In a readers' poll conducted by the Russian newspaper Izvestiya, 46% agreed that a car is dirty if it's license plate is no longer visible. If you fail, you could end up with a steep fine or ten days in jail. The mainstay of the Civil framework is the Constitution of Argentina (1853). By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information. In any normal case, most people would say no. Some target. Good luck. Certainly, many people in Scotland are slamming their doors in their faces right now. It is unknown why the town couldnt simply outlaw getting moose drunk.[2]. There are so many laws in the world that we wondered what exactly we were missing. Herewith, we've assembled our favorite head-scratching weird laws around the world. This penalty is increased if the act is committed in conjunction with another offence, for example, defiling a national flag that has been stolen. Here are 15 funny, dumb, and crazy laws from around the world. Anniversaries of the conflict are always an occasion for demonstrations outside the British Embassy by various activist groups in support of Argentinas position on the Falkland Islands. That's untrue; Indonesia knows thattaking somebody's head for such a crime makes no sense. Still, many of them are on the books, and plenty of people can unknowingly commit crimes for various odd reasons, though they probably wont actually get in trouble for it, of course. If you`ve been planning to be here for a long time and are considering cosmetic procedures, Buenos Aires could be a place to do it. The list I believe has about 13,800 names on it so it is extensive, but the whole idea seems bizarre to me! Singapore Fine: $500 6. How much does it cost to feed the pigeons in St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy? Called the Cell Phone in Banks Prohibition Act, the law bans clients from using communication gadgets, including cell phones and laptops, within bank premises. South Africa is home to some of the world's most beautiful beaches, but you'll have to follow some pretty bizarre rules if you plan to visit. It was once legal for a man to physically assault his wife at home, but he was limited to committing this act only once per month. Please indicate if these laws are correct or if you can share more with us. If you were caught with too many potatoes, the fine would be a whopping $2,000. Other than that, it is illegal to frown around public places, or you will be arrested and fined. Judges of the lower courts are delegated by the president. :)


Jesse Perez - World Nomads Travel Safety Hub. Sure, it can be tempting. Since 1985, political officials have warned that they would "take action" if "intercourse continued in them." Some people just want a comfortable bed after a long, hard day at work. Laws are often a product of the time and place when they are passed. Men Cannot Wear Strapless Dresses The proper etiquette for eating these foods is by using your hand and this weird food law demonstrates that fact. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. You are using an out of date browser. And to all the dog-lovers out there, there's really no need to steal your neighbor's mutthere, we made you this guide to prove it: How to Buy the Perfect Dog. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. The Australian Embassy is located in Belgrano, Villanueva 1400 in Zabala (tel. This statute goes back to 1313, when a guy dressed in armor walking into a government building meant some serious stuff was about to go down. We know how seriously they take this crime, but it`s in the books as a crime. Finally, a law against being a jerk for no reason. Alaska. We only mention the "bad and worst things" in the spirit of education and in the wish that our travellers stay safe. The son of one Cordwainer Thomas broke his arm after he was pushed to the floor by the crowd that gathered around Hetherington. Weird Australian Laws. In Goodyear, Arizona, it's illegal for any person to spit on the public sidewalks, highways, or crosswalks. It is on the books in China that a person must be intelligent to go to college. Yours sounds interesting, Erin. Wahhabism demands that women cover themselves and be kept separate from men. The crown left their swans untagged, while everybody else tagged theirs. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel: The situation around the world is changing dramatically. These rules and regulations were passed by the Connecticut state legislature, or in an individual Connecticut city, and for one reason or another, were never overturned, remaining active on the books until this day. Women who dared to drive were arrested and fined. Arkansas. It's a good idea to always carry photo ID with you as police may ask for it. 2022 Galvanized Media. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Hope to hear from you all soon. East Punjab Agricultural Pets, Diseases and Noxious Weeds Act of 1949. definitely not cool if you're a man over 40. And according to a 2014 Procter & Gamble survey, two out of three beachgoers admit to peeing in the ocean. In Turin, dog owners must walk their dogs three times a day. She was quick to speak up on the "Buffy" set. Coincidence? 9.36.150 Carrying animals on outside of vehicle. All Rights Reserved. For more advice on how to speak to women, here's 40 ThingsMen Should Never Say to a Woman in Bed. No Animal Shooting from Air. According to the government, such an indulgence induces and encourages lascivious feelings. 0800-555-0016. For them to assume that people are not going to have relations because their bed is uncomfortable is a little bit crazy. There might be a little confusion here - this is an article from the World Nomads Safety Hub - we are here to educate travellers about some of the dangers they may face during their travels. In Argentina, dont expect to sleep on a luxurious mattress filled with comfortable feathers. Women were not allowed to drive because Saudi Arabia follows the strict Wahhabism version of Islamic law. This could be one of those laws that came about because of the one man who married a crazy woman, forgot his birthday and probably met a miserable end. Colloquially known as 'rats with wings', pigeons rank alongside the weather and early closing hours as some of Vienna's most popular topics for complaint. Offences committed against national symbols carry a penalty of imprisonment between six months and four years. The signals are often very weak, and nearby radio signals would interfere with its operation. The fine could be up to $2,500 or six months . Nobody wants to wake up from a coma and realize, oh crap, I married who? 11/4773-9891). Read full article. It's definitely one of the weirdest laws around the world. The Argentine Ministry of Tourism has a stand at Ezeiza Airport with information about Buenos Aires and the rest of Argentina, open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (tel. To prevent a repeat, the government of the day passed a law banning citizens from wearing top hats. The world is full of different cultures and traditions, and each country has its own set of rules and customs, each more curious than the other. Old and sick people are usually transported off the island to live their last days.[4]. So there, as improbable as these laws might seem, they do have comprehensive explanations. Worth it? Magazines like Caras ( and Gente ( will keep you up to date with celebrity gossip, and Lugares ( is a good source of Spanish travel articles. Precedence of Laws International Treaties. America's Weird Laws! Guyana has three main geographical regions. In fact you shouldnt even be referring to the islands with its English name use Las Islas Malvinas instead. In the U.S., if you're caught driving while intoxicated, you should expect some jail time and to have your license suspended. But by specifying "after the sun goes down," were they implying that getting our freak on outside a church is perfectly acceptable during the day? A huge relief if your biggest health concern is being momentarily disturbed by a faint squeaking sound in the distance. Due to the exchange rate, Argentina also becomes a place of tourism in plastic surgery. If you're still not sure whether to go full-on beard, though, Let These 10 Goddesses Decide for You. Be aware, talking politics as a foreigner can be a risky business. Wait, that mushroom cloud over the city is your fault? There are many more crazy laws, too many to fit on this small list, but we will admit that we have found some juicy ones that we know will interest you. But since 2011, thanks to some inconsiderate nude hiker whose unsolicited naked ass was witnessed by a family, hiking in the buff could get you fined 100 Swiss francs (around $103). No definitions for these terms are provided. For example, ATCP Rule 81.40 (1) states that the flavor of Wisconsin certified premium grade AA Cheddar must be "highly pleasing," while ATCP Rule 81.42 (1) states that grade B Cheddar need only be "fairly pleasing.". Bigfoot hunters, beware. Despite the title, these are four things that pretty much anyone in Argentina will recognize. AS/COA Online looks at gun-related legislation in Latin America's largest economies, identifying regulations for arms licensing. Calling cell phones from abroad can be complicated.
I am from Argentina and have many friends that are NOT Argentinians, and yet their stories and experiences are not at all like yours. 14 / 50 Zih-Yang Lin // Wikicommons #37. There are some pretty weird laws in Nevada, but when it really comes down to it this one is probably the weirdest. However, some skeptics doubt the efficiency of the ban, since most bank robbers trail the customer and rob them outside the bank.[5]. But riding a cow while drunk? Flickr/Enrique Dans. While you're figuring it out, you might want to consult the Classy Man's Guide to Adjusting His Package in Public. Certain Dances Are Prohibited. bbbrrn iStock via Getty Images You read that right. A wedding is a magical day, and you probably want to be awake for some of it. The fines can go up to $600. There is this old law in Scotland that could potentially kill people. Argentina is one of the safest countries for travelers in Latin America, but but petty crime does occur. One law requires young people in bathing suits to sit at least 12 inches apart from each other. Its skin changes from almost smooth, to spiky in a matter of minutes. Nowadays, seeing a guy in armor usually means you're at a Ren Faire. Are Russians parking their cars in swamps? 20 Life-Changing Trips from Famous Travelers. I've been told that if you want to change your name your choice consists of Juan or Maria. So in 1958, Congress passed a law banning radio devices around the observatory. Many become outdated and can often seem strange or archaic during later eras. The law declared a 16-kilometer (10 mi) radius around the observatory to be radio device-free. Lots of wacky laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. And while we're on the subject of France, here's Why French Men Don't Get Caught. The constitution restricts torment; be that as it may, by and by police severity remains a difficult issue. Always be polite and never give them any attitude. The legal drinking age in Argentina is 18 and there are different blood alcohol limits for drivers; 0.02% for scooters and motorbikes, 0.05% for other vehicles. I almost feel sorry for you you didn't see anything good worth to be mentioned here (not food, culture, music, tango, landscapes) and you didn't have any good experiences to share. The mainstay of the Civil framework is the Constitution of Argentina (1853). You're right, it's not. Trial by jury was approved by the 1853 constitution for criminal cases, however its foundation was left to the tact of congress, bringing about sporadic utilize. Read these awesomely crazy, strange, odd, bizarre, dumb, funny, random and extremely weird laws in the United States of America! Yes, it's illegal to fly your UFO over France. You'll have to save the bird food for somewhere else. In Canada, any comic book that portrays illegal activity is banned. iPhone. Flickr/Olga. No saliva, blood, urine, or "fecal material." In 2011, the South Korean government passed the Shutdown Law (also called the Cinderella Act) to curb excessive gaming among teenagers. The Supreme Court, which administers and controls all other government courts, is made out of nine individuals assigned by the president and affirmed by the Senate. But what about laws that don`t make sense? In Alabama, dressing up as or pretending to be a priest, nun, rabbi or other members of the clergy is illegal. Read more Interesting Indiana Facts and Weird Laws Image: Unsplash #15. Just to be safe, check out this list of 46 weird laws so you know what not to do. Argentina Prohibited and Restricted Items FedEx Cross Border is unable to ship prohibited and non-approved restricted items on behalf of its customers. 7. Who`s there? A Look Back At The Month That Was : March 2022, The Next Experience That I Am Anxious To Try in 2023, Analyse A Common Saying That Has Never Made Any Sense To You, 2007 to 2023 16 Years Of Maintaining This Blog. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, doctors and emergency health personnel are allowed to use their cell phones while responding to emergencies or consulting with patients. Any law that contains the sentence, "Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans," is a legal document you probably don't want to mess with. Almost every city and state has some outdated, old-fashioned or even . It is illegal to ask about a job. From grapes to a gaucho who had an affair with his boss lady, Argentina not just Buenos Aires is rife with strange and unique traditions, customs and beliefs. 4 min read 6.4 K Shares. The company's CEO says they're diversifying. Even for a complete stranger, regardless of gender. During a 2009 Philippines court case, it was described as any behavior or language that "could unjustifiably annoy or vex an innocent person." Owning a satellite dish that gets foreign TV might cost you $100,000 in fines and two years in prison, on top of getting your dish confiscated. In Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, gun possession is legal for civilians, though restrictions tend to be stringent. This is one of those laws that was made up on a whim by someone who just wasnt getting any. 2. As the Argentina Independent reported, local lawmakers were concerned that "such an indulgence induces and encourages lascivious feelings." If you want to help the homeless, buy a monthly issue of Hecho in Bs. The principal Civil Code was composed by Argentine legal scholar Dalmacio Vlez Srsfield, and became effective on January 1, 1871 and remained law until 1 August 2015, when it was supplanted by another Civil and Commercial Code Cdigo Civil y Comercial de la Nacin. [9] While some did report that the ban was for health reasons, there were also claims that the French government outlawed ketchup in order to promote French dishes and culture. Almost everywhere you go, there are laws against speeding or shoplifting, laws that govern the purchase and consumption of alcohol, and zoning laws that dictate what kind of buildings you can build where. The leading English-language newspaper is the Buenos Aires Herald (, which is an excellent source for travelers. Random road signs that make you think, Who did this to get them to make a law about this? or even laws around names, because why not control every possible move your citizens can make, right? However, Hetherington insisted he had not broken any law. Know How to Buy Your Kid A Future, don't let some stranger buy your kid. Expect a kiss on the cheek as a greeting, as this is the typical and normal way to greet in Argentina. Stephen Goldberg Report. 1. Communist Hire: Forbidden. 11/4312-5550), with a street-level information desk in the shopping arcade of the building, open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Government websites and have databases and links to hotels and other services that can be searched by topic, city, province and region. No spitting (it's a public nuisance) Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs. 1. Here's what to look out for. The tavern owner stopped bringing his moose to his bar but still got it drunk in his home. It harkens back to 1924, when a chimpanzee in South Bend was found guilty of smoking a cigarette and fined $5. Penalties for drug offences, even possession of small amounts, are severe and include lengthy imprisonment in local jails. Commonplace courts incorporate incomparable courts, investigative courts, courts of first occasion, and minor courts of judges of the peace (alcaldes) and of market judges. Today, coat hangers in the cloakrooms of the British Parliament are modified to hold the swords of members of Parliament. The Ministry of Tourism is located at Suipacha 1111 between Santa Fe and Arenales, 21st floor (the address is sometimes given as Sante Fe 883; tel. Gum has been banned in the southeast Asian sovereign state since 1992, because Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew thought it would lead to "mischief-making" like "putting chewing gum on our subway train doors so that they don't open." Maybe now you'll just close the gate when we ask you nicely! Moose aren't allowed on the sidewalk. The Brilliant High School, New Bowenpally'POST', '', true); Either way, every man in Samoa has a good reason to never forget his wife`s birthday. Be aware local laws in Argentina may be different to what you know at home. It's the law, man. But don't let the fine stop youwe're pretty sure you could start a Kickstarter and raise that money in about five seconds. The majority of them were passed centuries ago and have never been repealed, although theyre not currently being enforced. We can absolutely get behind this law. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. In fact, it's not just during Halloween. Who knew that eliminating sex crimes would be as easy as banning sriracha? This rule was introduced in 2006, a year after Rome issued a decree saying that dog owners must walk their dogs at least once a day. All weird laws have to originate somewhere. 1. 1. First of all, why are you wearing camouflage on a Caribbean island? The toll-free hotline for tourist information about Argentina is tel. According to the government, such enjoyment triggers and encourages lascivious feelings. Okay, cool sounds like a small scale for us. At worst, getting caught doing soin Indonesia just means you'll be rotting in a prison for a measly 32 months. JavaScript is disabled. It's one of those laws that nobody wants to be in charge of enforcing. They have had traveled extensively backpacking and on buses and their accounts are far more fun, than what I read in here. Once a target was spotted, the robber would use his cell phone to instruct other gang members outside the bank to rob the client. flickr/ Centophobia. So, a portion of ketchup can be served with, say, French fries, but students cant just slather whatever they want with as much ketchup as they want. There are a lot of weird laws around the world, but most of them don't dictate something as harmless as baby names. The industry is unregulated meaning that there is a high risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine night clubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. If you're a retailer, you are excluded from this law. The law is still upheld today and has been extended to bulletproof vests. But every state has weird laws that are still on the books, and there's a good chance you've broken at least one of them. This law is definitely archaic, as you'll find if you go to any central Arkansas fast food restaurant on any given weekend. June 20, 2012, 5:08 PM. Almost everywhere you go, there are laws against speeding or shoplifting, laws that govern the purchase and consumption of alcohol, and zoning laws that dictate what kind of buildings you can build where. Here are 12 weird laws in Oregon that will leave you scratching your head. Today, Arkansas law prosecutes domestic abuse, according to the Office of the City Attorney in Springdale, Arkansas. You should always dial 011 before 3pm if you are calling these numbers from outside Buenos Aires. Scroll down below for our list of weird rules in the U.S. and share if you know more of these! Talking about having passion to dance the national dance. 61. I mean, except for how it's enforced. Just put on a bathing suit and call it a day. Well, only one way to find out. The legal framework is liable to delays, bringing about protracted pretrial detainment. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); Economic crashes, underground dollar exchanges, Rolling Stones cults, and a string of five Presidents in two weeks Argentina is a crazy place. The industry is unregulated meaning that there is a high risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. This sauce mandate was meant to improve the overall dietary quality of meals. She's very talented, go subscribe to her channel: if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { This doesn't sound like an especially bizarre law? Listen to episode 18 of The World Nomads Podcast and find out what to see in Argentina, what to drink and how to kiss properly! This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. No person driving a motor vehicle shall transport any animal in the back of the vehicle in a space intended for any load on the vehicle on a street unless the space is enclosed or has side and tail walls to a height of at least 46 inches . Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons. All other types of cheeses mentioned in the ATCP's rules have similar . Kelly O'Mara. Not cool. In 2012, the mayor of Falciano dal Massico, Italy, banned residents from dying within town limits. The following list includes 10 weird laws in Nevada which you should know if you plan to play in this state: Camel Riding Restrictions. In 1992 an arrangement of oral open trials was established to accelerate the legal procedure while enhancing the security of procedural privileges of criminal respondents. The main Spanish-language newspapers are El Pas (, Clarn (, Pgina 12 ( and Perfil ( Some are outdated and others are cultural. It also requires every woman to have a male guardian.[7]. Local laws and customs Don't become involved with illegal drugs of any kind. It's a shame, because chewing gum can actually be a great way to activate your metabolism. East Punjab Agricultural Pets, diseases and Noxious Weeds Act of 1949. definitely not if! Guide to Adjusting his Package in public after a long, hard day at work many... Head-Scratching weird laws in Oregon that will leave you scratching your head restricts torment ; be that as may. Material. be radio device-free end up with a steep fine or ten days in jail have because! Of Parliament is one of the safest countries for travelers outlaw getting moose drunk. [ 4.! A wedding is a magical day, and website in this browser for the next time I.. Mattress filled with comfortable feathers theyre not currently being enforced to improve the dietary! 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