Only God knows the way how to lead such a young soulto come to Him at last! Its not about appearance, it could be a black guy standing right there with the same kind of response. So in this situation I described is he still criminal???? Getting 24 years for the unintentional terrible and tragic incident is not fair We stand with Herrin cause we are humans and we all make mistakes no matter what is our race, religion, or language,one user wrote. in case you didnt know. Why cant you understand that it is criminal to just consider doing that. All he did as a mistake was speeding up in the street. No!!! Shame on you for your indifference to the family of the victims,the victims of this unconscious criminal. Except that he was only going 30-40 when the accident happened. Are the lives of the victims worth nothing? Oda a fiatal lete! Support-Cameron-herrin (@believer_girl0) on TikTok | 85 Likes. Mert aki voln mg l, ha nem is hajt gyorsan brkivel elfordulhat ilyen balesetet szenved! January 10, 2023, 5:47 pm, by If he had been in that accident when he was driving legally. Sympathizing with criminals isnt something new. But all you did was compare Cameron with those psycho killers. Cameron Herrin, sentenced to 24 years in prison in Tampa, Florida, in April for vehicular homicide, has been determined "too cute" to be locked up. #3 They have evidence from the vehicle he was driving in, that he was going 102 mph. I dont know about you, but Ive never committed vehicular manslaughter and if I did I would want to be held accountable. Dear ALL! Did the mother and her baby deserve to die? Im moved by his age. This is why teenagers act stupidly; they are incapable of rational thinking, or at least their rational thinking is not nearly at the level as those of us with fully developed prefrontal cortexes. This is such a sad thing to see, so many real criminals getting off with a slap on the wrist but this kid getting 24 years for an accident. #9 This was not just a mistake. It doesnt matter whether I stick to the speed or not. Herrin, who was close to 60mph above the speed limit, lost control of his vehicle and hit the mother and daughter. Ne szabja meg a bntetst a pnzel a zsebben! Its common sense that when you drive a car at such a crazy speed, you could crash into a car or hit someone and cause fatal damage. But with just that he is not criminal but he killed that two people right? Mariam Nowar Sorry for my bad english but i hope it is understandable. That right there removed murdering 2 people as an accident. This week, Hillsborough Circuit Judge Christopher Nash formally rejected the request, according to court records. As u know GOD will punish all the persons who killed any body because of (any reason) He may will be punished By God by his Reaction everybody knows he was shocked!!!! Youre definitely right Marwa. In this disgustingly selfsh society, we must learn to respect other peoples lives and not risk them for some fun. I wish the mother and her baby could have had a second chance.Their life was taken away by an irresponsible man. Elg bntets ennek a gyereknek ezzel egytt lni! Right! Cameron is not a psychopath, he didnt intentionally murder. Its not about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child thats unfair hope he gets a second chance ? People have been following the law for a decade and so should he! Theres a thing called Law and Jail for a reason! As a driver, I dont have to stop without a pedestrian crosswalk only because a pedestrian appears on the side. If he had killed an ugly woman and an ugly baby (you are using beauty as your yardstick), this unjust 24 year sentence would be much less. 2k? What is the use of throwing a person into an overcrowded prison system? Oh wow a criminal psychologist huh. For me personally this case ist difficult. The dad is really forgiving man, if i was him there will be no more bone. May not have parents alive at that time or any support system in place. He shouldve thought of the consequences before doing such an act. .. it is so hard and painful for him now no one can hug him to support his parents is not close, Pienso igual que t y para m la belleza es irrelevante lo que me impacto fue que hacia dos das acabada de cumplir 18 aos y de graduarse en el colegio catholic high school con buenas calificaciones siempre en el seno de sus padres no era un chico problemtico ni pandillero juvenil no tena cuentas con las leyes, por est razn me solidarizo con Cameron y lo apoyo y lo seguir apoyando lamento lo que le pas a Jessica y a su hija pero la intencin de Cameron no era matar a nadie cometi un grave error el horror que ha estado viviendo nada ms de pesar en que ayer era un nio ya hoy soy adulto que todos me estn acusando y sealando por favor est pagando en carne propia por lo que hizo y meter a la crcel tanto aos a un joven que pudiera ser un profesional que necesita la nacin se va a perder en un calabozo pudieron haberle dado otro castigo y menos aos si Dios permiti que el quedar vivo fue por algn propsito un segundo chance pero no todos lo entierran vivo en una crcel y despus preguntan por qu estamos viviendo tantas catstrofes en el mundo por la misma maldad del hombre por su misma injusticia por la falta de perdn exiten en los corazones Dios ya perdono a este muchacho porque se me en su mirada que lo est y no se cansa de decirse da a da como hubiese vuelto el tiempo atrs no haber hecho lo que hice por que estuvieran vivas Jessica y su hija y yo estara en mi hogar junto a mis padres eso es lo que se dice da a da es joven que pudo haber sido el medico que ustedes necesitaran en la emergencia del hospital o el contratista que el construyera su casa pero ahora que ser en 24 aos? That is just crazy stupid right there! This is the law not some little accident. Your email address will not be published. At the trial it was confirmed that he had no previous convictions until the accident. Get away with it? They are a way of amplifying someones voice on social media by making it look like lots of people, and I do mean people, lots of people are for a particular issue,Dr. Ron Sanders, a staff director at Cyber Florida, explained. He was a spoiled little kid whose parents bought him a mustang for graduation. a boy doesnt live his own family, he doesnt live a life in life he doesnt experience travel he doesnt experience anything damn its hard to know that Cameron will come in 24 years your world damn He has dolls and life before him and especially from that prison a completely different boy and I know one thanks a day for what we did for him, so I dont think he really deserves it, I understand he killed two dead girls or a girl with a baby But the lady really had nothing to do outside the crossing and still on the road with a small child and she still had nothing to do with it, and the boy is kicking for 24 years now, where only they will be disgusting, rough and have to do everything they say, I hope the world will help him and simply everyone has their opinion, I understand and I respect, I dont know how it will be with him every day, I look on the internet, if there is something better on it some news better, I think absolute Everyone should get a second chance to make such a big mistake that you can not forgive it, but I think there are bigger and pretty big mistakes that they punish people with even less punishment than Cameron, I cry every day when he speaks or writes and I hope I pray every day to let him go. Cameron and Johns attorneys entered pleas of not guilty to two charges of vehicular homicide. He regrets everything that happened, cannot switch it back to normal testified that he feels for the loss of 2 lives via his hands and will remember his entire life . 24 years is a bit harsh. i wonder how he graduated> u are like asshole where shit goes out and ur gasses. After this massive twist and arguments about Cameron Herrin and his car accident, do you still think that beauty privilege doesnt control our thoughts, opinions, and relations with people? This was a spoiled indulged brat. ??? Over-speeding has consequences, it was Camerons decision not to act like a rational human being. The court suspended his license for five years, and he is expected to complete 200 hours of community service. So how you can call him criminal!!! would he be receiving this amount of attention and support from young girls? You say he should have thought of his consequences, but at his age, the prefrontal cortex of the brain isnt finished developing. Wow!!! im sure even the victims family would hav forgiven him coz THAT would be an accident. Hello! Judge Nash is a self-righteous pig appointed by a crook Senator (Scott). Even if it was unintentional he still killed two peoples! But if u guys call this murder, then generally murderers get 10 to 20 years of sentence at the max level, but Cameron got 24. Think about yourselves at this age, the stupid mistakes we all made. The judge ruled Cameron Herrin, one of two men involved in the deadly 2018 Tampa street racing crash on Bayshore Boulevard, was guilty on two counts of vehicular homicide and sentenced him to. The motion was filed August, in which Herrin's attorney, John Fitzgibbons, used suspended State Attorney Andrew Warren's voicemail as an argument to reduce the sentence. An accident is turning the corner at normal speed and hitting themstreet racing at 100 mph is stupidity that should be severely punished. Obviously my cousin has a penchant for Cameron because of his attractiveness. All the law knows is that he drove over the allowed speed and he illegally raced, causing a murder of two souls. 3) i see some tiktokers even comparing this to a muslim man forgiving his childs murderersorry to say that murderer still got his sentence so even if the husband forgive the boy he still has to go to jail Definitely car racing circuits are needed and the racers should be sent there. Like paedophilia is a crime, Hybristophilia too should be declared a crime and such people be locked in jail or mental asylum wherever they get fit. Well if its a accident then- NO he did the crime now he does the time. February 22, 2022 by Shyam. It was not a coincidence. And this whole mama Im in love with a criminal trend on Tiktok . He was NOY racing upon impact. I am not a teenager to fall in love for his looks but seeing him as a kid who accepted that he did a mistake. Well, this WAS someone of us: one young mother and her daughter both LOST THEIR LIVES and none of them WILL NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE. It was certain that a tragedy was going to occur the moment Cameron made the decision to over-speeding. 18 year olds have common sense. Its a privilege not a right to own one. Y le quito la vida a una madre joven que tambin tenia mucho que vivir pero no lo voy a juzgar el tomo una decisin mala que le trajo consecuencia pero todos sabemos que estamos en este mundo para perdonar y cometer errores pero bueno lo que paso paso nada mas le deseo mucha suerte en la crcel y que siga adelante y para Isabella Guzmn no le creo que hiso eso eso es algo muy grave matara a la madre que la trajo a este mundo no eso no puede seguir as pero no me se la vida que tenan ni como era su relacin de madre e hija ni los problemas que tenan pero no me importa ella cometi eso y yo no me puedo andar metiendo en la vida de los dems por que eso no ayuda para nada. Cameron is a good person. Most people showed empathy to his case and claimed that he shouldnt be sentenced to 24 years, too much for an accident, they said. Cars like the Mustang are have so much power. Go and click this dumbass???! bc i 100% know that if any of his fans mom and baby sister were killed they wouldnt be loving their murderer. Press Esc to cancel. accident my ass. This scumbag was consciously and recklessly violating the law: not only by speeding over 100 miles per hour in urban terrain (I am not sure, but that probably is 2x or even 3x the allowed speed limit in urban area), but also having fun by participating in ILLEGAL STREET RACING. They sympathized with him! In exchange for a guilty plea, John received a six-year prison sentence followed by 15 years of probation. It was the same money that has compensated 8 member of Jessicas family with 6.4 million dollars. Sad This is not about the way he looks! Lastly: he isnt the victim. May his sentence be greatly reduced. Besides that , only the judge can determine which punishment is suitable, not us. Dont forget the mother and her baby. Hes a kid who made a terrible mistake that he will forever be sorry for. hope you get it now. Ask yourself, will locking up a child who will then become something horrible in prison justice for anyone? Yeah, the court is lying and Nada knows the truth guys. 4) for some who say 24 is too longdarling, 24 years is nothing compared to the husbands eternal loss of his wife and child and last i checked they didnt include speeding and illegal racing so it could be longer Secondly, I very much like that you say in the last paragraph what people *should* be doing and what the world *should* look like. But the main question is if the youth reckless can be asses as premeditation murder? Its not about appearance, it could be a black guy standing right there with the same kind of response. . Mariam Nowar He was bookish is what peers claim. I pray for Cameron Herrin. Each of us deserves another chance, Cameron Herren deserves another chance in this life, give him hope We all know that he never intended to kill, nor did he want to hurt anyone Ha jl tudom a csald elg j krtrtst kapott, tudom ezzel nem kapja vissza a csaldjt, de a pnzt zsebre rakta a srcra meg a maximumot krte!ki nem hibzott mg? #justiceforcameronherrin #JusticeForHerrin If he didnt think about the consequences of street racing then thats his fault for not thinking ahead. Even you already knew that, You still learn what is right and wrong in your church or mosque! First of all the entire premise is nonsense. Cameron egy fiatal felntt! Streetracing is no accident. 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