
Only weak pastors drink water, fruit juice while preaching — Pastor Paul Enenche

Dunamis church general overseer, Pastor Paul Enenche, has decried what he described as a generation of weakness in Christendom.

Enenche says there are too many weak pastors out there these days.

“Grace is a major secret of unbeatable strength, call it superhuman energy, extra natural stamina; you achieve more in a day than some will achieve in a week on the grounds of energy,” Enenche told listeners at the Destiny Recovery Convention 2022 on Tuesday.

“One day, after a night vigil, it was in Area One, I felt so energized like I can preach for the next six hours. I told my wife, she said; ‘ehen ehen, go ahead. Let us normal human beings go and sleep.’

“I said, ‘What are you talking about? You mean I am not normal?’

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“But that is what grace does for you.

“Kathryn Kuhlman on her feet for six, seven hours. Oral Roberts laid hands on ten thousand heads, one by one.

“Our generation, we are too weak; preach for three minutes, drink water. In some places, it is even worse; Five Alive, Eva juice – the congregation is salivating.

“I just came back from holiday; I went to Los Angeles for vacation; I have been preaching so much for the past three months that I needed to take four weeks’ holiday. I passed through Dubai, on my way I just went through Paris and then, I decided to go to Tel Aviv in Israel.

“Oral Roberts was in Madison Square Garden for about six weeks; every day crusade and you know, energy sustain destiny.

“Nobody can fulfil destiny in weakness; exploit does not belong to the weak.

“Weakness excuses you from the realm of exploit — easy tiredness, yawning in the morning, what do you do at night?

“I have been in prayer meetings before where almost after every five minutes, you will see somebody yawning. If you give them a yawnometer to measure the frequency of the yawning, you will be shocked at how frequent they were yawning, even faster than how Peter was denying Jesus Christ.

“I will like you to know that success is a product of strength. Lazy people can never be successful; the hand of the diligent maketh rich.”

Church Gist

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