refund will be made. .Xuewe7{align-items:center;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;justify-content:var(--label-align);min-width:100%;text-align:initial;width:-moz-max-content;width:max-content}.Xuewe7:before{max-width:var(--margin-left,0)}.Xuewe7:after,.Xuewe7:before{align-self:stretch;content:"";flex-grow:1}.Xuewe7:after{max-width:var(--margin-right,0)}.y80MHc{overflow:hidden;transform:rotate(1turn)}.y80MHc[aria-disabled=false] .Xuewe7{cursor:pointer}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .VsZk1H,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .VsZk1H{background:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .IwswzB,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .IwswzB{color:rgb(var(--txth,var(--color_15)))}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .sOETIc,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .sOETIc{border-bottom-color:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))!important}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .o3yFpm,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:active .o3yFpm{border-top-color:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))!important}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .VsZk1H,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .VsZk1H{background:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .IwswzB,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .IwswzB{color:rgb(var(--txth,var(--color_15)))}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .sOETIc,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .sOETIc{border-bottom-color:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))!important}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .o3yFpm,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc[aria-disabled=false]:hover .o3yFpm{border-top-color:rgba(var(--bgh,var(--color_18)),var(--alpha-bgh,1))!important}.y80MHc .VsZk1H{background:var(--corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_17)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));left:50px}.y80MHc .VsZk1H,.y80MHc .Xuewe7{bottom:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.y80MHc .Xuewe7{left:0}.y80MHc .IwswzB{color:var(--corvid-color,rgb(var(--txt,var(--color_15))));font:var(--fnt,var(--font_5));position:relative;white-space:nowrap}.y80MHc .o3yFpm,.y80MHc .sOETIc{border-left:50px solid transparent;border-right:0;left:0;position:absolute}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc .o3yFpm,:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc .sOETIc,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc .o3yFpm,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc .sOETIc{left:1px}.y80MHc .sOETIc{border-bottom:50px solid var(--corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_17)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));bottom:50%}:host(.device-mobile-optimized) .y80MHc .sOETIc,body.device-mobile-optimized .y80MHc .sOETIc{transform:scale(1.01)}.y80MHc .o3yFpm{border-top:50px solid var(--corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_17)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));top:50%}.y80MHc[aria-disabled=true] .VsZk1H{background:rgba(var(--bgd,204,204,204),var(--alpha-bgd,1))}.y80MHc[aria-disabled=true] .IwswzB{color:rgb(var(--txtd,255,255,255))}.y80MHc[aria-disabled=true] .sOETIc{border-bottom-color:rgba(var(--bgd,204,204,204),var(--alpha-bgd,1))}.y80MHc[aria-disabled=true] .o3yFpm{border-top-color:rgba(var(--bgd,204,204,204),var(--alpha-bgd,1))} The number of people per wave will respect the Public Health guidelines. The Olympic Parks Esplanade will be set up as a welcome and celebration area for runners. Courses: Marathon and Half Marathon It crosses half of the island of Montreal. Courses: Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km, 5 km and 1 km Analytical Cookies allows us to improve the site's functionality by tracking the usage on this All participants who have opted to defer their registration for the 2022 edition of the event have received a communication on the procedure to follow. The full registration policy for the event is available here. Maurice Richard who lived a part of his life on this avenue. 2008 - 2023 Half Marathon Calendar USA a Fifty States Half Marathon Club LLC Company - 100% Veteran Owned - Privacy Policy Advertise. Since 1895, a statue of the founder of Montral, Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve, has occupied the center of the square. Courses: Marathon, Plaza St-Hubert Start times: 10K - 8am and . Group rate: A 10% discount is available for groups of 10 people or more. If you do not allow these cookies then some or all of these services may not function properly. Located next to Notre-Dame Basilica, and built between 1684 and 1687 by the Sulpicians, it is the oldest building in Montral still in use. Top Half Marathon Events keyboard_arrow_down keyboard_arrow_up. Pace bunnies will be available to help you reach your goal. Get ready for an exciting experience at the 31st edition of the Marathon Beneva de Montral. See which races made the list. More info: Tourisme Montral, Olympic Park Esplanade Marathon Beneva de Montral 2022 Watch on Our novelties Discover the courses More info Discover the races More info Run with Heart Charity Program Title Partner Countdown 284 days 2 hours 13 Minutes Partners Our Blog Blog Become a volunteer Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions Consult the FAQ Get ahead of the pack ! Following the event's cancellation in 2020 and 2021, the Montreal Marathon returns this fall for its 30th edition, from Friday, Sept. 23 to Sunday, Sept. 25. Toronto Waterfront Marathon Registration for 2023 events is now open! . And everything in between miles ) across the city for Over 50 years in 1611 of Half... The course to hydrate and energize you the PDF course map travel During the registration process, you purchase! A complete simplistic listing of Canada Half Marathon boasts an unbeatable atmosphere of spectators. This avenue start line sporting events and trade shows are held every as! Of nine platforms, offers a breathtaking view of the main commercial artery one!, click here your goal events within their own series and participants will be to... Read more the insurance covers certain situations where the first Montreal Grand Prix every.... Are held every year year, the circuit Gilles-Villeneuve is named after the Quebec! 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They wo n't be tailored specifically to you the Half Marathon montreal half marathon 2022 Plaza St-Hubert is one of Americas. Prior to September 1st in the world, major sporting events and shows... Insurance which provides protection in this situation the aids station named by Samuel de in. Then some or all of these services may not function properly to change races may be from... A part of his wife in 1611 Gilles-Villeneuve the location of the aids station we do everything between! Race organizer yet unable to attend the event by sharing your personal data with us Park. They participate in the 19th century unable to attend the event this course in... To follow the last runner and may accompany the athletes to the finish line Olympic... In our power to verify and get them correct in Downtown Vancouver, then catch shuttle... Adverts, just that they wo n't be tailored specifically to you canadahalf Marathon races. Spectators and volunteers and Half Marathon, 10K, half/full marathons, ultras, road/trail everything., located on le Ste-Hlne purchasing FanShield insurance La Ronde, the Half boasts!