Considering the fact that the presidency existed for over 1000 years in the vast Star Trek timeline before its initial dissolution, there were most likely other presidents that have yet to be mentioned who had an important impact on the progress of the future. Disqualifying criteria include caste-based discrimination[22] and violations of sentient rights. Presidents of the United Federation of Planets depicted in the television series, films, novels, and comics include: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library, Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years, President of the United Federation of Planets. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), In 2257, the Federation president personally pardoned Michael Burnham for her mutiny aboard the USS Shenzhou at the Battle of the Binary Stars, in recognition for her subsequent service aboard the USS Discovery and her role in ending the Federation-Klingon War. How is the President of the United Federation of Planets elected? The office of Council President was created six months after the Council first convened, and there existed controversy over what kinds of powers the Council President would exercise, with some Federates even advocating for a yearly rotating Council presidency. President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Alpha, President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Beta, "Mister President" if a male (any species), "Madam President" if a female (any species). Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! With little actual information to go off of, judging the individual accomplishments of Federation Presidents has never been easy. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront") The Federation President was also the commander-in-chief of all Starfleet forces. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. According to a newspaper clipping created as background material for Star Trek Generations and entitled "It's Federation Day! The Federation President (formally, the President of the United Federation of Planets) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. In 2257, the president - noting former Starfleet Commander Michael Burnham's heroic service during the Federation-Klingon War of 2256-2257 - ordered Burnham's criminal record erased, and she was reinstated to full rank. [2] In August 1966, Gene L. Coon was hired by Gene Roddenberry as a writer for Star Trek. Jonathan Archer In 2184. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 'Thank You. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS 2020 CBS . (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), The specific post of "Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet" is held by the highest-ranking Starfleet officer. The novel A Time for War, A Time for Peace establishes that an individual anonymously submits an application for candidacy to the Federation Council, which reviews each application and certifies that a candidate fills all qualifications for the office. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the head of government and head of state for the United Federation of Planets. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. But who was best? Despite that, it is clear from her accomplishments in Star Trek: Discovery that President Laira Rillak most exemplified the office of President of the UFP. Can I change which outlet on a circuit has the GFCI reset switch? This is a notice that your wiki is eligible for removal. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The Kennedy-class diplomatic cruisers were commanded by members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps, not Starfleet. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country), The president has the right to declare a state of emergency on a Federation Member State, a political subdivision of a Member State, or in a political subdivision of the Federation itself. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront") In addition, the President could preside over special courts martial in which the Federation Council served as the judging body. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) (Excalibur class), Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity, The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon, President of the United Federation of Planets. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library, Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years, Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two, fr:Prsident de la Fdration des Plantes Unies, pl:Prezydent Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet, Starter Pokmon/Games/Starter Pokmon/Base stat comparison when fully evolved, Pokmon world in relation to the real world/Core regions/Unova, File:In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II-attack.png, President of the United Federation of Planets. [14] The Federation is a major galactic power, and at various times has been at war with other powers such as the Klingons, the Romulans and the Dominion. The democratically-elected Federation President is the head of this branch. The method of electing the President of the United Federation of Planets has never been discussed in a canonical Star Trek production. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. The Federation's counterpart in the Mirror Universe is the Terran Empire, a human-dominated authoritarian state which has formed an empire by conquest. Rather, there existed an ancestral office called the President of the Council of the United Federation of Planets. It establishes that the office is held in four-year terms (without a two-term limit), similar to the modern American presidency. The Federation President is the chief executive officer of the Federation. Despite his importance to the plot of the film, the president was not named in the script, though the book Articles of the Federation listed his name as Ra-ghoratreii, a name that had been corroborated in other non-canon novels. Tasked with making important decisions that affect the entire galaxy, the office remained strong even after the Federation fell in the 32nd century. The President is protected at all times by a unit of the Federation Diplomatic Protection Group, a civilian agency tasked with the safety of the President, high Federation officials, foreign diplomats, and the families of their various charges. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The president also has the power to pardon criminals. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country), Jaresh-Inyo, the Federation President in 2372. United Federation of Planets "The universe belongs to those brave enough to share it in peace." - Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162 The United Federation of Planets (abbreviated as UFP and commonly referred to as the Federation) was founded in 2161. - Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. It is committed to . In the fictional universe of Star Trek the United Federation of Planets (UFP) is the interstellar government with which, as part of its space force Starfleet, most of the characters and starships of the franchise are affiliated. How could one outsmart a tracking implant? Approved candidates then campaign in a popular election. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"; Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Eventually, the series became an allegory for the current events of the 1960s counterculture,[4] placing great emphasis on an anti-war message and depicting the United Federation of Planets, a vast interstellar alliance founded on the enlightened principles of liberty, equality, justice, progress, and peaceful co-existence, as an idealistic version of the United Nations. The Office of the President encompasses the Cabinet, the Civil Service and the staff for the Presidents office at the Palais de la Concorde. The president received foreign ambassadors and had the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation member worlds. The President of the Federation and the duties of the office are the subjects of the novel Articles of the Federation, which tells the story of a year in the life of the newly-elected Federation President in a style similar to that of the television series The West Wing. (DS9: "Extreme Measures"), The Federation president's office was located on Earth in the city of Paris, France. As leader of the Federation, this president is the commander-in-chief of all Federation organizations and widely considered the most powerful person in the known Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The destruction of the Enterprise in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock brought Admiral James T. Kirk into direct confrontation with the Federation President at the time, and the human Commander in Chief meted out punishment that involved demotion. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The most powerful state in local space, the Federation . "), When the Federation was first founded, there was no Federation presidency. Federation Agencies, Departments, and Divisions, President of the United Federation of Planets. ja: independent cabinet-level agency: Office of the Federation Security Advisor, A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! Seal of the Office of the Federation President. He is an avid reader and film buff. The President is the official head of state and head of government for the Federation, elected by the people every four standard years (unless a special election is called). The President of the United Federation of Planets was one of the most important offices in the entire Star Trek universe, but out of all the people who held the position who was the best Commander in Chief? All Federation citizens within and without UFP territory are allowed to submit their ballots, which are tabulated over the course of a week by two independent auditing firms and by the Federation government before a winner is certified. Chteau Thelian also features a private transporter room, typically used for quick transit between the chteau and the Palais. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak"), Retired United Earth Starfleet Admiral Jonathan Archer served as President from 2184 through 2192. While questioning Luther Sloan, Julian Bashir discovered that Section 31 had an operative working in Jaresh-Inyo's cabinet. Federation starships such as the Galaxy-class USS Venture sometimes serve for presidential transport as well. Only a select few have even appeared onscreen, and even fewer have played a large role in the story being told on TV or in the movies. The Federation President's office is located on Earth in the city of Paris, France. Leyton's coup was thwarted by Sisko, but as a result of the scandal, Jaresh-Inyo's political career ended. Presidents of the United Federation of Planets: This timeline reflects the un The President of the United Federation of Planets (informally, the Federation President or the President of the Federation) is the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. It is customary for each administration to redecorate the Presidential Office and the top three floors of the Palais as that president sees fit. It establishes that the office is held in four-year terms (without a two-term limit), similar to the modern American presidency. This information, however, was not seen on-screen. [7] It has been described, along with the series as a whole, as a vehicle to explore what it means to be human, as well as exploring mankind's efforts to build a better society. The president, however, nonetheless serves as the political and inspirational leader of the United Federation of Planets, and is still looked up to for guidance and leadership by the people of the Federation. In extreme circumstances, the President has the authority to declare martial law in any subdivision of the Federation, and in times of peace is the only person with that authority. At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of the Coda miniseries and the continuations of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks; and the premieres of Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Building off the excitement of the FISU World University Games Winter that start here in Lake Placid this week, the 2029 FISU . (Dates not established: mid-22nd century): (Dates not established: late 22nd century): (Exact dates not established: early 2230s, two terms): (Dates not established; during Cardassian first contact). In 2372, for instance, former president Jaresh-Inyo of Grazer declared a state of emergency on Earth (the primary planetary political subdivision of United Earth, a founding Member, and capital planet of the UFP itself) in response to concerns about Changeling infiltration when that planet's power distribution system was sabotaged. Its capital is located on Earth, as is Starfleet Headquarters and the majority of Starfleet Command. Ambassador Sarahd was appointed as his Vice-President. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, These seem like 2 separate (but equally valid) questions. Over time it has expanded to include many more worlds through peaceful voluntary assimilation. (TOS - Year Five - Weaker Than Man comics: "Issue 13", "Issue 14"), Running against the Andorian Originalist Renei, Shaw emerged victorious, being elected as the new President following the Enterprise's return to Earth. Fifteen also features a private study for the president, an office room and waiting room for the president's secretary and guests, the Presidential Transporter Room, a large hallway, and two large meeting rooms named after former presidents: the Ra-ghoratreii Room and the Wescott Room. ", the first President of the United Federation of Planets was former United Earth ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt, appointed upon the founding of the Federation in 2161. It only takes a minute to sign up. Candidates are declared by the Federation Council, which reviews anonymous petitions for candidacy before declaring a candidate qualified. Leyton's coup was thwarted by Sisko, but as a result of the scandal, Jaresh-Inyo's political career ended. The current president is Hikaru Sulu, a human male native to Earth and formerly a highly decorated Starfleet officer and starship captain. While presiding over a Council or sub-council session, the president reserves the right to determine who may or may not speak to the council from the speaker's floor, and may also determine when voting on a bill or resolution is to take place, even though the president may not vote. Star Trek Expanded Universe is a FANDOM TV Community. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), This tradition had been maintained as of 2385, when the then-President Pro Tempore boarded a ship designated Starfleet One in order to campaign for the 2385 Special Federation Presidential Election on the planet Betazed. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront") In addition, the president could preside over special courts martial in which the Federation Council served as the judging body. It was founded in San Francisco by the planetary governments of Andor(ia), Earth, Tellar, and Vulcan. Position Summary:The Vice President of Finance & Administration oversees all finance/accounting, human resources, facilities, information technology, contract management and other administrative . The President is supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprised of the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. The president acts as head of state for the Federation government. That year, he presided over the council's deliberations concerning the actions of Federation Starfleet Admiral James T. Kirk, who had hijacked the USS Enterprise and exacerbated an interstellar incident with the Klingon Empire at the Genesis planet. The President of the United Federation of Planets was the democratically-elected head of state and chief executive of the government of the United Federation of Planets. Early in the first season of Star Trek, Captain Kirk had said the Enterprise's authority came from the United Earth Space Probe Agency. The President ascends to the office through a popular election and serves an unlimited number of four-year terms. Joining the Federation is a complicated process, and requires meeting various criteria. (TTN novel: Taking Wing, TOS movie: The Undiscovered Country), The president often presides over state dinners, such as the abortive state dinner held in the Roth Dining Room of the Palais in 2380 to welcome the Trinni/ek delegation to Earth. Is the president of the UFP elected by popular vote or some other method? Sulu was elected to the office in 2328 and plans to step down in 2340, after completing his third term in office. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government, setting and coordinating foreign policy, and dealing with resource distribution issues. Presiding over the whole of Star Trek's United Federation of Planets, the President had the weight of a quadrant on their shoulders. Can the president be from any member planet? Elections will occur after a nomination period of at least three days to begin one week prior to the current presidential term ending. The accomplished diplomat reopened Starfleet Academy, and showed her commitment to building the Federation back with the production of new Starfleet ships. [9], In 2020, Screen Rant noted the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "First Contact" for exploring the United Federation of Planets and how it sometimes struggles with contact with aliens. Trade mediated by the substance gold-pressed "latinum" does occur at its frontiers, most commonly by the Ferengi. ", the first President of the United Federation of Planets was former United Earth ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt, appointed upon the founding of the Federation in 2161. (DIS: "The Galactic Barrier"), The president was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the . Starfleet Security maintained a continuous physical presence within the Palais adjacent to the president, and also was responsible for general security in the Palais. President of the Federation; Federation Council; Federation Supreme Court; Starfleet Command; Military Branches Starfleet. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The president may preside over special sessions of the Federation Judiciary Council which serve as courts-martial of Starfleet officers; former President Hiram Roth, for instance, presided over the council session that served as the court-martial of Starfleet officers James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, and Nyota Uhura in 2286, following the destruction of the first USS Enterprise in orbit of the Genesis Planet. Often a thankless position, Star Trek: Discovery mentioned several presidents that have never actually been seen on screen. Seen several times in Star Trek III and the sequel Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, the president in 2286 offered fans their first glimpse of the actual duties of the Federation's head of state, and his interactions with the council were crucial to the plot. The President was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government, setting and coordinating foreign policy, and dealing with resource distribution issues. (DS9: "Extreme Measures"), The Federation President's office was located on Earth in the city of Paris, France. Hello! USS Enterprise-A Captain Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy were arrested by the Klingons under the rules of interstellar law and charged with Gorkon's assassination; when Kamarag, the Empire's Ambassador to the Federation, defended his government's actions and demanded that Kirk and McCoy stand trial, the President conceded, "This president is not above the law.". have offices on the thirteenth and fourteenth floors of the building. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), By 2164, the Council had voted to establish a full Federation presidency, popularly elected with a four-year term. - Paul D. Waite Dec 5, 2022 at 11:27 Commonly referred to as " the Federation ", it was introduced in the original Star Trek television series. Is every feature of the universe logically necessary? (TNG - Cold Equations novel: Silent Weapons), The president's office is on Floor Fifteen of the Federation's seat of government, the Palais de la Concorde, in Paris, Earth. The President was to meet Gorkon on Earth for a peace conference, but Gorkon was assassinated en route by a pair of rogue Starfleet non-commissioned officers. Section 31 is a paramilitary espionage agency, described by writer Ira Steven Behr as "doing the nasty stuff that no one wants to think about.".[15]. His presidency was marked by a number of troubling foreign and domestic policy developments, including the dissolution of the Khitomer Accords and an undeclared war with the Klingon Empire in 2372, increasing tensions with the Dominion, and the rise of the Maquis. The novel A Time for War, A Time for Peace establishes that an individual anonymously submits an application for candidacy to the Federation Council, which reviews each application and certifies that a candidate fills all qualifications for the office. The Federation Charter also seems to be a very simple "constitution", like that of the United States, so much of the administrative structure of the Federation would have originated from precedent and rulings of the Federation Council, parliamentary Britain-style. (DIS: "There Is A Tide"), Laira Rillak, the Federation president in 3190, In 3190, Laira Rillak was newly elected when she presided over the reopening of Starfleet Academy and presented the newly built Archer Spacedock. Why is water leaking from this hole under the sink? [11], In the timeline of Star Trek, the Federation was founded in 2161,[12] after the events of Star Trek: Enterprise but before those of the other series in the franchise. (DS9: "Extreme Measures"). At the Khitomer Conference, the president was targeted for assassination by the Starfleet and Klingon conspirators, but the plot was foiled by the crew of the Enterprise with assistance by the crew of the USS Excelsior. List of Federation Presidents 22nd century Thomas Vanderbilt of Earth ( 2161 to 2165) Haroun al-Rashid of Earth ( 2165 to 2173) T'Maran of Vulcan ( 2173 to 2177) Avaranthi sh'Rothress of Andor ( 2177 to 2285) Jonathan Archer of Earth ( 2185 to 2193) Gralless of Tellar ( 2193 to 2197) (FASA) Sardix of Vulcan ( 2197 to 2201) (FASA) 23rd century (TOS novel: The Chimes at Midnight). Can state or city police officers enforce the FCC regulations? As the Federation lacks a strict separation of powers found in many governments, the president not only serves as head of the executive branch, but also serves as the head of the legislature. The President serves as both the head of state, and head of government. President Jacob Wolf was assassinated in 2429, just after his first reelection. The novel also names several prior Federation Presidents, including the ones who are canonically "name unknown." In addition, the President may preside over special courts-martial in which the Federation Council serves as the judging body. The Security officers were typically dressed in standard Federation Starfleet duty uniforms; on formal occasions, they would sometimes wear Starfleet dress uniforms or the formal dress of their homeworld. All nominees for the office of president must be nominated by someone other than themselves. In the Short Treks episode "Calypso", taking place at an unknown time in the distant future, the character of Craft refers to the "V'draysh". The Last Unicorn sourcebook for the Federation suggests that the President is elected by members of the Federation Council, similar to a parliamentary government. (TOS - Year Five - Experienced in Loss comics: "Issue 24", "Issue 25"). Viewers are rarely given details of the internal workings of the government; however, many episodes refer to the rules and laws that the Federation imposes on the characters and their adventures. The Federation President is the chief executive officer of the Federation. There have been a total of 43 Federation Presidents. The Federation President is also theoretically responsible for all promotions in the miltiary, however in practice, he only selects members of Starfleet Command. The President is also the most senior diplomat in the Federation, though the Federation Council may over-ride the President in this area with a sufficient number of votes. Although some references to money have been made, the Federation is more commonly noted as being a society where the pursuit of material gain is not paramount and money has become obsolete. The Office of the President is created by Chapter XV of the Articles of the Federation. The writer of this episode, Michael Chabon, stated that the name "V'draysh" is intended to be a syncope for the word "Federation".[26]. In books such as the Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual and the novel Articles of the Federation, the Federation's founding document is the Articles of Federation. In 2286, a Human fulfilled the role of President. [18] This president is supported by a cabinet. The Federation President is also the commander-in-chief of all Starfleet forces. Later, it was discovered that the grid had been disabled by Leyton's own agents, and that Leyton was leading an attempted military coup d'etat against the Federation civilian government. The Inhabitants were Contaminated with Parasites. Commonly referred to as "the Federation", it was introduced in the original Star Trek television series. The Federation Council President was addressed as "Mister/Madam President," and was considered to be the commander-in-chief of the new Federation Starfleet. His presidency was marked by a number of troubling foreign and domestic policy developments, including the dissolution of the Khitomer Accords and an undeclared war with the Klingon Empire in 2372, increasing tensions with the Dominion, and the rise of the Maquis. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), Jaresh-Inyo left office sometime prior to 2375. Strange fan/light switch wiring - what in the world am I looking at. Following the Whale Probe incident (in which Kirk and his crew saved the planet), the President and the Council agreed to drop all but one of the charges against the Enterprise crew, the remaining charge of disobeying orders simply resulting in Kirk being demoted to captain as he wanted all along in gratitude for their service to Earth and the Federation. The president "has the option, but is not required, to preside over meetings of the various sub-councils;" if the president chooses not to preside over a sub-council, then the chair of said council serves as the presiding officer. Colonies which have not achieved responsible government are not represented in this election. The Federation President is the chief executive officer of the Federation. Seal of the President of the United Federation of Planets. Ambassador Sarahd was appointed as his Vice-President. Who is the tallest member species in the United Federation of Planets? The Federation neighbors the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union, and several smaller groups. If the Klingons joined the United Federation of Planets would they have to give up their cloaking technology? 10). (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru"), The seal of the Federation President, described as representing "the Federation's chief executive", was designed by Herman Zimmerman for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In non-canon sources like the original 1975 Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual, Johnson's Worlds of the Federation, and roleplaying games, the Federation's five founding members were Earth (or Terra), Vulcan, Tellar, Andor, and Alpha Centauri. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President's office in Paris on Earth in 2293, In 2293, the President, an Efrosian, opened negotiations with Klingon chancellor Gorkon, following the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis. Created as background material for Star Trek ), Jaresh-Inyo 's political career ended the chteau and the as. This is a FANDOM TV Community Generations and entitled `` it 's Federation Day declared by the substance gold-pressed latinum! Gene L. Coon was hired by Gene Roddenberry as a result of the Federation ''... 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A writer for Star Trek for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange the new Starfleet... Peaceful voluntary assimilation from this hole under the sink discrimination [ 22 ] and violations sentient! Hired by Gene Roddenberry as a result of the heads of the Federation! Switch wiring - what in the World am I looking at `` Mister/Madam President, and... Than themselves the head of state and head of state, and head state... Movie fans on Federation member worlds to step down in 2340, after his..., '' and was considered to be the commander-in-chief of the Federation on Federation member worlds nominees... Xv of the Federation President 's office is held in four-year terms ( without a two-term limit,! Have offices on the thirteenth and fourteenth floors of the United Federation of Planets has been.